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/* Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Laurent Destailleur  <eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
 * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Regis Houssin        <regis.houssin@inodbox.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Juanjo Menent        <jmenent@2byte.es>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 *	\file       htdocs/core/class/hookmanager.class.php
 *	\ingroup    core
 *	\brief      File of class to manage hooks

 *	Class to manage hooks
class HookManager
     * @var DoliDB Database handler.
    public $db;

	 * @var string Error code (or message)
	public $error='';

	 * @var string[] Error codes (or messages)
	public $errors = array();

    // Context hookmanager was created for ('thirdpartycard', 'thirdpartydao', ...)
    public $contextarray=array();

	// Array with instantiated classes
    public $hooks=array();

	// Array result
    public $resArray=array();
	// Printable result
    public $resPrint='';
	// Nb of qualified hook ran
    public $resNbOfHooks=0;

	 * Constructor
	 * @param	DoliDB		$db		Database handler
	public function __construct($db)
		$this->db = $db;

	 *	Init array $this->hooks with instantiated action controlers.
	 *  First, a hook is declared by a module by adding a constant MAIN_MODULE_MYMODULENAME_HOOKS with value 'nameofcontext1:nameofcontext2:...' into $this->const of module descriptor file.
	 *  This makes $conf->hooks_modules loaded with an entry ('modulename'=>array(nameofcontext1,nameofcontext2,...))
	 *  When initHooks function is called, with initHooks(list_of_contexts), an array $this->hooks is defined with instance of controler
	 *  class found into file /mymodule/class/actions_mymodule.class.php (if module has declared the context as a managed context).
	 *  Then when a hook executeHooks('aMethod'...) is called, the method aMethod found into class will be executed.
	 *	@param	string[]	$arraycontext	    Array list of searched hooks tab/features. For example: 'thirdpartycard' (for hook methods into page card thirdparty), 'thirdpartydao' (for hook methods into Societe), ...
	 *	@return	int							    Always 1
	public function initHooks($arraycontext)
		global $conf;

		// Test if there is hooks to manage
        if (! is_array($conf->modules_parts['hooks']) || empty($conf->modules_parts['hooks'])) return;

        // For backward compatibility
		if (! is_array($arraycontext)) $arraycontext=array($arraycontext);

		$this->contextarray=array_unique(array_merge($arraycontext, $this->contextarray));    // All contexts are concatenated

		foreach($conf->modules_parts['hooks'] as $module => $hooks)	// Loop on each module that brings hooks
			if (empty($conf->$module->enabled)) continue;

			//dol_syslog(get_class($this).'::initHooks module='.$module.' arraycontext='.join(',',$arraycontext));
			foreach($arraycontext as $context)
				if (is_array($hooks)) $arrayhooks=$hooks;    // New system
				else $arrayhooks=explode(':', $hooks);        // Old system (for backward compatibility)

				if (in_array($context, $arrayhooks) || in_array('all', $arrayhooks))    // We instantiate action class only if initialized hook is handled by module
					// Include actions class overwriting hooks
					if (! is_object($this->hooks[$context][$module]))	// If set, class was already loaded
						$path 		= '/'.$module.'/class/';
						$actionfile = 'actions_'.$module.'.class.php';

						dol_syslog(get_class($this).'::initHooks Loading hook class for context '.$context.": ".$actionfile, LOG_INFO);
						if ($resaction)
							$controlclassname = 'Actions'.ucfirst($module);
							$actionInstance = new $controlclassname($this->db);
							$this->hooks[$context][$module] = $actionInstance;
		return 1;

     *  Execute hooks (if they were initialized) for the given method
     *  @param		string	$method			Name of method hooked ('doActions', 'printSearchForm', 'showInputField', ...)
     *  @param		array	$parameters		Array of parameters
     *  @param		Object	$object			Object to use hooks on
     *  @param		string	$action			Action code on calling page ('create', 'edit', 'view', 'add', 'update', 'delete'...)
     *  @return		mixed					For 'addreplace' hooks (doActions,formObjectOptions,pdf_xxx,...):  					Return 0 if we want to keep standard actions, >0 if we want to stop/replace standard actions, <0 if KO. Things to print are returned into ->resprints and set into ->resPrint. Things to return are returned into ->results by hook and set into ->resArray for caller.
     *                                      For 'output' hooks (printLeftBlock, formAddObjectLine, formBuilddocOptions, ...):	Return 0, <0 if KO. Things to print are returned into ->resprints and set into ->resPrint. Things to return are returned into ->results by hook and set into ->resArray for caller.
     *                                      All types can also return some values into an array ->results that will be finaly merged into this->resArray for caller.
     *                                      $this->error or this->errors are also defined by class called by this function if error.
	public function executeHooks($method, $parameters = array(), &$object = '', &$action = '')
        if (! is_array($this->hooks) || empty($this->hooks)) return '';

        $parameters['context']=join(':', $this->contextarray);
        //dol_syslog(get_class($this).'::executeHooks method='.$method." action=".$action." context=".$parameters['context']);

