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 * Copyright (C)           Walter Torres        <walter@torres.ws> [with a *lot* of help!]
 * Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Laurent Destailleur  <eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
 * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Regis Houssin
 * Copyright (C) 2016      Jonathan TISSEAU     <jonathan.tisseau@86dev.fr>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 *	\file       htdocs/core/class/smtps.class.php
 *	\brief      Class to construct and send SMTP compliant email, even to a secure
 *              SMTP server, regardless of platform.
 * Goals:
 *  - mime compliant
 *  - multiple Reciptiants
 *    - TO
 *    - CC
 *    - BCC
 *  - multi-part message
 *    - plain text
 *    - HTML
 *    - inline attachments
 *    - attachments
 *  - GPG access
 * This Class is based off of 'SMTP PHP MAIL' by Dirk Paehl, http://www.paehl.de

 * 	Class to construct and send SMTP compliant email, even
 * 	to a secure SMTP server, regardless of platform.
class SMTPs
     * Host Name or IP of SMTP Server to use
    private $_smtpsHost = 'localhost';

     * SMTP Server Port definition. 25 is default value
     * This can be defined via a INI file or via a setter method
    private $_smtpsPort = '25';

     * Secure SMTP Server access ID
     * This can be defined via a INI file or via a setter method
    private $_smtpsID = null;

     * Secure SMTP Server access Password
     * This can be defined via a INI file or via a setter method
    private $_smtpsPW = null;

     * Who sent the Message
     * This can be defined via a INI file or via a setter method
    private $_msgFrom = null;

     * Where are replies and errors to be sent to
     * This can be defined via a INI file or via a setter method
    private $_msgReplyTo = null;

     * Who will the Message be sent to; TO, CC, BCC
     * Multi-diminsional array containg addresses the message will
     * be sent TO, CC or BCC
    private $_msgRecipients = null;

     * Message Subject
    private $_msgSubject = null;

     * Message Content
    private $_msgContent = null;

     * Custom X-Headers
    private $_msgXheader = null;

     * Character set
     * Defaulted to 'iso-8859-1'
    private $_smtpsCharSet = 'iso-8859-1';

     * Message Sensitivity
     * Defaults to ZERO - None
    private $_msgSensitivity = 0;

     * Message Sensitivity
    private $_arySensitivity = array ( false,
                                  'Company Confidential' );

     * Message Sensitivity
     * Defaults to 3 - Normal
    private $_msgPriority = 3;

     * Message Priority
    private $_aryPriority = array ( 'Bulk',
                                'Lowest' );

     * Content-Transfer-Encoding
     * Defaulted to 0 - 7bit
    private $_smtpsTransEncodeType = 0;

     * Content-Transfer-Encoding
    private $_smtpsTransEncodeTypes = array( '7bit',               // Simple 7-bit ASCII
                                         '8bit',               // 8-bit coding with line termination characters
                                         'base64',             // 3 octets encoded into 4 sextets with offset
                                         'binary',             // Arbitrary binary stream
                                         'mac-binhex40',       // Macintosh binary to hex encoding
                                         'quoted-printable',   // Mostly 7-bit, with 8-bit characters encoded as "=HH"
                                         'uuencode' );         // UUENCODE encoding

     * Content-Transfer-Encoding
     * Defaulted to '7bit'
    private $_smtpsTransEncode = '7bit';

     * Boundary String for MIME seperation
    private $_smtpsBoundary = null;

     * Related Boundary
    private $_smtpsRelatedBoundary = null;

     * Alternative Boundary
    private $_smtpsAlternativeBoundary = null;

     * Determines the method inwhich the message are to be sent.
     * - 'sockets' [0] - conect via network to SMTP server - default
     * - 'pipe     [1] - use UNIX path to EXE
     * - 'phpmail  [2] - use the PHP built-in mail function
     * NOTE: Only 'sockets' is implemented
    private $_transportType = 0;

     * If '$_transportType' is set to '1', then this variable is used
     * to define the UNIX file system path to the sendmail execuable
    private $_mailPath = '/usr/lib/sendmail';

     * Sets the SMTP server timeout in seconds.
    private $_smtpTimeout = 10;

     * Determines whether to calculate message MD5 checksum.
    private $_smtpMD5 = false;

     * Class error codes and messages
    private $_smtpsErrors = null;

     * Defines log level
     *  0 - no logging
     *  1 - connectivity logging
     *  2 - message generation logging
     *  3 - detail logging
    private $_log_level = 0;

     * Place Class in" debug" mode
    private $_debug = false;

    // @CHANGE LDR
    public $log = '';
    private $_errorsTo = '';
    private $_deliveryReceipt = 0;
    private $_trackId = '';
    private $_moreInHeader = '';

     * Set delivery receipt
     * @param	int		$_val		Value
     * @return	void
    public function setDeliveryReceipt($_val = 0)
        $this->_deliveryReceipt = $_val;

     * get delivery receipt
     * @return	int		Delivery receipt
    public function getDeliveryReceipt()
        return $this->_deliveryReceipt;

     * Set trackid
     * @param	string		$_val		Value
     * @return	void
    public function setTrackId($_val = '')
        $this->_trackId = $_val;

     * Set moreInHeader
     * @param	string		$_val		Value
     * @return	void
    public function setMoreInHeader($_val = '')
        $this->_moreinheader = $_val;

     * get trackid
     * @return	string		Track id
    public function getTrackId()
        return $this->_trackId;

     * get moreInHeader
     * @return	string		moreInHeader
    public function getMoreInHeader()
        return $this->_moreinheader;

     * Set errors to
     * @param	string		$_strErrorsTo		Errors to
     * @return	void
    public function setErrorsTo($_strErrorsTo)
        if ( $_strErrorsTo )
        $this->_errorsTo = $this->_strip_email($_strErrorsTo);

     * Get errors to
     * @param	boolean		$_part		Variant
     * @return	string					Errors to
    public function getErrorsTo($_part = true)
        $_retValue = '';

        if ( $_part === true )
        $_retValue = $this->_errorsTo;
        $_retValue = $this->_errorsTo[$_part];

        return $_retValue;

     * Set debug
     * @param	boolean		$_vDebug		Value for debug
     * @return 	void
    public function setDebug($_vDebug = false)
        $this->_debug = $_vDebug;

     * build RECIPIENT List, all addresses who will recieve this message
     * @return void
    public function buildRCPTlist()
        // Pull TO list
        $_aryToList = $this->getTO();

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * Attempt a connection to mail server
     * @return mixed  $_retVal   Boolean indicating success or failure on connection
    private function _server_connect()
        // phpcs:enable
        // Default return value
        $_retVal = true;

        // We have to make sure the HOST given is valid
        // This is done here because '@fsockopen' will not give me this
        // information if it failes to connect because it can't find the HOST
        $usetls = preg_match('@tls://@i', $host);

        $host=preg_replace('@tcp://@i', '', $host);	// Remove prefix
        $host=preg_replace('@ssl://@i', '', $host);	// Remove prefix
        $host=preg_replace('@tls://@i', '', $host);	// Remove prefix

