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/* Copyright (C) 2001      Eric Seigne         <erics@rycks.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2015 Destailleur Laurent <eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
 * Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Regis Houssin       <regis.houssin@inodbox.com>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 *   	\file       htdocs/core/class/translate.class.php
 *      \ingroup    core
 *		\brief      File for Tanslate class

 *		Class to manage translations
class Translate
	public $dir;                          // Directories that contains /langs subdirectory

	public $defaultlang;                  // Current language for current user
	public $charset_output='UTF-8';       // Codage used by "trans" method outputs

	public $tab_translate=array();        // Array of all translations key=>value
	private $_tab_loaded=array();         // Array to store result after loading each language file

	public $cache_labels=array();         // Cache for labels return by getLabelFromKey method
	public $cache_currencies=array();     // Cache to store currency symbols
    private $cache_currencies_all_loaded=false;

	 *	Constructor
	 *  @param	string	$dir            Force directory that contains /langs subdirectory (value is sometimes '..' like into install/* pages or support/* pages). Use '' by default.
	 *  @param  Conf	$conf			Object with Dolibarr configuration
	public function __construct($dir, $conf)
		if (! empty($conf->file->character_set_client)) $this->charset_output=$conf->file->character_set_client;	// If charset output is forced
		if ($dir) $this->dir=array($dir);
		else $this->dir=$conf->file->dol_document_root;

	 *  Set accessor for this->defaultlang
	 *  @param	string	$srclang     	Language to use. If '' or 'auto', we use browser lang.
	 *  @return	void
	public function setDefaultLang($srclang = 'en_US')
		global $conf;

		//dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::setDefaultLang srclang=".$srclang,LOG_DEBUG);

		// If a module ask to force a priority on langs directories (to use its own lang files)
		if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_FORCELANGDIR))
			foreach($conf->file->dol_document_root as $dir)
				$newdir=$dir.$conf->global->MAIN_FORCELANGDIR;    // For example $conf->global->MAIN_FORCELANGDIR is '/mymodule' meaning we search files into '/mymodule/langs/xx_XX'
				if (! in_array($newdir, $this->dir))
				    $more['module_'.$i]=$newdir; $i++;   // We add the forced dir into the array $more. Just after, we add entries into $more to list of lang dir $this->dir.
			$this->dir=array_merge($more, $this->dir);    // Forced dir ($more) are before standard dirs ($this->dir)


		if (empty($srclang) || $srclang == 'auto')
			// $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] can be 'fr-FR,fr;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7,it;q=0.6' but can contains also malicious content
			$langpref=preg_replace("/;([^,]*)/i", "", $langpref);	// Remove the 'q=x.y,' part
			$langpref=str_replace("-", "_", $langpref);
			$langlist=preg_split("/[;,]/", $langpref);
			$codetouse=preg_replace('/[^_a-zA-Z]/', '', $langlist[0]);
		else $codetouse=$srclang;

		// We redefine $srclang
		$langpart=explode("_", $codetouse);
		//print "Short code before _ : ".$langpart[0].' / Short code after _ : '.$langpart[1].'<br>';
		if (! empty($langpart[1]))	// If it's for a codetouse that is a long code xx_YY
			// Array force long code from first part, even if long code is defined
			if (isset($longforshort[strtolower($langpart[0])]) && ! in_array($codetouse, $longforshortexcep)) $srclang=$longforshort[strtolower($langpart[0])];
			elseif (! is_numeric($langpart[1])) {		// Second part YY may be a numeric with some Chrome browser
				if (isset($longforlong[strtolower($srclang)])) $srclang=$longforlong[strtolower($srclang)];
			else $srclang=strtolower($langpart[0])."_".strtoupper($langpart[0]);
		else {						// If it's for a codetouse that is a short code xx
    	    // Array to convert short lang code into long code.
	        $longforshort=array('ar'=>'ar_SA', 'el'=>'el_GR', 'ca'=>'ca_ES', 'en'=>'en_US', 'nb'=>'nb_NO', 'no'=>'nb_NO');
			if (isset($longforshort[strtolower($langpart[0])])) $srclang=$longforshort[strtolower($langpart[0])];
			elseif (! empty($langpart[0])) $srclang=strtolower($langpart[0])."_".strtoupper($langpart[0]);
			else $srclang='en_US';

		//print 'this->defaultlang='.$this->defaultlang;

	 *  Return active language code for current user
	 * 	It's an accessor for this->defaultlang
	 *  @param	int		$mode       0=Long language code, 1=Short language code (en, fr, es, ...)
	 *  @return string      		Language code used (en_US, en_AU, fr_FR, ...)
	public function getDefaultLang($mode = 0)
	    if (empty($mode)) return $this->defaultlang;
	    else return substr($this->defaultlang, 0, 2);

