
Your IP :

Current Path : /home/scgforma/www/soc064/htdocs/core/ajax/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/scgforma/www/soc064/htdocs/core/ajax/ajaxdirtree.php

/* Copyright (C) 2007-2018  Laurent Destailleur     <eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
 * Copyright (C) 2018       Frédéric France         <frederic.france@netlogic.fr>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 *      \file       htdocs/core/ajax/ajaxdirtree.php
 *      \ingroup    ecm
 *      \brief      This script returns content of a directory for filetree

// This script is called with a POST method.
// Directory to scan (full path) is inside POST['dir'] and encode by js escape() if ajax is used or encoded by urlencode if mode=noajax

if (! defined('NOTOKENRENEWAL')) define('NOTOKENRENEWAL', 1); // Disables token renewal
if (! defined('NOREQUIREMENU')) define('NOREQUIREMENU', '1');
if (! defined('NOREQUIREHTML')) define('NOREQUIREHTML', '1');
if (! defined('NOREQUIREAJAX')) define('NOREQUIREAJAX', '1');

if (! isset($mode) || $mode != 'noajax')    // For ajax call
	$res=@include '../../main.inc.php';
	include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/files.lib.php';
	include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/functions2.lib.php';
	include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/treeview.lib.php';
	include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.form.class.php';
	include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/ecm/class/ecmdirectory.class.php';

	//if (GETPOST('preopened')) { $_GET['dir'] = $_POST['dir'] = '/bbb/'; }

	$openeddir = GETPOST('openeddir');
	$modulepart= GETPOST('modulepart');
	$selecteddir = jsUnEscape(GETPOST('dir'));        // relative path. We must decode using same encoding function used by javascript: escape()

	$preopened = GETPOST('preopened');

	if ($selecteddir != '/') $selecteddir = preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $selecteddir);    // We removed last '/' except if it is '/'
else    // For no ajax call
	//if (GETPOST('preopened')) { $_GET['dir'] = $_POST['dir'] = GETPOST('preopened'); }

	$openeddir = GETPOST('openeddir');
	$modulepart= GETPOST('modulepart');
	$selecteddir = GETPOST('dir');

	$preopened = GETPOST('preopened');

	if ($selecteddir != '/') $selecteddir = preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $selecteddir);    // We removed last '/' except if it is '/'
	if (empty($url)) $url=DOL_URL_ROOT.'/ecm/index.php';

// Load translation files required by the page

// Define fullpathselecteddir.
if ($modulepart == 'ecm')
	$fullpathselecteddir=$conf->ecm->dir_output.'/'.($selecteddir != '/' ? $selecteddir : '');
	$fullpathpreopened=$conf->ecm->dir_output.'/'.($preopened != '/' ? $preopened : '');
elseif ($modulepart == 'medias')
	$fullpathselecteddir=$dolibarr_main_data_root.'/medias/'.($selecteddir != '/' ? $selecteddir : '');
	$fullpathpreopened=$dolibarr_main_data_root.'/medias/'.($preopened != '/' ? $preopened : '');

// Security:
// On interdit les remontees de repertoire ainsi que les pipe dans les noms de fichiers.
if (preg_match('/\.\./', $fullpathselecteddir) || preg_match('/[<>|]/', $fullpathselecteddir))
    dol_syslog("Refused to deliver file ".$original_file);
    // Do no show plain path in shown error message
    dol_print_error(0, $langs->trans("ErrorFileNameInvalid", GETPOST("file")));

// Check permissions
if ($modulepart == 'ecm')
	if (! $user->rights->ecm->read) accessforbidden();
elseif ($modulepart == 'medias')
	// Always allowed

 * View

if (! isset($mode) || $mode != 'noajax')	// if ajax mode

//print '<!-- selecteddir (relative dir we click on) = '.$selecteddir.', openeddir = '.$openeddir.', modulepart='.$modulepart.', preopened='.$preopened.' -->'."\n";
$userstatic=new User($db);
$form=new Form($db);
$ecmdirstatic = new EcmDirectory($db);