        // @CHANGE LDR
        include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/functions2.lib.php';

        if ( (! is_ip($host)) && ((gethostbyname($host)) == $host))
            $this->_setErr(99, $host . ' is either offline or is an invalid host name.');
            $_retVal = false;
            //See if we can connect to the SMTP server
            if ($this->socket = @fsockopen(
                preg_replace('@tls://@i', '', $this->getHost()),       // Host to 'hit', IP or domain
                $this->getPort(),       // which Port number to use
                $this->errno,           // actual system level error
                $this->errstr,          // and any text that goes with the error
                $this->_smtpTimeout     // timeout for reading/writing data over the socket
            )) {
                // Fix from PHP SMTP class by 'Chris Ryan'
                // Sometimes the SMTP server takes a little longer to respond
                // so we will give it a longer timeout for the first read
                // Windows still does not have support for this timeout function
                if (function_exists('stream_set_timeout')) stream_set_timeout($this->socket, $this->_smtpTimeout, 0);

                // Check response from Server
                if ( $_retVal = $this->server_parse($this->socket, "220") )
                $_retVal = $this->socket;
            // This connection attempt failed.
                // @CHANGE LDR
                if (empty($this->errstr)) $this->errstr='Failed to connect with fsockopen host='.$this->getHost().' port='.$this->getPort();
                $this->_setErr($this->errno, $this->errstr);
                $_retVal = false;

        return $_retVal;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * Attempt mail server authentication for a secure connection
     * @return boolean|null  $_retVal   Boolean indicating success or failure of authentication
    private function _server_authenticate()
        // phpcs:enable
        global $conf;

        // Send the RFC2554 specified EHLO.
        // This improvment as provided by 'SirSir' to
        // accomodate both SMTP AND ESMTP capable servers
        $usetls = preg_match('@tls://@i', $host);

        $host=preg_replace('@tcp://@i', '', $host);	// Remove prefix
        $host=preg_replace('@ssl://@i', '', $host);	// Remove prefix
        $host=preg_replace('@tls://@i', '', $host);	// Remove prefix

        if ($usetls) $host='tls://'.$host;

        $hosth = $host;

        if (! empty($conf->global->MAIL_SMTP_USE_FROM_FOR_HELO))
            // If the from to is 'aaa <bbb@ccc.com>', we will keep 'ccc.com'
            $hosth = $this->getFrom('addr');
            $hosth = preg_replace('/^.*</', '', $hosth);
            $hosth = preg_replace('/>.*$/', '', $hosth);
            $hosth = preg_replace('/.*@/', '', $hosth);

        if ( $_retVal = $this->socket_send_str('EHLO ' . $hosth, '250') )
            if ($usetls)
                The following dialog illustrates how a client and server can start a TLS STARTTLS session
                S: <waits for connection on TCP port 25>
                C: <opens connection>
                S: 220 mail.imc.org SMTP service ready
                C: EHLO mail.ietf.org
                S: 250-mail.imc.org offers a warm hug of welcome
                S: 250 STARTTLS
                C: STARTTLS
                S: 220 Go ahead
                C: <starts TLS negotiation>
                C & S: <negotiate a TLS session>
                C & S: <check result of negotiation>
                // Second pass EHLO
                C: EHLO client-domain.com
                S: 250-server-domain.com
                S: 250 AUTH LOGIN
                C: <continues by sending an SMTP command
                if (!$_retVal = $this->socket_send_str('STARTTLS', 220))
                    $this->_setErr(131, 'STARTTLS connection is not supported.');
                    return $_retVal;

                // Before 5.6.7:
                // PHP >= 5.6.7:

                $crypto_method = STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT;
                if (defined('STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLSv1_2_CLIENT')) {
                    $crypto_method |= STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLSv1_2_CLIENT;
                    $crypto_method |= STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLSv1_1_CLIENT;

                if (!stream_socket_enable_crypto($this->socket, true, $crypto_method))
                    $this->_setErr(132, 'STARTTLS connection failed.');
                    return $_retVal;
                // Most server servers expect a 2nd pass of EHLO after TLS is established to get another time
                // the answer with list of supported AUTH methods. They may differs between non STARTTLS and with STARTTLS.
                if (!$_retVal = $this->socket_send_str('EHLO '.$host, '250'))
                    $this->_setErr(126, '"' . $host . '" does not support authenticated connections.');
                    return $_retVal;
            // Send Authentication to Server
            // Check for errors along the way
            $this->socket_send_str('AUTH LOGIN', '334');

            // User name will not return any error, server will take anything we give it.
            $this->socket_send_str(base64_encode($this->_smtpsID), '334');

            // The error here just means the ID/password combo doesn't work.
            // There is not a method to determine which is the problem, ID or password
            if ( ! $_retVal = $this->socket_send_str(base64_encode($this->_smtpsPW), '235') )
            $this->_setErr(130, 'Invalid Authentication Credentials.');
            $this->_setErr(126, '"' . $host . '" does not support authenticated connections.');

        return $_retVal;

     * Now send the message
     * @param  boolean $_bolTestMsg  whether to run this method in 'Test' mode.
     * @param  boolean $_bolDebug    whether to log all communication between this Class and the Mail Server.
     * @return boolean|null   void
     *                 $_strMsg      If this is run in 'Test' mode, the actual message structure will be returned
    public function sendMsg($_bolTestMsg = false, $_bolDebug = false)
        global $conf;

         * Default return value
        $_retVal = false;

        // Connect to Server
        if ( $this->socket = $this->_server_connect() )
            // If a User ID *and* a password is given, assume Authentication is desired
            if( !empty($this->_smtpsID) && !empty($this->_smtpsPW) )
                // Send the RFC2554 specified EHLO.
                $_retVal = $this->_server_authenticate();

            // This is a "normal" SMTP Server "handshack"
                // Send the RFC821 specified HELO.
                $usetls = preg_match('@tls://@i', $host);

                $host=preg_replace('@tcp://@i', '', $host);	// Remove prefix
                $host=preg_replace('@ssl://@i', '', $host);	// Remove prefix
                $host=preg_replace('@tls://@i', '', $host);	// Remove prefix

                $hosth = $host;

                if (! empty($conf->global->MAIL_SMTP_USE_FROM_FOR_HELO))
                    // If the from to is 'aaa <bbb@ccc.com>', we will keep 'ccc.com'
                    $hosth = $this->getFrom('addr');
                    $hosth = preg_replace('/^.*</', '', $hosth);
                    $hosth = preg_replace('/>.*$/', '', $hosth);
                    $hosth = preg_replace('/.*@/', '', $hosth);

                $_retVal = $this->socket_send_str('HELO ' . $hosth, '250');

            // Well, did we get to the server?
            if ( $_retVal )
                // From this point onward most server response codes should be 250
                // Specify who the mail is from....
                // This has to be the raw email address, strip the "name" off
                $this->socket_send_str('MAIL FROM: ' . $this->getFrom('addr'), '250');

                // 'RCPT TO:' must be given a single address, so this has to loop
                // through the list of addresses, regardless of TO, CC or BCC
                // and send it out "single file"
                foreach ($this->get_RCPT_list() as $_address)
                    /* Note:
                     * BCC email addresses must be listed in the RCPT TO command list,
                     * but the BCC header should not be printed under the DATA command.
                     * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2750211/sending-bcc-emails-using-a-smtp-server

                     * TODO
                     * After each 'RCPT TO:' is sent, we need to make sure it was kosher,
                     * if not, the whole message will fail
                     * If any email address fails, we will need to RESET the connection,
                     * mark the last address as "bad" and start the address loop over again.
                     * If any address fails, the entire message fails.
                    $this->socket_send_str('RCPT TO: <' . $_address . '>', '250');

                // Tell the server we are ready to start sending data
                // with any custom headers...
                // This is the last response code we look for until the end of the message.
                $this->socket_send_str('DATA', '354');