	 *  Load translation files.
	 *  @param	array	$domains      		Array of lang files to load
	 *	@return	int							<0 if KO, 0 if already loaded or loading not required, >0 if OK
	public function loadLangs($domains)
	    foreach($domains as $domain)

	 *  Load translation key-value for a particular file, into a memory array.
	 *  If data for file already loaded, do nothing.
	 * 	All data in translation array are stored in UTF-8 format.
     *  tab_loaded is completed with $domain key.
     *  rule "we keep first entry found with we keep last entry found" so it is probably not what you want to do.
     *  Value for hash are: 1:Loaded from disk, 2:Not found, 3:Loaded from cache
	 *  @param	string	$domain      		File name to load (.lang file). Must be "file" or "file@module" for module language files:
 	 *										If $domain is "file@module" instead of "file" then we look for module lang file
	 *										in htdocs/custom/modules/mymodule/langs/code_CODE/file.lang
	 *										then in htdocs/module/langs/code_CODE/file.lang instead of htdocs/langs/code_CODE/file.lang
	 *  @param	integer	$alt         		0 (try xx_ZZ then 1), 1 (try xx_XX then 2), 2 (try en_US)
	 * 	@param	int		$stopafterdirection	Stop when the DIRECTION tag is found (optimize speed)
	 * 	@param	int		$forcelangdir		To force a different lang directory
	 *  @param  int     $loadfromfileonly   1=Do not load overwritten translation from file or old conf.
	 *	@return	int							<0 if KO, 0 if already loaded or loading not required, >0 if OK
	 *  @see loadLangs()
	public function load($domain, $alt = 0, $stopafterdirection = 0, $forcelangdir = '', $loadfromfileonly = 0)
		global $conf,$db;

		//dol_syslog("Translate::Load Start domain=".$domain." alt=".$alt." forcelangdir=".$forcelangdir." this->defaultlang=".$this->defaultlang);

		// Check parameters
		if (empty($domain))
		    dol_print_error('', get_class($this)."::Load ErrorWrongParameters");
		    return -1;
		if ($this->defaultlang == 'none_NONE') return 0;    // Special language code to not translate keys

		// Load $this->tab_translate[] from database
		if (empty($loadfromfileonly) && count($this->tab_translate) == 0) $this->loadFromDatabase($db);      // No translation was never loaded yet, so we load database.

		$newdomain = $domain;
		$modulename = '';

		// Search if a module directory name is provided into lang file name
		if (preg_match('/^([^@]+)@([^@]+)$/i', $domain, $regs))
			$newdomain = $regs[1];
			$modulename = $regs[2];

        // Check cache
		if (! empty($this->_tab_loaded[$newdomain]))	// File already loaded for this domain
			//dol_syslog("Translate::Load already loaded for newdomain=".$newdomain);
			return 0;


		// Redefine alt
		$langarray=explode('_', $langofdir);
		if ($alt < 1 && isset($langarray[1]) && (strtolower($langarray[0]) == strtolower($langarray[1]) || in_array(strtolower($langofdir), array('el_gr')))) $alt=1;
		if ($alt < 2 && strtolower($langofdir) == 'en_us') $alt=2;

		if (empty($langofdir))	// This may occurs when load is called without setting the language and without providing a value for forcelangdir
			dol_syslog("Error: ".get_class($this)."::Load was called but language was not set yet with langs->setDefaultLang(). Nothing will be loaded.", LOG_WARNING);
			return -1;

		foreach($this->dir as $searchdir)
			// Directory of translation files
			$file_lang = $searchdir.($modulename?'/'.$modulename:'')."/langs/".$langofdir."/".$newdomain.".lang";


			//dol_syslog(get_class($this).'::Load Try to read for alt='.$alt.' langofdir='.$langofdir.' domain='.$domain.' newdomain='.$newdomain.' modulename='.$modulename.' file_lang='.$file_lang." => filelangexists=".$filelangexists);
			//print 'Try to read for alt='.$alt.' langofdir='.$langofdir.' domain='.$domain.' newdomain='.$newdomain.' modulename='.$modulename.' this->_tab_loaded[newdomain]='.$this->_tab_loaded[$newdomain].' file_lang='.$file_lang." => filelangexists=".$filelangexists."\n";

			if ($filelangexists)
				// TODO Move cache read out of loop on dirs or at least filelangexists