        // Define type of hook ('output' or 'addreplace'. 'returnvalue' is deprecated because a 'addreplace' hook can also return resPrint and resArray).
        if (in_array(
			)) $hooktype='addreplace';

        if ($method == 'insertExtraFields') {
            $hooktype='returnvalue';	// @deprecated. TODO Remove all code with "executeHooks('insertExtraFields'" as soon as there is a trigger available.
            dol_syslog("Warning: The hook 'insertExtraFields' is deprecated and must not be used. Use instead trigger on CRUD event (ask it to dev team if not implemented)", LOG_WARNING);

        // Init return properties
        $this->resPrint=''; $this->resArray=array(); $this->resNbOfHooks=0;

        // Loop on each hook to qualify modules that have declared context
        $resaction=0; $error=0; $result='';
        foreach($this->hooks as $context => $modules)    // $this->hooks is an array with context as key and value is an array of modules that handle this context
            if (! empty($modules))
                foreach($modules as $module => $actionclassinstance)
                	//print "Before hook ".get_class($actionclassinstance)." method=".$method." hooktype=".$hooktype." results=".count($actionclassinstance->results)." resprints=".count($actionclassinstance->resprints)." resaction=".$resaction." result=".$result."<br>\n";

                    // test to avoid running twice a hook, when a module implements several active contexts
                    if (in_array($module, $modulealreadyexecuted)) continue;

                	// jump to next module/class if method does not exist
                    if (! method_exists($actionclassinstance, $method)) continue;


                    $modulealreadyexecuted[$module]=$module; // Use the $currentcontext in method to avoid running twice

                    // Clean class (an error may have been set from a previous call of another method for same module/hook)

                    dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::executeHooks Qualified hook found (hooktype=".$hooktype."). We call method ".$method." of class ".get_class($actionclassinstance).", module=".$module.", action=".$action." context=".$context, LOG_DEBUG);

                    // Add current context to avoid method execution in bad context, you can add this test in your method : eg if($currentcontext != 'formfile') return;
                    $parameters['currentcontext'] = $context;
                    // Hooks that must return int (hooks with type 'addreplace')
                    if ($hooktype == 'addreplace')
                    	$resaction += $actionclassinstance->$method($parameters, $object, $action, $this); // $object and $action can be changed by method ($object->id during creation for example or $action to go back to other action for example)
                    	if ($resaction < 0 || ! empty($actionclassinstance->error) || (! empty($actionclassinstance->errors) && count($actionclassinstance->errors) > 0))
                    		$this->error=$actionclassinstance->error; $this->errors=array_merge($this->errors, (array) $actionclassinstance->errors);
                    		dol_syslog("Error on hook module=".$module.", method ".$method.", class ".get_class($actionclassinstance).", hooktype=".$hooktype.(empty($this->error)?'':" ".$this->error).(empty($this->errors)?'':" ".join(",", $this->errors)), LOG_ERR);

                    	if (isset($actionclassinstance->results) && is_array($actionclassinstance->results))  $this->resArray =array_merge($this->resArray, $actionclassinstance->results);
                    	if (! empty($actionclassinstance->resprints)) $this->resPrint.=$actionclassinstance->resprints;
                    // Generic hooks that return a string or array (printLeftBlock, formAddObjectLine, formBuilddocOptions, ...)
                    	// TODO. this test should be done into the method of hook by returning nothing
                    	if (is_array($parameters) && ! empty($parameters['special_code']) && $parameters['special_code'] > 3 && $parameters['special_code'] != $actionclassinstance->module_number) continue;

                    	//dol_syslog("Call method ".$method." of class ".get_class($actionclassinstance).", module=".$module.", hooktype=".$hooktype, LOG_DEBUG);
                    	$resaction = $actionclassinstance->$method($parameters, $object, $action, $this); // $object and $action can be changed by method ($object->id during creation for example or $action to go back to other action for example)

                    	if (! empty($actionclassinstance->results) && is_array($actionclassinstance->results)) $this->resArray=array_merge($this->resArray, $actionclassinstance->results);
                    	if (! empty($actionclassinstance->resprints)) $this->resPrint.=$actionclassinstance->resprints;
                    	if (is_numeric($resaction) && $resaction < 0)
                    	    $this->error=$actionclassinstance->error; $this->errors=array_merge($this->errors, (array) $actionclassinstance->errors);
                    	    dol_syslog("Error on hook module=".$module.", method ".$method.", class ".get_class($actionclassinstance).", hooktype=".$hooktype.(empty($this->error)?'':" ".$this->error).(empty($this->errors)?'':" ".join(",", $this->errors)), LOG_ERR);
                    	// TODO dead code to remove (do not enable this, but fix hook instead): result must not be a string but an int. you must use $actionclassinstance->resprints to return a string
                    	if (! is_array($resaction) && ! is_numeric($resaction))
                    		dol_syslog('Error: Bug into hook '.$method.' of module class '.get_class($actionclassinstance).'. Method must not return a string but an int (0=OK, 1=Replace, -1=KO) and set string into ->resprints', LOG_ERR);
                    		if (empty($actionclassinstance->resprints)) { $this->resPrint.=$resaction; $resaction=0; }

                    //print "After hook  ".get_class($actionclassinstance)." method=".$method." hooktype=".$hooktype." results=".count($actionclassinstance->results)." resprints=".count($actionclassinstance->resprints)." resaction=".$resaction." result=".$result."<br>\n";


        return ($error?-1:$resaction);