                // Now we are ready for the message...
                // Ok, all the ingredients are mixed in let's cook this puppy...
                $this->socket_send_str($this->getHeader().$this->getBodyContent() . "\r\n" . '.', '250');

                // Now tell the server we are done and close the socket...
                fputs($this->socket, 'QUIT');

        return $_retVal;

    // =============================================================
    // ** Setter & Getter methods

    // ** Basic System configuration

     * setConfig() is used to populate select class properties from either
     * a user defined INI file or the systems 'php.ini' file
     * If a user defined INI is to be used, the files complete path is passed
     * as the method single parameter. The INI can define any class and/or
     * user properties. Only properties defined within this file will be setter
     * and/or orverwritten
     * If the systems 'php.ini' file is to be used, the method is called without
     * parameters. In this case, only HOST, PORT and FROM properties will be set
     * as they are the only properties that are defined within the 'php.ini'.
     * If secure SMTP is to be used, the user ID and Password can be defined with
     * the user INI file, but the properties are not defined with the systems
     * 'php.ini'file, they must be defined via their setter methods
     * This method can be called twice, if desired. Once without a parameter to
     * load the properties as defined within the systems 'php.ini' file, and a
     * second time, with a path to a user INI file for other properties to be
     * defined.
     * @param mixed $_strConfigPath path to config file or VOID
     * @return boolean
    public function setConfig($_strConfigPath = null)
         * Returns constructed SELECT Object string or boolean upon failure
         * Default value is set at true
        $_retVal = true;

        // if we have a path...
        if ( ! empty($_strConfigPath) )
            // If the path is not valid, this will NOT generate an error,
            // it will simply return false.
            if ( ! @include $_strConfigPath)
                $this->_setErr(110, '"' . $_strConfigPath . '" is not a valid path.');
                $_retVal = false;

        // Read the Systems php.ini file
            // Set these properties ONLY if they are set in the php.ini file.
            // Otherwise the default values will be used.
            if ( $_host = ini_get('SMTPs') )

            if ( $_port = ini_get('smtp_port') )

            if ( $_from = ini_get('sendmail_from') )

        // Send back what we have
        return $_retVal;

     * Determines the method inwhich the messages are to be sent.
     * - 'sockets' [0] - conect via network to SMTP server
     * - 'pipe     [1] - use UNIX path to EXE
     * - 'phpmail  [2] - use the PHP built-in mail function
     * @param int $_type  Interger value representing Mail Transport Type
     * @return void
    public function setTransportType($_type = 0)
        if ((is_numeric($_type)) && (($_type >= 0) && ($_type <= 3))) {
            $this->_transportType = $_type;

     * Return the method inwhich the message is to be sent.
     * - 'sockets' [0] - conect via network to SMTP server
     * - 'pipe     [1] - use UNIX path to EXE
     * - 'phpmail  [2] - use the PHP built-in mail function
     * @return int $_strHost Host Name or IP of the Mail Server to use
    public function getTransportType()
        return $this->_transportType;

     * Path to the sendmail execuable
     * @param string $_path Path to the sendmail execuable
     * @return boolean
    public function setMailPath($_path)
        // This feature is not yet implemented
        return true;

        //if ( $_path ) $this->_mailPath = $_path;

     * Defines the Host Name or IP of the Mail Server to use.
     * This is defaulted to 'localhost'
     * This is  used only with 'socket' based mail transmission
     * @param 	string 	$_strHost 		Host Name or IP of the Mail Server to use
     * @return 	void
    public function setHost($_strHost)
        if ( $_strHost )
        $this->_smtpsHost = $_strHost;

     * Retrieves the Host Name or IP of the Mail Server to use
     * This is  used only with 'socket' based mail transmission
     * @return 	string 	$_strHost 		Host Name or IP of the Mail Server to use
    public function getHost()
        return $this->_smtpsHost;

     * Defines the Port Number of the Mail Server to use
     * This is defaulted to '25'
     * This is  used only with 'socket' based mail transmission
     * @param 	int 	$_intPort 		Port Number of the Mail Server to use
     * @return 	void
    public function setPort($_intPort)
        if ( ( is_numeric($_intPort) ) &&
        ( ( $_intPort >= 1 ) && ( $_intPort <= 65536 ) ) )
        $this->_smtpsPort = $_intPort;

     * Retrieves the Port Number of the Mail Server to use
     * This is  used only with 'socket' based mail transmission
     * @return 	string 		Port Number of the Mail Server to use
    public function getPort()
        return $this->_smtpsPort;

     * User Name for authentication on Mail Server
     * @param 	string 	$_strID 	User Name for authentication on Mail Server
     * @return 	void
    public function setID($_strID)
        $this->_smtpsID = $_strID;

     * Retrieves the User Name for authentication on Mail Server
     * @return string 	User Name for authentication on Mail Server
    public function getID()
        return $this->_smtpsID;

     * User Password for authentication on Mail Server
     * @param 	string 	$_strPW 	User Password for authentication on Mail Server
     * @return 	void
    public function setPW($_strPW)
        $this->_smtpsPW = $_strPW;

     * Retrieves the User Password for authentication on Mail Server
     * @return 	string 		User Password for authentication on Mail Server
    public function getPW()
        return $this->_smtpsPW;

     * Character set used for current message
     * Character set is defaulted to 'iso-8859-1';
     * @param string $_strCharSet Character set used for current message
     * @return void
    public function setCharSet($_strCharSet)
        if ( $_strCharSet )
        $this->_smtpsCharSet = $_strCharSet;

     * Retrieves the Character set used for current message
     * @return string $_smtpsCharSet Character set used for current message
    public function getCharSet()
        return $this->_smtpsCharSet;

     * Content-Transfer-Encoding, Defaulted to '7bit'
     * This can be changed for 2byte characers sets
     * Known Encode Types
     *  - 7bit               Simple 7-bit ASCII
     *  - 8bit               8-bit coding with line termination characters
     *  - base64             3 octets encoded into 4 sextets with offset
     *  - binary             Arbitrary binary stream
     *  - mac-binhex40       Macintosh binary to hex encoding
     *  - quoted-printable   Mostly 7-bit, with 8-bit characters encoded as "=HH"
     *  - uuencode           UUENCODE encoding
     * @param string $_strTransEncode Content-Transfer-Encoding
     * @return void
    public function setTransEncode($_strTransEncode)
        if (array_search($_strTransEncode, $this->_smtpsTransEncodeTypes))
        $this->_smtpsTransEncode = $_strTransEncode;

     * Retrieves the Content-Transfer-Encoding
     * @return string $_smtpsTransEncode Content-Transfer-Encoding
    public function getTransEncode()
        return $this->_smtpsTransEncode;

     * Content-Transfer-Encoding, Defaulted to '0' [ZERO]
     * This can be changed for 2byte characers sets
     * Known Encode Types
     *  - [0] 7bit               Simple 7-bit ASCII
     *  - [1] 8bit               8-bit coding with line termination characters
     *  - [2] base64             3 octets encoded into 4 sextets with offset
     *  - [3] binary             Arbitrary binary stream
     *  - [4] mac-binhex40       Macintosh binary to hex encoding
     *  - [5] quoted-printable   Mostly 7-bit, with 8-bit characters encoded as "=HH"
     *  - [6] uuencode           UUENCODE encoding
     * @param string $_strTransEncodeType Content-Transfer-Encoding
     * @return void
    public function setTransEncodeType($_strTransEncodeType)
        if (array_search($_strTransEncodeType, $this->_smtpsTransEncodeTypes))
        $this->_smtpsTransEncodeType = $_strTransEncodeType;