				// Enable caching of lang file in memory (not by default)
				// Using a memcached server
				if (! empty($conf->memcached->enabled) && ! empty($conf->global->MEMCACHED_SERVER))
					$usecachekey=$newdomain.'_'.$langofdir.'_'.md5($file_lang);    // Should not contains special chars
				// Using cache with shmop. Speed gain: 40ms - Memory overusage: 200ko (Size of session cache file)
				elseif (isset($conf->global->MAIN_OPTIMIZE_SPEED) && ($conf->global->MAIN_OPTIMIZE_SPEED & 0x02))

				if ($usecachekey)
			        //dol_syslog('Translate::Load we will cache result into usecachekey '.$usecachekey);
                    //global $aaa; $aaa+=1;
                    //print $aaa." ".$usecachekey."\n";
				    require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT .'/core/lib/memory.lib.php';
					if (is_array($tmparray) && count($tmparray))
				        $this->tab_translate+=$tmparray;	// Faster than array_merge($tmparray,$this->tab_translate). Note: If a value already exists into tab_translate, value into tmparaay is not added.
						//print $newdomain."\n";
						if ($alt == 2) $fileread=1;
						$found=true;						// Found in dolibarr PHP cache

				if (! $found)
					if ($fp = @fopen($file_lang, "rt"))
						if ($usecachekey) $tabtranslatedomain=array();	// To save lang content in cache

						 * Read each lines until a '=' (with any combination of spaces around it)
						 * and split the rest until a line feed.
						 * This is more efficient than fgets + explode + trim by a factor of ~2.
						while ($line = fscanf($fp, "%[^= ]%*[ =]%[^\n]"))
							if (isset($line[1]))
								list($key, $value) = $line;
								//if ($domain == 'orders') print "Domain=$domain, found a string for $tab[0] with value $tab[1]. Currently in cache ".$this->tab_translate[$key]."<br>";
								//if ($key == 'Order') print "Domain=$domain, found a string for key=$key=$tab[0] with value $tab[1]. Currently in cache ".$this->tab_translate[$key]."<br>";
								if (empty($this->tab_translate[$key]))
								{ // If translation was already found, we must not continue, even if MAIN_FORCELANGDIR is set (MAIN_FORCELANGDIR is to replace lang dir, not to overwrite entries)
									$value = preg_replace('/\\n/', "\n", $value); // Parse and render carriage returns
									if ($key == 'DIRECTION') { // This is to declare direction of language
										if ($alt < 2 || empty($this->tab_translate[$key])) { // We load direction only for primary files or if not yet loaded
											$this->tab_translate[$key] = $value;
											if ($stopafterdirection) {
												break; // We do not save tab if we stop after DIRECTION
											} elseif ($usecachekey) {
												$tabtranslatedomain[$key] = $value;
									elseif ($key[0] == '#')
									else {
										$this->tab_translate[$key] = $value;
										//if ($domain == 'orders') print "$tab[0] value $value<br>";
										if ($usecachekey) {
											$tabtranslatedomain[$key] = $value;
										} // To save lang content in cache

						// TODO Move cache write out of loop on dirs
						// To save lang content for usecachekey into cache
						if ($usecachekey && count($tabtranslatedomain))
							$ressetcache=dol_setcache($usecachekey, $tabtranslatedomain);
							if ($ressetcache < 0)
							    $error='Failed to set cache for usecachekey='.$usecachekey.' result='.$ressetcache;
							    dol_syslog($error, LOG_ERR);

						if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_FORCELANGDIR)) break;		// Break loop on each root dir. If a module has forced dir, we do not stop loop.

		// Now we complete with next file (fr_CA->fr_FR, es_MX->ex_ES, ...)
		if ($alt == 0)
			// This function MUST NOT contains call to syslog
			//dol_syslog("Translate::Load loading alternate translation file (to complete ".$this->defaultlang."/".$newdomain.".lang file)", LOG_DEBUG);
			if ($langofdir == 'el_EL') $langofdir = 'el_GR';                     // main parent for el_CY is not 'el_EL' but 'el_GR'
			if ($langofdir == 'ar_AR') $langofdir = 'ar_SA';                     // main parent for ar_EG is not 'ar_AR' but 'ar_SA'
			$this->load($domain, $alt+1, $stopafterdirection, $langofdir);

		// Now we complete with reference file (en_US)
		if ($alt == 1)
			// This function MUST NOT contains call to syslog
			//dol_syslog("Translate::Load loading alternate translation file (to complete ".$this->defaultlang."/".$newdomain.".lang file)", LOG_DEBUG);
			$this->load($domain, $alt+1, $stopafterdirection, $langofdir);

		// We are in the pass of the reference file. No more files to scan to complete.
		if ($alt == 2)
			if ($fileread) $this->_tab_loaded[$newdomain]=1;								// Set domain file as found so loaded

			if (empty($this->_tab_loaded[$newdomain])) $this->_tab_loaded[$newdomain]=2;	// Set this file as not found

