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/* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Laurent Destailleur  <eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * or see http://www.gnu.org/

 *       \file       htdocs/core/class/doleditor.class.php
 *       \brief      Class to manage a WYSIWYG editor

 *      Class to manage a WYSIWYG editor.
 *		Usage: $doleditor=new DolEditor('body',$message,320,'toolbar_mailing');
 *		       $doleditor->Create();
class DolEditor
    public $tool;      // Store the selected tool

    // If using fckeditor
    public $editor;

    // If not using fckeditor
    public $content;
    public $htmlname;
    public $toolbarname;
    public $toolbarstartexpanded;
    public $rows;
    public $cols;
    public $height;
    public $width;
    public $readonly;

     *  Create an object to build an HTML area to edit a large string content
     *  @param 	string	$htmlname		        		HTML name of WYSIWIG field
     *  @param 	string	$content		        		Content of WYSIWIG field
     *  @param	int		$width							Width in pixel of edit area (auto by default)
     *  @param 	int		$height			       		 	Height in pixel of edit area (200px by default)
     *  @param 	string	$toolbarname	       		 	Name of bar set to use ('Full', 'dolibarr_notes[_encoded]', 'dolibarr_details[_encoded]'=the less featured, 'dolibarr_mailings[_encoded]', 'dolibarr_readonly').
     *  @param  string	$toolbarlocation       			Where bar is stored :
     *                       		                    'In' each window has its own toolbar
     *                              		            'Out:name' share toolbar into the div called 'name'
     *  @param  boolean	$toolbarstartexpanded  			Bar is visible or not at start
	 *  @param	int		$uselocalbrowser				Enabled to add links to local object with local browser. If false, only external images can be added in content.
	 *  @param  boolean|string	$okforextendededitor    True=Allow usage of extended editor tool if qualified (like ckeditor). If 'textarea', force use of simple textarea. If 'ace', force use of Ace.
	 *                                                  Warning: If you use 'ace', don't forget to also include ace.js in page header. Also, the button "save" must have class="buttonforacesave".
     *  @param  int		$rows                   		Size of rows for textarea tool
	 *  @param  string	$cols                   		Size of cols for textarea tool (textarea number of cols '70' or percent 'x%')
	 *  @param	int		$readonly						0=Read/Edit, 1=Read only
    public function __construct($htmlname, $content, $width = '', $height = 200, $toolbarname = 'Basic', $toolbarlocation = 'In', $toolbarstartexpanded = false, $uselocalbrowser = true, $okforextendededitor = true, $rows = 0, $cols = 0, $readonly = 0)
    	global $conf,$langs;

    	dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::DolEditor htmlname=".$htmlname." width=".$width." height=".$height." toolbarname=".$toolbarname);

    	if (! $rows) $rows=round($height/20);
    	if (! $cols) $cols=($width?round($width/6):80);
		$shorttoolbarname=preg_replace('/_encoded$/', '', $toolbarname);

        // Name of extended editor to use (FCKEDITOR_EDITORNAME can be 'ckeditor' or 'fckeditor')

        // Check if extended editor is ok. If not we force textarea
        if ((empty($conf->fckeditor->enabled) && $okforextendededitor != 'ace') || empty($okforextendededitor)) $this->tool = 'textarea';
		if ($okforextendededitor === 'ace') $this->tool='ace';
        //if ($conf->dol_use_jmobile) $this->tool = 'textarea';       // ckeditor and ace seems ok with mobile

        // Define content and some properties
        if ($this->tool == 'ckeditor')
            $content=dol_htmlentitiesbr($content);  // If content is not HTML, we convert to HTML.
        if ($this->tool == 'fckeditor')
        	require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/includes/fckeditor/fckeditor.php';

    		$content=dol_htmlentitiesbr($content);	// If content is not HTML, we convert to HTML.