     * Retrieves the Content-Transfer-Encoding
     * @return 	string 		Content-Transfer-Encoding
    public function getTransEncodeType()
        return $this->_smtpsTransEncodeTypes[$this->_smtpsTransEncodeType];

    // ** Message Construction

     * FROM Address from which mail will be sent
     * @param 	string 	$_strFrom 	Address from which mail will be sent
     * @return 	void
    public function setFrom($_strFrom)
        if ( $_strFrom )
        $this->_msgFrom = $this->_strip_email($_strFrom);

     * Retrieves the Address from which mail will be sent
     * @param  	boolean $_part		To "strip" 'Real name' from address
     * @return 	string 				Address from which mail will be sent
    public function getFrom($_part = true)
        $_retValue = '';

        if ( $_part === true )
        $_retValue = $this->_msgFrom;
        $_retValue = $this->_msgFrom[$_part];

        return $_retValue;

     * Reply-To Address from which mail will be the reply-to
     * @param 	string 	$_strReplyTo 	Address from which mail will be the reply-to
     * @return 	void
    public function setReplyTo($_strReplyTo)
        if ( $_strReplyTo )
            $this->_msgReplyTo = $this->_strip_email($_strReplyTo);

     * Retrieves the Address from which mail will be the reply-to
     * @param  	boolean $_part		To "strip" 'Real name' from address
     * @return 	string 				Address from which mail will be the reply-to
    public function getReplyTo($_part = true)
        $_retValue = '';

        if ( $_part === true )
            $_retValue = $this->_msgReplyTo;
            $_retValue = $this->_msgReplyTo[$_part];

        return $_retValue;

     * Inserts given addresses into structured format.
     * This method takes a list of given addresses, via an array
     * or a COMMA delimted string, and inserts them into a highly
     * structured array. This array is designed to remove duplicate
     * addresses and to sort them by Domain.
     * @param 	string 	$_type 			TO, CC, or BCC lists to add addrresses into
     * @param 	mixed 	$_addrList 		Array or COMMA delimited string of addresses
     * @return void
    private function _buildAddrList($_type, $_addrList)
        // Pull existing list
        $aryHost = $this->_msgRecipients;

        // Only run this if we have something
        if ( !empty($_addrList))
            // $_addrList can be a STRING or an array
            if ( is_string($_addrList) )
                // This could be a COMMA delimited string
                if ( strstr($_addrList, ',') )
                // "explode "list" into an array
                $_addrList = explode(',', $_addrList);

                // Stick it in an array
                $_addrList = array($_addrList);

            // take the array of addresses and split them further
            foreach ($_addrList as $_strAddr)
                // Strip off the end '>'
                $_strAddr = str_replace('>', '', $_strAddr);

                // Seperate "Real Name" from eMail address
                $_tmpaddr = null;
                $_tmpaddr = explode('<', $_strAddr);

                // We have a "Real Name" and eMail address
                if ( count($_tmpaddr) == 2 )
                    $_tmpHost = explode('@', $_tmpaddr[1]);
                    $_tmpaddr[0] = trim($_tmpaddr[0], ' ">');
                    $aryHost[$_tmpHost[1]][$_type][$_tmpHost[0]] = $_tmpaddr[0];
                // We only have an eMail address
                    // Strip off the beggining '<'
                    $_strAddr = str_replace('<', '', $_strAddr);

                    $_tmpHost = explode('@', $_strAddr);
                    $_tmpHost[0] = trim($_tmpHost[0]);
                    $_tmpHost[1] = trim($_tmpHost[1]);

                    $aryHost[$_tmpHost[1]][$_type][$_tmpHost[0]] = '';
        // replace list
        $this->_msgRecipients = $aryHost;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * Returns an array of the various parts of an email address
     * This assumes a well formed address:
     * - "Real name" <username@domain.tld>
     * - "Real Name" is optional
     * - if "Real Name" does not exist, the angle brackets are optional
     * This will split an email address into 4 or 5 parts.
     * - $_aryEmail[org]  = orignal string
     * - $_aryEmail[real] = "real name" - if there is one
     * - $_aryEmail[addr] = address part "username@domain.tld"
     * - $_aryEmail[host] = "domain.tld"
     * - $_aryEmail[user] = "userName"
     *	@param		string		$_strAddr		Email address
     * 	@return 	array	 					An array of the various parts of an email address
    private function _strip_email($_strAddr)
        // phpcs:enable
        // Keep the orginal
        $_aryEmail['org'] = $_strAddr;

        // Set entire string to Lower Case
        $_strAddr = strtolower($_strAddr);

        // Drop "stuff' off the end
        $_strAddr = trim($_strAddr, ' ">');

        // Seperate "Real Name" from eMail address, if we have one
        $_tmpAry = explode('<', $_strAddr);

        // Do we have a "Real name"
        if ( count($_tmpAry) == 2 )
            // We may not really have a "Real Name"
            if ( $_tmpAry[0])
            $_aryEmail['real'] = trim($_tmpAry[0], ' ">');

            $_aryEmail['addr'] = $_tmpAry[1];
        $_aryEmail['addr'] = $_tmpAry[0];

        // Pull User Name and Host.tld apart
        list($_aryEmail['user'], $_aryEmail['host'] ) = explode('@', $_aryEmail['addr']);

        // Put the brackets back around the address
        $_aryEmail['addr'] = '<' . $_aryEmail['addr'] . '>';

        return $_aryEmail;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * Returns an array of bares addresses for use with 'RCPT TO:'
     * This is a "build as you go" method. Each time this method is called
     * the underlaying array is destroyed and reconstructed.
     * @return 		array		Returns an array of bares addresses
    public function get_RCPT_list()
        // phpcs:enable
         * An array of bares addresses for use with 'RCPT TO:'

        // walk down Recipients array and pull just email addresses
        foreach ($this->_msgRecipients as $_host => $_list)
            foreach ($_list as $_subList)
                foreach ($_subList as $_name => $_addr)
                    // build RCPT list
                    $_RCPT_list[] = $_name . '@' . $_host;

        return $_RCPT_list;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * Returns an array of addresses for a specific type; TO, CC or BCC
     * @param 		string 	       $_which 	    Which collection of addresses to return ('to', 'cc', 'bcc')
     * @return 		string|false 				Array of emaill address
    public function get_email_list($_which = null)
        // phpcs:enable
        // We need to know which address segment to pull
        if ( $_which )
            // Make sure we have addresses to process
            if ( $this->_msgRecipients )
                // walk down Recipients array and pull just email addresses
                foreach ($this->_msgRecipients as $_host => $_list)
                    if ( $this->_msgRecipients[$_host][$_which] )
                        foreach ($this->_msgRecipients[$_host][$_which] as $_addr => $_realName)
                            if ( $_realName )	// @CHANGE LDR
                                $_realName = '"' . $_realName . '"';
                                $_RCPT_list[] = $_realName . ' <' . $_addr . '@' . $_host . '>';
                                $_RCPT_list[] = $_addr . '@' . $_host;

                return implode(', ', $_RCPT_list);
                $this->_setErr(101, 'No eMail Address for message to be sent to.');
                return false;
            $this->_setErr(102, 'eMail type not defined.');
            return false;