		// This part is deprecated and replaced with table llx_overwrite_trans
		// Kept for backward compatibility.
		if (empty($loadfromfileonly))
            if (! empty($conf->global->$overwritekey))    // Overwrite translation with key1:newstring1,key2:newstring2
        		// Overwrite translation with param MAIN_OVERWRITE_TRANS_xx_XX
                $tmparray=explode(',', $conf->global->$overwritekey);
                foreach($tmparray as $tmp)
                    $tmparray2=explode(':', $tmp);
                    if (! empty($tmparray2[1])) $this->tab_translate[$tmparray2[0]]=$tmparray2[1];

        // Check to be sure that SeparatorDecimal differs from SeparatorThousand
		if (! empty($this->tab_translate["SeparatorDecimal"]) && ! empty($this->tab_translate["SeparatorThousand"])
		&& $this->tab_translate["SeparatorDecimal"] == $this->tab_translate["SeparatorThousand"]) $this->tab_translate["SeparatorThousand"]='';

		return 1;

	 *  Load translation key-value from database into a memory array.
	 *  If data already loaded, do nothing.
	 * 	All data in translation array are stored in UTF-8 format.
     *  tab_loaded is completed with $domain key.
     *  rule "we keep first entry found with we keep last entry found" so it is probably not what you want to do.
     *  Value for hash are: 1:Loaded from disk, 2:Not found, 3:Loaded from cache
     *  @param  Database    $db             Database handler
	 *	@return	int							<0 if KO, 0 if already loaded or loading not required, >0 if OK
	public function loadFromDatabase($db)
		global $conf;


		// Check parameters
		if (empty($db)) return 0;    // Database handler can't be used

		//dol_syslog("Translate::Load Start domain=".$domain." alt=".$alt." forcelangdir=".$forcelangdir." this->defaultlang=".$this->defaultlang);

		$newdomain = $domain;

		// Check cache
		if (! empty($this->_tab_loaded[$newdomain]))	// File already loaded for this domain 'database'
			//dol_syslog("Translate::Load already loaded for newdomain=".$newdomain);
			return 0;

		$this->_tab_loaded[$newdomain] = 1;   // We want to be sure this function is called once only for domain 'database'


		if (empty($langofdir))	// This may occurs when load is called without setting the language and without providing a value for forcelangdir
			dol_syslog("Error: ".get_class($this)."::Load was called but language was not set yet with langs->setDefaultLang(). Nothing will be loaded.", LOG_WARNING);
			return -1;

		// TODO Move cache read out of loop on dirs or at least filelangexists

		// Enable caching of lang file in memory (not by default)
		// Using a memcached server
		if (! empty($conf->memcached->enabled) && ! empty($conf->global->MEMCACHED_SERVER))
			$usecachekey=$newdomain.'_'.$langofdir;    // Should not contains special chars
		// Using cache with shmop. Speed gain: 40ms - Memory overusage: 200ko (Size of session cache file)
		elseif (isset($conf->global->MAIN_OPTIMIZE_SPEED) && ($conf->global->MAIN_OPTIMIZE_SPEED & 0x02))

		if ($usecachekey)
	        //dol_syslog('Translate::Load we will cache result into usecachekey '.$usecachekey);
            //global $aaa; $aaa+=1;
            //print $aaa." ".$usecachekey."\n";
		    require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT .'/core/lib/memory.lib.php';
			if (is_array($tmparray) && count($tmparray))
				$this->tab_translate+=$tmparray;	// Faster than array_merge($tmparray,$this->tab_translate). Note: If a valuer already exists into tab_translate, value into tmparaay is not added.
				//print $newdomain."\n";
				$found=true;						// Found in dolibarr PHP cache

		if (! $found && ! empty($conf->global->MAIN_ENABLE_OVERWRITE_TRANSLATION))
    		// Overwrite translation with database read
            $sql ="SELECT transkey, transvalue FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."overwrite_trans where lang='".$db->escape($this->defaultlang)."' OR lang IS NULL";
            $sql.=" AND entity IN (0, ".getEntity('overwrite_trans').")";
            $sql.=$db->order("lang", "DESC");

		    if ($resql)
    		    $num = $db->num_rows($resql);
    		    if ($num)
    				if ($usecachekey) $tabtranslatedomain=array();	// To save lang content in cache

    				$i = 0;
    				while ($i < $num)	// Ex: Need 225ms for all fgets on all lang file for Third party page. Same speed than file_get_contents