        	$this->editor = new FCKeditor($htmlname);
        	$this->editor->BasePath = DOL_URL_ROOT.'/includes/fckeditor/' ;
        	$this->editor->Value	= $content;
        	$this->editor->Height   = $height;
        	if (! empty($width)) $this->editor->Width = $width;
        	$this->editor->ToolbarSet = $shorttoolbarname;         // Profile of this toolbar set is deinfed into theme/mytheme/ckeditor/config.js
        	$this->editor->Config['AutoDetectLanguage'] = 'true';  // Language of user (browser)
        	$this->editor->Config['ToolbarLocation'] = $toolbarlocation ? $toolbarlocation : 'In';
        	$this->editor->Config['ToolbarStartExpanded'] = $toolbarstartexpanded;

    		// Rem: Le forcage de ces 2 parametres ne semble pas fonctionner.
    		// Dolibarr utilise toujours liens avec modulepart='fckeditor' quelque soit modulepart.
    		// Ou se trouve donc cette valeur /viewimage.php?modulepart=fckeditor&file=' ?
    		$this->editor->Config['UserFilesPath'] = '/viewimage.php?modulepart='.$modulepart.'&entity='.$conf->entity.'&file=';
    		$this->editor->Config['UserFilesAbsolutePath'] = DOL_DATA_ROOT.'/'.$modulepart.'/' ;


        	if (file_exists(DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/theme/'.$conf->theme.'/fckeditor/fckconfig.js'))
        		$this->editor->Config['CustomConfigurationsPath'] = DOL_URL_ROOT.'/theme/'.$conf->theme.'/fckeditor/fckconfig.js';
        		$this->editor->Config['SkinPath'] = DOL_URL_ROOT.'/theme/'.$conf->theme.'/fckeditor/';

    	// Define some properties
        if (in_array($this->tool, array('textarea','ckeditor','ace')))
    	    $this->content				= $content;
    	    $this->htmlname 			= $htmlname;
    	    $this->toolbarname			= $shorttoolbarname;
    	    $this->toolbarstartexpanded = $toolbarstartexpanded;
            $this->rows					= max(ROWS_3, $rows);
            $this->cols					= (preg_match('/%/', $cols)?$cols:max(40, $cols));	// If $cols is a percent, we keep it, otherwise, we take max
            $this->height				= $height;
            $this->width				= $width;

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
     *	Output edit area inside the HTML stream.
     *	Output depends on this->tool (fckeditor, ckeditor, textarea, ...)
     *  @param	int		$noprint             1=Return HTML string instead of printing it to output
     *  @param	string	$morejs		         Add more js. For example: ".on( \'saveSnapshot\', function(e) { alert(\'ee\'); });". Used by CKEditor only.
     *  @param  boolean $disallowAnyContent  Disallow to use any content. true=restrict to a predefined list of allowed elements. Used by CKEditor only.
     *  @param	string	$titlecontent		 Show title content before editor area. Used by ACE editor only.
     *  @param	string	$option				 For ACE editor, set the source language ('html', 'php', 'javascript', ...)
     *  @return	void|string
    public function Create($noprint = 0, $morejs = '', $disallowAnyContent = true, $titlecontent = '', $option = '')
        // phpcs:enable
    	global $conf,$langs;

    	if (isset($conf->global->FCKEDITOR_ALLOW_ANY_CONTENT))
    	   $disallowAnyContent=empty($conf->global->FCKEDITOR_ALLOW_ANY_CONTENT);      // Only predefined list of html tags are allowed or all


        if ($this->tool == 'fckeditor') // not used anymore
        if (in_array($this->tool, array('textarea','ckeditor')))
            //$out.= '<textarea id="'.$this->htmlname.'" name="'.$this->htmlname.'" '.($this->readonly?' disabled':'').' rows="'.$this->rows.'"'.(preg_match('/%/',$this->cols)?' style="margin-top: 5px; width: '.$this->cols.'"':' cols="'.$this->cols.'"').' class="flat">';
            // TODO We do not put the disabled tag because on a read form, it change style with grey.
            $out.= '<textarea id="'.$this->htmlname.'" name="'.$this->htmlname.'" rows="'.$this->rows.'"'.(preg_match('/%/', $this->cols)?' style="margin-top: 5px; width: '.$this->cols.'"':' cols="'.$this->cols.'"').' class="flat">';
            $out.= htmlspecialchars($this->content);
            $out.= '</textarea>';

            if ($this->tool == 'ckeditor' && ! empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax) && ! empty($conf->fckeditor->enabled))
            	if (! defined('REQUIRE_CKEDITOR')) define('REQUIRE_CKEDITOR', '1');

            	if (! empty($conf->global->FCKEDITOR_SKIN)) {
					$skin = $conf->global->FCKEDITOR_SKIN;
				} else {
					$skin = 'moono-lisa'; // default with ckeditor 4.6 : moono-lisa