     * TO Address[es] inwhich to send mail to
     * @param 	string 	$_addrTo 	TO Address[es] inwhich to send mail to
     * @return 	void
    public function setTO($_addrTo)
        if ( $_addrTo )
        $this->_buildAddrList('to', $_addrTo);

     * Retrieves the TO Address[es] inwhich to send mail to
     * @return 	string 	TO Address[es] inwhich to send mail to
    public function getTo()
        return $this->get_email_list('to');

     * CC Address[es] inwhich to send mail to
     * @param 	string	$_strCC		CC Address[es] inwhich to send mail to
     * @return 	void
    public function setCC($_strCC)
        if ( $_strCC )
        $this->_buildAddrList('cc', $_strCC);

     * Retrieves the CC Address[es] inwhich to send mail to
     * @return 	string 		CC Address[es] inwhich to send mail to
    public function getCC()
        return $this->get_email_list('cc');

     * BCC Address[es] inwhich to send mail to
     * @param 	string		$_strBCC	Recipients BCC Address[es] inwhich to send mail to
     * @return 	void
    public function setBCC($_strBCC)
        if ( $_strBCC )
        $this->_buildAddrList('bcc', $_strBCC);

     * Retrieves the BCC Address[es] inwhich to send mail to
     * @return 	string		BCC Address[es] inwhich to send mail to
    public function getBCC()
        return $this->get_email_list('bcc');

     * Message Subject
     * @param 	string 	$_strSubject	Message Subject
     * @return 	void
    public function setSubject($_strSubject = '')
        if ( $_strSubject )
        $this->_msgSubject = $_strSubject;

     * Retrieves the Message Subject
     * @return 	string 		Message Subject
    public function getSubject()
        return $this->_msgSubject;

     * Constructes and returns message header
     * @return string Complete message header
    public function getHeader()
        global $conf;

        $_header = 'From: '       . $this->getFrom('org') . "\r\n"
        . 'To: '         . $this->getTO()          . "\r\n";

        if ( $this->getCC() )
        $_header .= 'Cc: ' . $this->getCC()  . "\r\n";

        /* Note:
         * BCC email addresses must be listed in the RCPT TO command list,
         * but the BCC header should not be printed under the DATA command.
         * So it is included into the function sendMsg() but not here.
         * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2750211/sending-bcc-emails-using-a-smtp-server
        if ( $this->getBCC() )
        $_header .= 'Bcc: ' . $this->getBCC()  . "\r\n";

        $usetls = preg_match('@tls://@i', $host);

        $host=preg_replace('@tcp://@i', '', $host);	// Remove prefix
        $host=preg_replace('@ssl://@i', '', $host);	// Remove prefix
        $host=preg_replace('@tls://@i', '', $host);	// Remove prefix


        //NOTE: Message-ID should probably contain the username of the user who sent the msg
        $_header .= 'Subject: '    . $this->getSubject()     . "\r\n";
        $_header .= 'Date: '       . date("r")               . "\r\n";

        $trackid = $this->getTrackId();
        if ($trackid)
            // References is kept in response and Message-ID is returned into In-Reply-To:
            $_header .= 'Message-ID: <' . time() . '.SMTPs-dolibarr-'.$trackid.'@' . $host . ">\r\n";
            $_header .= 'References: <' . time() . '.SMTPs-dolibarr-'.$trackid.'@' . $host . ">\r\n";
            $_header .= 'X-Dolibarr-TRACKID: ' . $trackid . '@' . $host . "\r\n";
            $_header .= 'Message-ID: <' . time() . '.SMTPs@' . $host . ">\r\n";
        if (! empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) $_header .= "X-RemoteAddr: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']. "\r\n";
        if ( $this->getMoreInHeader() )
            $_header .= $this->getMoreInHeader();     // Value must include the "\r\n";

        //$_header .=
        //                 'Read-Receipt-To: '   . $this->getFrom( 'org' ) . "\r\n"
        //                 'Return-Receipt-To: ' . $this->getFrom( 'org' ) . "\r\n";

        if ( $this->getSensitivity() )
        $_header .= 'Sensitivity: ' . $this->getSensitivity()  . "\r\n";

        if ( $this->_msgPriority != 3 )
        $_header .= $this->getPriority();

        // @CHANGE LDR
        if ( $this->getDeliveryReceipt() )
            $_header .= 'Disposition-Notification-To: '.$this->getFrom('addr') . "\r\n";
        if ( $this->getErrorsTo() )
            $_header .= 'Errors-To: '.$this->getErrorsTo('addr') . "\r\n";
        if ( $this->getReplyTo() )
            $_header .= "Reply-To: ".$this->getReplyTo('addr') ."\r\n";

        $_header .= 'X-Mailer: Dolibarr version ' . DOL_VERSION .' (using SMTPs Mailer)' . "\r\n";
        $_header .= 'X-Dolibarr-Option: '.($conf->global->MAIN_MAIL_USE_MULTI_PART?'MAIN_MAIL_USE_MULTI_PART':'No MAIN_MAIL_USE_MULTI_PART') . "\r\n";
        $_header .= 'Mime-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";

        return $_header;

     * Message Content
     * @param 	string 	$strContent		Message Content
     * @param	string	$strType		Type
     * @return 	void
    public function setBodyContent($strContent, $strType = 'plain')
        //if ( $strContent )
        if ( $strType == 'html' )
        $strMimeType = 'text/html';
        $strMimeType = 'text/plain';

        // Make RFC821 Compliant, replace bare linefeeds
        $strContent = preg_replace("/(?<!\r)\n/si", "\r\n", $strContent);

        $strContentAltText = '';
        if ($strType == 'html')
            // Similar code to forge a text from html is also in CMailFile.class.php
            $strContentAltText = preg_replace("/<br\s*[^>]*>/", " ", $strContent);
            $strContentAltText = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($strContentAltText));
            $strContentAltText = rtrim(wordwrap($strContentAltText, 75, "\r\n"));

        // Make RFC2045 Compliant
        //$strContent = rtrim(chunk_split($strContent));    // Function chunck_split seems ko if not used on a base64 content
        $strContent = rtrim(wordwrap($strContent, 75, "\r\n"));   // TODO Using this method creates unexpected line break on text/plain content.

        $this->_msgContent[$strType] = array();

        $this->_msgContent[$strType]['mimeType'] = $strMimeType;
        $this->_msgContent[$strType]['data']     = $strContent;
        $this->_msgContent[$strType]['dataText'] = $strContentAltText;

        if ( $this->getMD5flag() )
        $this->_msgContent[$strType]['md5']      = dol_hash($strContent, 3);

     * Retrieves the Message Content
     * @return 	string			Message Content
    public function getBodyContent()
        global $conf;

        // Generate a new Boundary string

        // What type[s] of content do we have
        $_types = array_keys($this->_msgContent);

        // How many content types do we have
        $keyCount = count($_types);

        // If we have ZERO, we have a problem
        if( $keyCount === 0 )
        die("Sorry, no content");

        // If we have ONE, we can use the simple format
        elseif( $keyCount === 1 && empty($conf->global->MAIN_MAIL_USE_MULTI_PART))
            $_msgData = $this->_msgContent;
            $_msgData = $_msgData[$_types[0]];

            $content = 'Content-Type: ' . $_msgData['mimeType'] . '; charset="' . $this->getCharSet() . '"' . "\r\n"
            . 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: ' . $this->getTransEncodeType() . "\r\n"
            . 'Content-Disposition: inline'  . "\r\n"
            . 'Content-Description: Message' . "\r\n";

            if ( $this->getMD5flag() )
            $content .= 'Content-MD5: ' . $_msgData['md5'] . "\r\n";

            $content .= "\r\n"
            .  $_msgData['data'] . "\r\n";

        // If we have more than ONE, we use the multi-part format
        elseif( $keyCount >= 1 || ! empty($conf->global->MAIN_MAIL_USE_MULTI_PART))
            // Since this is an actual multi-part message
            // We need to define a content message Boundary
            // NOTE: This was 'multipart/alternative', but Windows based mail servers have issues with this.