						//print "Domain=$domain, found a string for $tab[0] with value $tab[1]<br>";
						if (empty($this->tab_translate[$key]))    // If translation was already found, we must not continue, even if MAIN_FORCELANGDIR is set (MAIN_FORCELANGDIR is to replace lang dir, not to overwrite entries)
							$value=trim(preg_replace('/\\n/', "\n", $value));

							if ($usecachekey) $tabtranslatedomain[$key]=$value;	// To save lang content in cache



    				// TODO Move cache write out of loop on dirs
    				// To save lang content for usecachekey into cache
    				if ($usecachekey && count($tabtranslatedomain))
    					$ressetcache=dol_setcache($usecachekey, $tabtranslatedomain);
    					if ($ressetcache < 0)
    					    $error='Failed to set cache for usecachekey='.$usecachekey.' result='.$ressetcache;
    					    dol_syslog($error, LOG_ERR);

		if ($fileread) $this->_tab_loaded[$newdomain]=1;	// Set domain file as loaded

		if (empty($this->_tab_loaded[$newdomain])) $this->_tab_loaded[$newdomain]=2;           // Marque ce cas comme non trouve (no lines found for language)

		return 1;

	 * Return translated value of key for special keys ("Currency...", "Civility...", ...).
	 * Search in lang file, then into database. Key must be any complete entry into lang file: CurrencyEUR, ...
	 * If not found, return key.
	 * The string return is not formated (translated with transnoentitiesnoconv)
	 * NOTE: To avoid infinite loop (getLabelFromKey->transnoentities->getTradFromKey), if you modify this function,
	 * check that getLabelFromKey is not called with same value than input.
	 * @param	string		$key		Key to translate
	 * @return 	string					Translated string (translated with transnoentitiesnoconv)
    private function getTradFromKey($key)
		global $conf, $db;

		if (! is_string($key)) return 'ErrorBadValueForParamNotAString';	// Avoid multiple errors with code not using function correctly.

	    if (preg_match('/^Civility([0-9A-Z]+)$/i', $key, $reg))
            $newstr=$this->getLabelFromKey($db, $reg[1], 'c_civility', 'code', 'label');
		elseif (preg_match('/^Currency([A-Z][A-Z][A-Z])$/i', $key, $reg))
			$newstr=$this->getLabelFromKey($db, $reg[1], 'c_currencies', 'code_iso', 'label');
		elseif (preg_match('/^SendingMethod([0-9A-Z]+)$/i', $key, $reg))
			$newstr=$this->getLabelFromKey($db, $reg[1], 'c_shipment_mode', 'code', 'libelle');
        elseif (preg_match('/^PaymentTypeShort([0-9A-Z]+)$/i', $key, $reg))
            $newstr=$this->getLabelFromKey($db, $reg[1], 'c_paiement', 'code', 'libelle', '', 1);
        elseif (preg_match('/^OppStatus([0-9A-Z]+)$/i', $key, $reg))
            $newstr=$this->getLabelFromKey($db, $reg[1], 'c_lead_status', 'code', 'label');
        elseif (preg_match('/^OrderSource([0-9A-Z]+)$/i', $key, $reg))
        	// TODO OrderSourceX must be replaced with content of table llx_c_input_reason or llx_c_input_method

        /* Disabled. There is too many cases where translation of $newstr is not defined is normal (like when output with setEventMessage an already translated string)
        if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL) && $conf->global->MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL >= 2)
        	dol_syslog(__METHOD__." MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL=DEVELOP: missing translation for key '".$newstr."' in ".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], LOG_DEBUG);

        return $newstr;

	 *  Return text translated of text received as parameter (and encode it into HTML)
	 *              Si il n'y a pas de correspondance pour ce texte, on cherche dans fichier alternatif
	 *              et si toujours pas trouve, il est retourne tel quel
	 *              Les parametres de cette methode peuvent contenir de balises HTML.
	 *  @param	string	$key        Key to translate
	 *  @param  string	$param1     chaine de param1
	 *  @param  string	$param2     chaine de param2
	 *  @param  string	$param3     chaine de param3
	 *  @param  string	$param4     chaine de param4
	 *	@param	int		$maxsize	Max length of text
	 *  @return string      		Translated string (encoded into HTML entities and UTF8)
    public function trans($key, $param1 = '', $param2 = '', $param3 = '', $param4 = '', $maxsize = 0)
        global $conf;

	    if (! empty($this->tab_translate[$key]))	// Translation is available

    		// Make some string replacement after translation
            if (! empty($conf->global->$replacekey))    // Replacement translation variable with string1:newstring1;string2:newstring2
                $tmparray=explode(';', $conf->global->$replacekey);
                foreach($tmparray as $tmp)
                    $tmparray2=explode(':', $tmp);
                    $str=preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($tmparray2[0]).'/', $tmparray2[1], $str);

            if (! preg_match('/^Format/', $key))
            	//print $str;
            	$str=sprintf($str, $param1, $param2, $param3, $param4);	// Replace %s and %d except for FormatXXX strings.