            	$htmlencode_force=preg_match('/_encoded$/', $this->toolbarname)?'true':'false';

            	$out.= '<!-- Output ckeditor $disallowAnyContent='.$disallowAnyContent.' toolbarname='.$this->toolbarname.' -->'."\n";
            	$out.= '<script type="text/javascript">
            			$(document).ready(function () {
                            /* if (CKEDITOR.loadFullCore) CKEDITOR.loadFullCore(); */
                            /* should be editor=CKEDITOR.replace but what if serveral editors ? */
            						/* property:xxx is same than CKEDITOR.config.property = xxx */
            						customConfig : ckeditorConfig,
            						readOnly : '.($this->readonly?'true':'false').',
                            		htmlEncodeOutput :'.$htmlencode_force.',
            						allowedContent :'.($disallowAnyContent?'false':'true').',
            						extraAllowedContent : \'\',
            						fullPage : '.($fullpage?'true':'false').',
                            		toolbar: \''.$this->toolbarname.'\',
            						toolbarStartupExpanded: '.($this->toolbarstartexpanded ? 'true' : 'false').',
            						width: '.($this->width ? '\''.$this->width.'\'' : '\'\'').',
            						height: '.$this->height.',
                                    skin: \''.$skin.'\',
                                    language: \''.$langs->defaultlang.'\',
                                    textDirection: \''.$langs->trans("DIRECTION").'\',
                                    on :
                                                instanceReady : function( ev )
                                                    // Output paragraphs as <p>Text</p>.
                                                    this.dataProcessor.writer.setRules( \'p\',
                                                            indent : false,
                                                            breakBeforeOpen : true,
                                                            breakAfterOpen : false,
                                                            breakBeforeClose : false,
                                                            breakAfterClose : true
            	if ($this->uselocalbrowser)
                    $out.= ','."\n";
                    // To use filemanager with old fckeditor (GPL)
                    $out.= '    filebrowserBrowseUrl : ckeditorFilebrowserBrowseUrl,';
                    $out.= '    filebrowserImageBrowseUrl : ckeditorFilebrowserImageBrowseUrl,';
                    //$out.= '    filebrowserUploadUrl : \''.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/includes/fckeditor/editor/filemanagerdol/connectors/php/upload.php?Type=File\',';
                    //$out.= '    filebrowserImageUploadUrl : \''.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/includes/fckeditor/editor/filemanagerdol/connectors/php/upload.php?Type=Image\',';
                    $out.= "\n";
                    // To use filemanager with ckfinder (Non free) and ckfinder directory is inside htdocs/includes
					/* $out.= '    filebrowserBrowseUrl : \''.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/includes/ckfinder/ckfinder.html\',
                               filebrowserImageBrowseUrl : \''.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/includes/ckfinder/ckfinder.html?Type=Images\',
                               filebrowserFlashBrowseUrl : \''.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/includes/ckfinder/ckfinder.html?Type=Flash\',
                               filebrowserUploadUrl : \''.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/includes/ckfinder/core/connector/php/connector.php?command=QuickUpload&type=Files\',
                               filebrowserImageUploadUrl : \''.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/includes/ckfinder/core/connector/php/connector.php?command=QuickUpload&type=Images\',
                               filebrowserFlashUploadUrl : \''.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/includes/ckfinder/core/connector/php/connector.php?command=QuickUpload&type=Flash\','."\n";
                    $out.= '    filebrowserWindowWidth : \'900\',
                               filebrowserWindowHeight : \'500\',
                               filebrowserImageWindowWidth : \'900\',
                               filebrowserImageWindowHeight : \'500\'';
            	$out.= '	})'.$morejs;
            	$out.= '});'."\n";
            	$out.= '</script>'."\n";