            //$content = 'Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="' . $this->_getBoundary() . '"'   . "\r\n";
            $content = 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="' . $this->_getBoundary('mixed') . '"'   . "\r\n";

            //                     . "\r\n"
            //                     . 'This is a multi-part message in MIME format.' . "\r\n";
            $content .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n";
            $content .= "\r\n";

            $content .= "--" . $this->_getBoundary('mixed') . "\r\n";

            if (key_exists('image', $this->_msgContent))     // If inline image found
                $content.= 'Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="'.$this->_getBoundary('alternative').'"' . "\r\n";
                $content .= "\r\n";
                $content .= "--" . $this->_getBoundary('alternative') . "\r\n";

            // $this->_msgContent must be sorted with key 'text' or 'html' first then 'image' then 'attachment'

            // Loop through message content array
            foreach ($this->_msgContent as $type => $_content)
                if ( $type == 'attachment' )
                    // loop through all attachments
                    foreach ($_content as $_file => $_data)
                        $content .= "--" . $this->_getBoundary('mixed') . "\r\n"
                        .  'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $_data['fileName'] . '"' . "\r\n"
                        .  'Content-Type: ' . $_data['mimeType'] . '; name="' . $_data['fileName'] . '"' . "\r\n"
                        .  'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . "\r\n"
                        .  'Content-Description: ' . $_data['fileName'] ."\r\n";

                        if ( $this->getMD5flag() )
                        $content .= 'Content-MD5: ' . $_data['md5'] . "\r\n";

                        $content .= "\r\n" .  $_data['data'] . "\r\n\r\n";
                // @CHANGE LDR
                elseif ( $type == 'image' )
                    // loop through all images
                    foreach ($_content as $_image => $_data)
                        $content .= "--" . $this->_getBoundary('related') . "\r\n";  // always related for an inline image

                        $content .= 'Content-Type: ' . $_data['mimeType'] . '; name="' . $_data['imageName'] . '"' . "\r\n"
                        .  'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . "\r\n"
                        .  'Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . $_data['imageName'] . '"' . "\r\n"
                        .  'Content-ID: <' . $_data['cid'] . '> ' . "\r\n";

                        if ( $this->getMD5flag() )
                        $content .= 'Content-MD5: ' . $_data['md5'] . "\r\n";

                        $content .= "\r\n"
                        . $_data['data'] . "\r\n";

                    // always end related and end alternative after inline images
                    $content.= "--" . $this->_getBoundary('related') . "--" . "\r\n";
                    $content.= "\r\n" . "--" . $this->_getBoundary('alternative') . "--" . "\r\n";
                    $content.= "\r\n";
                    if (key_exists('image', $this->_msgContent))
                        $content.= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=" . $this->getCharSet() . "\r\n";
                        $content.= "\r\n" . ($_content['dataText']?$_content['dataText']:strip_tags($_content['data'])) . "\r\n"; // Add plain text message
                        $content.= "--" . $this->_getBoundary('alternative') . "\r\n";
                        $content.= 'Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="' . $this->_getBoundary('related') . '"' . "\r\n";
                        $content.= "\r\n";
                        $content.= "--" . $this->_getBoundary('related') . "\r\n";

                    if (! key_exists('image', $this->_msgContent) && $_content['dataText'] && ! empty($conf->global->MAIN_MAIL_USE_MULTI_PART))  // Add plain text message part before html part
                        $content.= 'Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="'.$this->_getBoundary('alternative').'"' . "\r\n";
                        $content .= "\r\n";
                           $content .= "--" . $this->_getBoundary('alternative') . "\r\n";

                           $content.= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=" . $this->getCharSet() . "\r\n";
                           $content.= "\r\n". $_content['dataText'] . "\r\n";
                           $content.= "--" . $this->_getBoundary('alternative') . "\r\n";

                    $content .= 'Content-Type: ' . $_content['mimeType'] . '; '
                    //                             . 'charset="' . $this->getCharSet() . '"';
                    . 'charset=' . $this->getCharSet() . '';

                    //                    $content .= ( $type == 'html') ? '; name="HTML Part"' : '';
                    $content .=  "\r\n";
                    //                    $content .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: ';
                    //                    $content .= ($type == 'html') ? 'quoted-printable' : $this->getTransEncodeType();
                    //                    $content .=  "\r\n"
                    //                             . 'Content-Disposition: inline'  . "\r\n"
                    //                             . 'Content-Description: ' . $type . ' message' . "\r\n";

                    if ( $this->getMD5flag() )
                    $content .= 'Content-MD5: ' . $_content['md5'] . "\r\n";

                    $content .= "\r\n"	. $_content['data'] . "\r\n";

                    if (! key_exists('image', $this->_msgContent) && $_content['dataText'] && ! empty($conf->global->MAIN_MAIL_USE_MULTI_PART))  // Add plain text message part after html part
                        $content.= "--" . $this->_getBoundary('alternative') . "--". "\r\n";

                    $content .= "\r\n";

            // Close message boundries
            //            $content .= "\r\n--" . $this->_getBoundary() . '--' . "\r\n" ;
            $content .= "--" . $this->_getBoundary('mixed') . '--' . "\r\n" ;

        return $content;

     * File attachments are added to the content array as sub-arrays,
     * allowing for multiple attachments for each outbound email
     * @param string $strContent  File data to attach to message
     * @param string $strFileName File Name to give to attachment
     * @param string $strMimeType File Mime Type of attachment
     * @return void
    public function setAttachment($strContent, $strFileName = 'unknown', $strMimeType = 'unknown')
        if ( $strContent )
            $strContent = rtrim(chunk_split(base64_encode($strContent), 76, "\r\n"));    // 76 max is defined into http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2047

            $this->_msgContent['attachment'][$strFileName]['mimeType'] = $strMimeType;
            $this->_msgContent['attachment'][$strFileName]['fileName'] = $strFileName;
            $this->_msgContent['attachment'][$strFileName]['data']     = $strContent;

            if ( $this->getMD5flag() )
            $this->_msgContent['attachment'][$strFileName]['md5']      = dol_hash($strContent, 3);

    // @CHANGE LDR

     * Image attachments are added to the content array as sub-arrays,
     * allowing for multiple images for each outbound email
     * @param 	string $strContent  	Image data to attach to message
     * @param 	string $strImageName 	Image Name to give to attachment
     * @param 	string $strMimeType 	Image Mime Type of attachment
     * @param 	string $strImageCid		CID
     * @return 	void
    public function setImageInline($strContent, $strImageName = 'unknown', $strMimeType = 'unknown', $strImageCid = 'unknown')
        if ($strContent)
            $this->_msgContent['image'][$strImageName]['mimeType'] = $strMimeType;
            $this->_msgContent['image'][$strImageName]['imageName'] = $strImageName;
            $this->_msgContent['image'][$strImageName]['cid']      = $strImageCid;
            $this->_msgContent['image'][$strImageName]['data']     = $strContent;

            if ( $this->getMD5flag() )
            $this->_msgContent['image'][$strImageName]['md5']      = dol_hash($strContent, 3);