			if ($maxsize) $str=dol_trunc($str, $maxsize);

			// We replace some HTML tags by __xx__ to avoid having them encoded by htmlentities
            $str=str_replace(array('<','>','"',), array('__lt__','__gt__','__quot__'), $str);

			// Crypt string into HTML
			$str=htmlentities($str, ENT_COMPAT, $this->charset_output);	// Do not convert simple quotes in translation (strings in html are enmbraced by "). Use dol_escape_htmltag around text in HTML content

			// Restore HTML tags
            $str=str_replace(array('__lt__','__gt__','__quot__'), array('<','>','"',), $str);

			return $str;
		else								// Translation is not available
		    //if ($key[0] == '$') { return dol_eval($key,1); }
			return $this->getTradFromKey($key);

	 *  Return translated value of a text string
	 *               Si il n'y a pas de correspondance pour ce texte, on cherche dans fichier alternatif
	 *               et si toujours pas trouve, il est retourne tel quel.
	 *               Parameters of this method must not contains any HTML tags.
	 *  @param	string	$key        Key to translate
	 *  @param  string	$param1     chaine de param1
	 *  @param  string	$param2     chaine de param2
	 *  @param  string	$param3     chaine de param3
	 *  @param  string	$param4     chaine de param4
	 *  @param  string	$param5     chaine de param5
	 *  @return string      		Translated string (encoded into UTF8)
	public function transnoentities($key, $param1 = '', $param2 = '', $param3 = '', $param4 = '', $param5 = '')
		return $this->convToOutputCharset($this->transnoentitiesnoconv($key, $param1, $param2, $param3, $param4, $param5));

	 *  Return translated value of a text string
	 *               Si il n'y a pas de correspondance pour ce texte, on cherche dans fichier alternatif
	 *               et si toujours pas trouve, il est retourne tel quel.
	 *               No convert to encoding charset of lang object is done.
	 *               Parameters of this method must not contains any HTML tags.
	 *  @param	string	$key        Key to translate
	 *  @param  string	$param1     chaine de param1
	 *  @param  string	$param2     chaine de param2
	 *  @param  string	$param3     chaine de param3
	 *  @param  string	$param4     chaine de param4
	 *  @param  string	$param5     chaine de param5
	 *  @return string      		Translated string
	public function transnoentitiesnoconv($key, $param1 = '', $param2 = '', $param3 = '', $param4 = '', $param5 = '')
		global $conf;

		if (! empty($this->tab_translate[$key]))	// Translation is available

    		// Make some string replacement after translation
            if (! empty($conf->global->$replacekey))    // Replacement translation variable with string1:newstring1;string2:newstring2
                $tmparray=explode(';', $conf->global->$replacekey);
                foreach($tmparray as $tmp)
                    $tmparray2=explode(':', $tmp);
                    $str=preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($tmparray2[0]).'/', $tmparray2[1], $str);

            if (! preg_match('/^Format/', $key))
            	//print $str;
           		$str=sprintf($str, $param1, $param2, $param3, $param4, $param5);	// Replace %s and %d except for FormatXXX strings.

            return $str;
		    if ($key[0] == '$') { return dol_eval($key, 1); }
			return $this->getTradFromKey($key);

	 *  Return translation of a key depending on country
	 *  @param	string	$str            string root to translate
	 *  @param  string	$countrycode    country code (FR, ...)
	 *  @return	string         			translated string
	public function transcountry($str, $countrycode)
		if ($this->tab_translate["$str$countrycode"]) return $this->trans("$str$countrycode");
		else return $this->trans($str);

	 *  Retourne la version traduite du texte passe en parametre complete du code pays
	 *  @param	string	$str            string root to translate
	 *  @param  string	$countrycode    country code (FR, ...)
	 *  @return string         			translated string
	public function transcountrynoentities($str, $countrycode)
		if ($this->tab_translate["$str$countrycode"]) return $this->transnoentities("$str$countrycode");
		else return $this->transnoentities($str);

	 *  Convert a string into output charset (this->charset_output that should be defined to conf->file->character_set_client)
	 *  @param	string	$str            String to convert
	 *  @param	string	$pagecodefrom	Page code of src string
	 *  @return string         			Converted string
	public function convToOutputCharset($str, $pagecodefrom = 'UTF-8')
		if ($pagecodefrom == 'ISO-8859-1' && $this->charset_output == 'UTF-8')  $str=utf8_encode($str);
		if ($pagecodefrom == 'UTF-8' && $this->charset_output == 'ISO-8859-1')	$str=utf8_decode(str_replace('€', chr(128), $str));
		return $str;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
	 *  Return list of all available languages
	 * 	@param	string	$langdir		Directory to scan
	 *  @param  integer	$maxlength   	Max length for each value in combo box (will be truncated)
	 *  @param	int		$usecode		1=Show code instead of country name for language variant, 2=Show only code
	 *  @return array     				List of languages
    public function get_available_languages($langdir = DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT, $maxlength = 0, $usecode = 0)
        // phpcs:enable
		global $conf;