        // Output editor ACE
        // Warning: ace.js and ext-statusbar.js must be loaded by the parent page.
        if (preg_match('/^ace/', $this->tool))

            $out.= "\n".'<!-- Output Ace editor -->'."\n";

			if ($titlecontent)
	            $out.= '<div class="aceeditorstatusbar" id="statusBar'.$this->htmlname.'">'.$titlecontent;
	            $out.= ' &nbsp; - &nbsp; <a id="morelines" href="#" class="right morelines'.$this->htmlname.'">'.dol_escape_htmltag($langs->trans("ShowMoreLines")).'</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; ';
	            $out.= '</div>';
	            $out.= '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">'."\n";
	            $out.= 'jQuery(document).ready(function() {'."\n";
	            $out.= '	var aceEditor = window.ace.edit("'.$this->htmlname.'aceeditorid");
	    	    		   	var StatusBar = window.ace.require("ace/ext/statusbar").StatusBar;									// Init status bar. Need lib ext-statusbar
	        			   	var statusBar = new StatusBar(aceEditor, document.getElementById("statusBar'.$this->htmlname.'"));	// Init status bar. Need lib ext-statusbar
	            			var oldNbOfLines = 0
							jQuery(".morelines'.$this->htmlname.'").click(function() {
	        	    				var aceEditorClicked = window.ace.edit("'.$this->htmlname.'aceeditorid");
									currentline = aceEditorClicked.getOption("maxLines");
									if (oldNbOfLines == 0)
										oldNbOfLines = currentline;
									console.log("We click on more lines, oldNbOfLines is "+oldNbOfLines+", we have currently "+currentline);
									if (currentline < 500)
										aceEditorClicked.setOptions({ maxLines: 500 });
										aceEditorClicked.setOptions({ maxLines: oldNbOfLines });
	            $out.= '</script>'."\n";

            $out.= '<pre id="'.$this->htmlname.'aceeditorid" style="'.($this->width?'width: '.$this->width.'px; ':'');
            $out.= ($this->height?' height: '.$this->height.'px; ':'');
            //$out.=" min-height: 100px;";
            $out.= '">';
        	$out.= htmlspecialchars($this->content);
        	$out.= '</pre>';
        	$out.= '<textarea id="'.$this->htmlname.'" name="'.$this->htmlname.'" style="width:0px; height: 0px; display: none;">';
        	$out.= htmlspecialchars($this->content);
        	$out.= '</textarea>';

        	$out.= '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">'."\n";
        	$out.= 'var aceEditor = window.ace.edit("'.$this->htmlname.'aceeditorid");

	   				   enableBasicAutocompletion: true, // the editor completes the statement when you hit Ctrl + Space. Need lib ext-language_tools.js
					   enableLiveAutocompletion: false, // the editor completes the statement while you are typing. Need lib ext-language_tools.js
					   showPrintMargin: false, // hides the vertical limiting strip
					   minLines: 10,
					   maxLines: '.(empty($this->height)?'34':(round($this->height/10))).',
				       fontSize: "110%" // ensures that the editor fits in the environment

					// defines the style of the editor
					// hides line numbers (widens the area occupied by error and warning messages)
					//aceEditor.renderer.setOption("showLineNumbers", false);
					// ensures proper autocomplete, validation and highlighting of JavaScript code

        	$out.= 'jQuery(document).ready(function() {
						jQuery(".buttonforacesave").click(function() {
        					console.log("We click on savefile button for component '.$this->htmlname.'");
        					var aceEditor = window.ace.edit("'.$this->htmlname.'aceeditorid")
							/*if (jQuery("#'.$this->htmlname.'").html().length > 0) return true;
							else return false;*/
        	$out.= '</script>'."\n";

        if (empty($found))
            $out.= 'Error, unknown value for tool '.$this->tool.' in DolEditor Create function.';

        if ($noprint) return $out;
        else print $out;