     * Message Content Sensitivity
     * Message Sensitivity values:
     *   - [0] None - default
     *   - [1] Personal
     *   - [2] Private
     *   - [3] Company Confidential
     * @param 	integer	$_value		Message Sensitivity
     * @return 	void
    public function setSensitivity($_value = 0)
        if ( ( is_numeric($_value) ) &&
        ( ( $_value >= 0 ) && ( $_value <= 3 ) ) )
        $this->_msgSensitivity = $_value;

     * Returns Message Content Sensitivity string
     * Message Sensitivity values:
     *   - [0] None - default
     *   - [1] Personal
     *   - [2] Private
     *   - [3] Company Confidential
     * @return 	void
    public function getSensitivity()
        return $this->_arySensitivity[$this->_msgSensitivity];

     * Message Content Priority
     * Message Priority values:
     *  - [0] 'Bulk'
     *  - [1] 'Highest'
     *  - [2] 'High'
     *  - [3] 'Normal' - default
     *  - [4] 'Low'
     *  - [5] 'Lowest'
     * @param 	integer 	$_value 	Message Priority
     * @return 	void
    public function setPriority($_value = 3)
        if ( ( is_numeric($_value) ) &&
        ( ( $_value >= 0 ) && ( $_value <= 5 ) ) )
        $this->_msgPriority = $_value;

     * Message Content Priority
     * Message Priority values:
     *  - [0] 'Bulk'
     *  - [1] 'Highest'
     *  - [2] 'High'
     *  - [3] 'Normal' - default
     *  - [4] 'Low'
     *  - [5] 'Lowest'
     * @return string
    public function getPriority()
        return 'Importance: ' . $this->_aryPriority[$this->_msgPriority] . "\r\n"
        . 'Priority: '   . $this->_aryPriority[$this->_msgPriority] . "\r\n"
        . 'X-Priority: ' . $this->_msgPriority . ' (' . $this->_aryPriority[$this->_msgPriority] . ')' . "\r\n";

     * Set flag which determines whether to calculate message MD5 checksum.
     * @param 	string 	$_flag		Message Priority
     * @return 	void
    public function setMD5flag($_flag = false)
        $this->_smtpMD5 = $_flag;

     * Gets flag which determines whether to calculate message MD5 checksum.
     * @return 	boolean 				Message Priority
    public function getMD5flag()
        return $this->_smtpMD5;

     * Message X-Header Content
     * This is a simple "insert". Whatever is given will be placed
     * "as is" into the Xheader array.
     * @param string $strXdata Message X-Header Content
     * @return void
    public function setXheader($strXdata)
        if ( $strXdata )
        $this->_msgXheader[] = $strXdata;

     * Retrieves the Message X-Header Content
     * @return string[] $_msgContent Message X-Header Content
    public function getXheader()
        return $this->_msgXheader;

     * Generates Random string for MIME message Boundary
     * @return void
    private function _setBoundary()
        $this->_smtpsBoundary = "multipart_x." . time() . ".x_boundary";
        $this->_smtpsRelatedBoundary = 'mul_'.dol_hash(uniqid("dolibarr2"), 3);
        $this->_smtpsAlternativeBoundary = 'mul_'.dol_hash(uniqid("dolibarr3"), 3);

     * Retrieves the MIME message Boundary
     * @param  string $type				Type of boundary
     * @return string $_smtpsBoundary 	MIME message Boundary
    private function _getBoundary($type = 'mixed')
        if ($type == 'mixed') return $this->_smtpsBoundary;
        elseif ($type == 'related') return $this->_smtpsRelatedBoundary;
        elseif ($type == 'alternative') return $this->_smtpsAlternativeBoundary;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * This function has been modified as provided by SirSir to allow multiline responses when
     * using SMTP Extensions
     * @param	resource    $socket			Socket handler
     * @param	string		$response		Response. Example: "550 5.7.1  https://support.google.com/a/answer/6140680#invalidcred j21sm814390wre.3"
     * @return	boolean						True or false
    public function server_parse($socket, $response)
        // phpcs:enable
         * Returns constructed SELECT Object string or boolean upon failure
         * Default value is set at true
        $_retVal = true;

        $server_response = '';

        // avoid infinite loop

        while (substr($server_response, 3, 1) != ' ' && $limit<100)
            if (! ($server_response = fgets($socket, 256)))
                $this->_setErr(121, "Couldn't get mail server response codes");
                $_retVal = false;

        if (! (substr($server_response, 0, 3) == $response))
            $this->_setErr(120, "Ran into problems sending Mail.\r\nResponse: $server_response");
            $_retVal = false;

        return $_retVal;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     * Send str
     * @param	string		$_strSend		String to send
     * @param 	string		$_returnCode	Return code
     * @param 	string		$CRLF			CRLF
     * @return 	boolean|null						True or false
    public function socket_send_str($_strSend, $_returnCode = null, $CRLF = "\r\n")
        // phpcs:enable
        if ($this->_debug) $this->log.=$_strSend;	// @CHANGE LDR for log
        fputs($this->socket, $_strSend . $CRLF);
        if ($this->_debug) $this->log.=' ('.$_returnCode.')' . $CRLF;

        if ( $_returnCode )
        return $this->server_parse($this->socket, $_returnCode);

    // =============================================================
    // ** Error handling methods

     * Defines errors codes and messages for Class
     * @param  int    $_errNum  Error Code Number
     * @param  string $_errMsg  Error Message
     * @return void
    private function _setErr($_errNum, $_errMsg)
        $this->_smtpsErrors[] = array(
            'num' => $_errNum,
            'msg' => $_errMsg,

     * Returns errors codes and messages for Class
     * @return string $_errMsg  Error Message
    public function getErrors()
        $_errMsg = array();

        if (is_array($this->_smtpsErrors))
            foreach ($this->_smtpsErrors as $_err => $_info)
                $_errMsg[] = 'Error [' . $_info['num'] .']: '. $_info['msg'];

        return implode("\n", $_errMsg);

// =============================================================
// ** CSV Version Control Info