		// We scan directory langs to detect available languages
		while ($dir = trim(readdir($handle)))
			if (preg_match('/^[a-z]+_[A-Z]+/i', $dir))

				if ($usecode == 2)
				    $langs_available[$dir] = $dir;
				if ($usecode == 1 || ! empty($conf->global->MAIN_SHOW_LANGUAGE_CODE))
				    $langs_available[$dir] = $dir.': '.dol_trunc($this->trans('Language_'.$dir), $maxlength);
					$langs_available[$dir] = $this->trans('Language_'.$dir);
		return $langs_available;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
	 *  Return if a filename $filename exists for current language (or alternate language)
	 *  @param	string	$filename       Language filename to search
	 *  @param  integer	$searchalt      Search also alernate language file
	 *  @return boolean         		true if exists and readable
    public function file_exists($filename, $searchalt = 0)
        // phpcs:enable
		// Test si fichier dans repertoire de la langue
		foreach($this->dir as $searchdir)
			if (is_readable(dol_osencode($searchdir."/langs/".$this->defaultlang."/".$filename))) return true;

			if ($searchalt)
				// Test si fichier dans repertoire de la langue alternative
				if ($this->defaultlang != "en_US") $filenamealt = $searchdir."/langs/en_US/".$filename;
				//else $filenamealt = $searchdir."/langs/fr_FR/".$filename;
				if (is_readable(dol_osencode($filenamealt))) return true;

		return false;

	 *      Return full text translated to language label for a key. Store key-label in a cache.
     *      This function need module "numberwords" to be installed. If not it will return
     *      same number (this module is not provided by default as it use non GPL source code).
	 *		@param	int		$number		Number to encode in full text
     *      @param  string	$isamount	''=it's just a number, '1'=It's an amount (default currency), 'currencycode'=It's an amount (foreign currency)
	 *      @return string				Label translated in UTF8 (but without entities)
	 * 									10 if setDefaultLang was en_US => ten
	 * 									123 if setDefaultLang was fr_FR => cent vingt trois
    public function getLabelFromNumber($number, $isamount = '')
		global $conf;


		$dirsubstitutions=array_merge(array(), $conf->modules_parts['substitutions']);
		foreach($dirsubstitutions as $reldir)
		    $dir=dol_buildpath($reldir, 0);

		    // Check if directory exists
		    if (! is_dir($newdir)) continue;	// We must not use dol_is_dir here, function may not be loaded

			if (file_exists($newdir.'/functions_'.$fonc.'.lib.php'))
				include_once $newdir.'/functions_'.$fonc.'.lib.php';
				$newnumber=numberwords_getLabelFromNumber($this, $number, $isamount);

		return $newnumber;

	 *      Return a label for a key.
	 *      Search into translation array, then into cache, then if still not found, search into database.
	 *      Store key-label found into cache variable $this->cache_labels to save SQL requests to get labels.
	 * 		@param	DoliDB	$db				Database handler
	 * 		@param	string	$key			Translation key to get label (key in language file)
	 * 		@param	string	$tablename		Table name without prefix
	 * 		@param	string	$fieldkey		Field for key
	 * 		@param	string	$fieldlabel		Field for label
	 *      @param	string	$keyforselect	Use another value than the translation key for the where into select
	 *      @param  int		$filteronentity	Use a filter on entity
	 *      @return string					Label in UTF8 (but without entities)
	 *      @see dol_getIdFromCode()
    public function getLabelFromKey($db, $key, $tablename, $fieldkey, $fieldlabel, $keyforselect = '', $filteronentity = 0)
		// If key empty
		if ($key == '') return '';

        //print 'param: '.$key.'-'.$keydatabase.'-'.$this->trans($key); exit;

		// Check if a translation is available (this can call getTradFromKey)
		if ($tmp != $key && $tmp != 'ErrorBadValueForParamNotAString')
			return $tmp;    // Found in language array

		// Check in cache
		if (isset($this->cache_labels[$tablename][$key]))	// Can be defined to 0 or ''
			return $this->cache_labels[$tablename][$key];   // Found in cache