 * Revision      2011/09/12 07:49:59  eldy
 * Doxygen
 * Revision      2011/09/06 06:53:53  hregis
 * Fix: use dol_hash instead md5 php function
 * Revision      2011/09/03 00:14:27  eldy
 * Doxygen
 * Revision      2011/08/28 14:24:23  eldy
 * Doxygen
 * Revision      2011/07/12 22:19:02  eldy
 * Fix: Attachment fails if content was empty
 * Revision      2011/06/20 23:17:50  hregis
 * Fix: use best structure of mail
 * Revision      2010/04/13 20:58:37  eldy
 * Fix: Can provide ip address on smtps. Better error reporting.
 * Revision      2010/04/13 20:30:25  eldy
 * Fix: Can provide ip address on smtps. Better error reporting.
 * Revision      2010/01/12 13:02:07  hregis
 * Fix: missing attach-files
 * Revision      2009/11/01 14:16:30  eldy
 * Fix: Sending mail with SMTPS was not working.
 * Revision      2009/10/20 13:14:47  hregis
 * Fix: function "split" is deprecated since php 5.3.0
 * Revision      2009/05/13 19:10:07  eldy
 * New: Can use inline images.Everything seems to work with thunderbird and webmail gmail. New to be tested on other mail browsers.
 * Revision      2009/05/13 14:49:30  eldy
 * Fix: Make code so much simpler and solve a lot of problem with new version.
 * Revision      2009/02/09 00:04:35  eldy
 * Added support for SMTPS protocol
 * Revision       2008/04/16 23:11:45  eldy
 * New: Add action "Test server connectivity"
 * Revision 1.18  2007/01/12 22:17:08  ongardie
 * - Added full_http_site_root() to utils-misc.php
 * - Made SMTPs' getError() easier to use
 * - Improved activity modified emails
 * Revision 1.17  2006/04/05 03:15:40  ongardie
 * -Fixed method name typo that resulted in a fatal error.
 * Revision 1.16  2006/03/08 04:05:25  jswalter
 *  - '$_smtpsTransEncode' was removed and '$_smtpsTransEncodeType' is now used
 *  - '$_smtpsTransEncodeType' is defaulted to ZERO
 *  - corrected 'setCharSet()'  internal vars
 *  - defined '$_mailPath'
 *  - added '$_smtpMD5' as a class property
 *  - added 'setMD5flag()' to set above property
 *  - added 'getMD5flag()' to retrieve above property
 *  - 'setAttachment()' will add an MD5 checksum to attachements if above property is set
 *  - 'setBodyContent()' will add an MD5 checksum to message parts if above property is set
 *  - 'getBodyContent()' will insert the MD5 checksum for messages and attachments if above property is set
 *  - removed leading dashes from message boundry
 *  - added propery "Close message boundry" tomessage block
 *  - corrected some comments in various places
 *  - removed some incorrect comments in others
 * Revision 1.15  2006/02/21 02:00:07  vanmer
 * - patch to add support for sending to exim mail server
 * - thanks to Diego Ongaro at ETSZONE (diego@etszone.com)
 * Revision 1.14  2005/08/29 16:22:10  jswalter
 *  - change 'multipart/alternative' to 'multipart/mixed', but Windows based mail servers have issues with this.
 * Bug 594
 * Revision 1.13  2005/08/21 01:57:30  vanmer
 * - added initialization for array if no recipients exist
 * Revision 1.12  2005/08/20 12:04:30  braverock
 * - remove potentially binary characters from Message-ID
 * - add getHost to get the hostname of the mailserver
 * - add username to Message-ID header
 * Revision 1.11  2005/08/20 11:49:48  braverock
 * - fix typos in boundary
 * - remove potentially illegal characters from boundary
 * Revision 1.10  2005/08/19 20:39:32  jswalter
 *  - added _server_connect()' as a seperate method to handle server connectivity.
 *  - added '_server_authenticate()' as a seperate method to handle server authentication.
 *  - 'sendMsg()' now uses the new methods to handle server communication.
 *  - modified 'server_parse()' and 'socket_send_str()' to give error codes and messages.
 * Revision 1.9  2005/08/19 15:40:18  jswalter
 *  - IMPORTANT: 'setAttachement()' is now spelled correctly: 'setAttachment()'
 *  - added additional comment to several methods
 *  - added '$_smtpsTransEncodeTypes' array to limit encode types
 *  - added parameters to 'sendMsg()' for future development around debugging and logging
 *  - added error code within 'setConfig()' if the given path is not found
 *  - 'setTransportType()' now has parameter validation
 *     [this still is not implemented]
 *  - 'setPort()' now does parameter validation
 *  - 'setTransEncode()' now has parameter validation against '$_smtpsTransEncodeTypes'
 *  - modified 'get_email_list()' to handle error handling
 *  - 'setSensitivity()' now has parameter validation
 *  - 'setPriority()' now has parameter validation
 * Revision 1.8  2005/06/24 21:00:20  jswalter
 *   - corrected comments
 *   - corrected the defualt value for 'setPriority()'
 *   - modified 'setAttachement()' to process multiple attachments correctly
 *   - modified 'getBodyContent()' to handle multiple attachments
 * Bug 310
 * Revision 1.7  2005/05/19 21:12:34  braverock
 * - replace chunk_split() with wordwrap() to fix funky wrapping of templates
 * Revision 1.6  2005/04/25 04:55:06  jswalter
 *  - cloned from Master Version
 * Revision 1.10  2005/04/25 04:54:10  walter
 *  - "fixed" 'getBodyContent()' to handle a "simple" text only message
 * Revision 1.9  2005/04/25 03:52:01  walter
 *  - replace closing curly bracket. Removed it in last revision!
 * Revision 1.8  2005/04/25 02:29:49  walter
 *  - added '$_transportType' and its getter/setter methods.
 *    for future use. NOT yet implemented.
 *  - in 'sendMsg()', added HOST validation check
 *  - added error check for initial Socket Connection
 *  - created new method 'socket_send_str()' to process socket
 *    communication in a unified means. Socket calls within
 *    'sendMsg()' have been modified to use this new method.
 *  - expanded comments in 'setConfig()'
 *  - added "error" check on PHP ini file properties. If these
 *    properties not set within the INI file, the default values
 *    will be used.
 *  - modified 'get_RCPT_list()' to reset itself each time it is called
 *  - modified 'setBodyContent()' to store data in a sub-array for better
 *    parsing within the 'getBodyContent()' method
 *  - modified 'getBodyContent()' to process contents array better.
 *    Also modified to handle attachements.
 *  - added 'setAttachement()' so files and other data can be attached
 *    to messages
 *  - added '_setErr()' and 'getErrors()' as an attempt to begin an error
 *    handling process within this class
 * Revision 1.7  2005/04/13 15:23:50  walter
 *  - made 'CC' a conditional insert
 *  - made 'BCC' a conditional insert
 *  - fixed 'Message-ID'
 *  - corrected 'getSensitivity()'
 *  - modified '$_aryPriority[]' to proper values
 *  - updated 'setConfig()' to handle external Ini or 'php.ini'
 * Revision 1.6  2005/03/15 17:34:06  walter
 *  - corrected Message Sensitivity property and method comments
 *  - added array to Message Sensitivity
 *  - added getSensitivity() method to use new Sensitivity array
 *  - created seters and getter for Priority with new Prioity value array property
 *  - changed config file include from 'include_once'
 *  - modified getHeader() to ustilize new Message Sensitivity and Priorty properties
 * Revision 1.5  2005/03/14 22:25:27  walter
 *  - added references
 *  - added Message sensitivity as a property with Getter/Setter methods
 *  - boundary is now a property with Getter/Setter methods
 *  - added 'builtRCPTlist()'
 *  - 'sendMsg()' now uses Object properties and methods to build message
 *  - 'setConfig()' to load external file
 *  - 'setForm()' will "strip" the email address out of "address" string
 *  - modifed 'getFrom()' to handle "striping" the email address
 *  - '_buildArrayList()' creates a multi-dimensional array of addresses
 *    by domain, TO, CC & BCC and then by User Name.
 *  - '_strip_email()' pulls email address out of "full Address" string'
 *  - 'get_RCPT_list()' pulls out "bare" emaill address form address array
 *  - 'getHeader()' builds message Header from Object properties
 *  - 'getBodyContent()' builds full messsage body, even multi-part
 * Revision 1.4  2005/03/02 20:53:35  walter
 *  - core Setters & Getters defined
 *  - added additional Class Properties
 * Revision 1.3  2005/03/02 18:51:51  walter
 *  - added base 'Class Properties'
 * Revision 1.2  2005/03/01 19:37:52  walter
 *  - CVS logging tags
 *  - more comments
 *  - more "shell"
 *  - some constants
 * Revision 1.1  2005/03/01 19:22:49  walter
 *  - initial commit
 *  - basic shell with some commets