		$sql = "SELECT ".$fieldlabel." as label";
		$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX.$tablename;
		$sql.= " WHERE ".$fieldkey." = '".$db->escape($keyforselect?$keyforselect:$key)."'";
		if ($filteronentity) $sql.= " AND entity IN (" . getEntity($tablename). ')';
		dol_syslog(get_class($this).'::getLabelFromKey', LOG_DEBUG);
		$resql = $db->query($sql);
		if ($resql)
			$obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);
			if ($obj) $this->cache_labels[$tablename][$key]=$obj->label;
			else $this->cache_labels[$tablename][$key]=$key;

			return $this->cache_labels[$tablename][$key];
			return -1;

	 *	Return a currency code into its symbol
	 *  @param	string	$currency_code		Currency Code
	 *  @param	string	$amount				If not '', show currency + amount according to langs ($10, 10€).
	 *  @return	string						Amount + Currency symbol encoded into UTF8
	 *  @deprecated							Use method price to output a price
	 *  @see price()
    public function getCurrencyAmount($currency_code, $amount)

		if (in_array($currency_code, array('USD'))) return $symbol.$amount;
		else return $amount.$symbol;

	 *	Return a currency code into its symbol.
	 *  If mb_convert_encoding is not available, return currency code.
	 *  @param	string	$currency_code		Currency code
	 *  @param	integer	$forceloadall		1=Force to load all currencies into cache. We know we need to use all of them. By default read and cache only the requested currency.
	 *  @return	string						Currency symbol encoded into UTF8
    public function getCurrencySymbol($currency_code, $forceloadall = 0)
		$currency_sign = '';	// By default return iso code

		if (function_exists("mb_convert_encoding"))

			if (isset($this->cache_currencies[$currency_code]) && ! empty($this->cache_currencies[$currency_code]['unicode']) && is_array($this->cache_currencies[$currency_code]['unicode']))
				foreach($this->cache_currencies[$currency_code]['unicode'] as $unicode)
					$currency_sign .= mb_convert_encoding("&#{$unicode};", "UTF-8", 'HTML-ENTITIES');

		return ($currency_sign?$currency_sign:$currency_code);

	 *  Load into the cache this->cache_currencies, all currencies
	 *	@param	string	$currency_code		Get only currency. Get all if ''.
	 *  @return int             			Nb of loaded lines, 0 if already loaded, <0 if KO
	public function loadCacheCurrencies($currency_code)
		global $db;

		if ($this->cache_currencies_all_loaded) return 0;                                           // Cache already loaded for all
		if (! empty($currency_code) && isset($this->cache_currencies[$currency_code])) return 0;    // Cache already loaded for the currency

		$sql = "SELECT code_iso, label, unicode";
		$sql.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."c_currencies";
		$sql.= " WHERE active = 1";
		if (! empty($currency_code)) $sql.=" AND code_iso = '".$db->escape($currency_code)."'";
		//$sql.= " ORDER BY code_iso ASC"; // Not required, a sort is done later

		dol_syslog(get_class($this).'::loadCacheCurrencies', LOG_DEBUG);
		$resql = $db->query($sql);
		if ($resql)
			if (! empty($currency_code)) foreach($this->cache_currencies as $key => $val) $label[$key]=$val['label']; // Label in already loaded cache

			$num = $db->num_rows($resql);
			$i = 0;
			while ($i < $num)
				$obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);

				// Si traduction existe, on l'utilise, sinon on prend le libelle par defaut
				$this->cache_currencies[$obj->code_iso]['label'] = ($obj->code_iso && $this->trans("Currency".$obj->code_iso)!="Currency".$obj->code_iso?$this->trans("Currency".$obj->code_iso):($obj->label!='-'?$obj->label:''));
				$this->cache_currencies[$obj->code_iso]['unicode'] = (array) json_decode($obj->unicode, true);
				$label[$obj->code_iso] = $this->cache_currencies[$obj->code_iso]['label'];
			if (empty($currency_code)) $this->cache_currencies_all_loaded=true;
			//print count($label).' '.count($this->cache_currencies);

			// Resort cache
			array_multisort($label, SORT_ASC, $this->cache_currencies);
			//var_dump($this->cache_currencies);	$this->cache_currencies is now sorted onto label
			return $num;
			return -1;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
	 * Return an array with content of all loaded translation keys (found into this->tab_translate) so
	 * we get a substitution array we can use for substitutions (for mail or ODT generation for example)
	 * @return array	Array of translation keys lang_key => string_translation_loaded
    public function get_translations_for_substitutions()
        // phpcs:enable
        $substitutionarray = array();

        foreach($this->tab_translate as $code => $label) {
            $substitutionarray['lang_'.$code] = $label;
            $substitutionarray['__('.$code.')__'] = $label;

        return $substitutionarray;