// Load full tree of ECM module from database. We will use it to define nbofsubdir and nboffilesinsubdir
if (empty($sqltree)) $sqltree=$ecmdirstatic->get_full_arbo(0);

// Try to find selected dir id into $sqltree and save it into $current_ecmdir_id
foreach($sqltree as $keycursor => $val)
    //print $val['fullrelativename']." == ".$selecteddir;
    if ($val['fullrelativename'] == $selecteddir)
        $current_ecmdir_id = $keycursor;

if (! empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax) && empty($conf->global->MAIN_ECM_DISABLE_JS))
	treeOutputForAbsoluteDir($sqltree, $selecteddir, $fullpathselecteddir, $modulepart, $websitekey, $pageid, $preopened, $fullpathpreopened);

	// TODO Find a solution to not output this code for each leaf we open
	// Enable jquery handlers on new generated HTML objects (same code than into lib_footer.js.php)
	// Because the content is reloaded by ajax call, we must also reenable some jquery hooks
	print "\n<!-- JS CODE TO ENABLE Tooltips on all object with class classfortooltip (reload into ajaxdirtree) -->\n";
	print '<script type="text/javascript">
	            	jQuery(document).ready(function () {
							show: { collision: "flipfit", effect:\'toggle\', delay:50 },
							hide: { delay: 50 }, 	/* If I enable effect:\'toggle\' here, a bug appears: the tooltip is shown when collpasing a new dir if it was shown before */
							tooltipClass: "mytooltip",
							content: function () {
	              				return $(this).prop(\'title\');		/* To force to get title as is */

	// This ajax service is called only when a directory $selecteddir is opened but not when closed.
	//print '<script language="javascript">';
	//print "loadandshowpreview('".dol_escape_js($selecteddir)."');";
	//print '</script>';

if (empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax) || ! empty($conf->global->MAIN_ECM_DISABLE_JS))
	print '<ul class="ecmjqft">';

	// Load full tree from database. We will use it to define nbofsubdir and nboffilesinsubdir
	if (empty($sqltree)) $sqltree=$ecmdirstatic->get_full_arbo(0);    // Slow

	// ----- This section will show a tree from a fulltree array -----
	// $section must also be defined
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------

	// Define fullpathselected ( _x_y_z ) of $section parameter (!! not into ajaxdirtree)
	foreach($sqltree as $key => $val)
		//print $val['id']."-".$section."<br>";
		if ($val['id'] == $section)
	//print "fullpathselected=".$fullpathselected."<br>";

	// Update expandedsectionarray in session
	if (isset($_SESSION['dol_ecmexpandedsectionarray'])) $expandedsectionarray=explode(',', $_SESSION['dol_ecmexpandedsectionarray']);

	if ($section && GETPOST('sectionexpand') == 'true')
		// We add all sections that are parent of opened section
		$pathtosection=explode('_', $fullpathselected);
		foreach($pathtosection as $idcursor)
			if ($idcursor && ! in_array($idcursor, $expandedsectionarray))	// Not already in array
		$_SESSION['dol_ecmexpandedsectionarray']=join(',', $expandedsectionarray);
	if ($section && GETPOST('sectionexpand') == 'false')
		// We removed all expanded sections that are child of the closed section
		$expandedsectionarray=array();	// Reset
		foreach($oldexpandedsectionarray as $sectioncursor)
			// TODO is_in_subtree(fulltree,sectionparent,sectionchild) does nox exists. Enable or remove this...
			//if ($sectioncursor && ! is_in_subtree($sqltree,$section,$sectioncursor)) $expandedsectionarray[]=$sectioncursor;
		$_SESSION['dol_ecmexpandedsectionarray']=join(',', $expandedsectionarray);
	//print $_SESSION['dol_ecmexpandedsectionarray'].'<br>';

	foreach($sqltree as $key => $val)


		// Refresh cache
		if (preg_match('/refresh/i', $action))



		// Define showline

		// If directory is son of expanded directory, we show line
		if (in_array($val['id_mere'], $expandedsectionarray)) $showline=4;
		// If directory is brother of selected directory, we show line
		elseif ($val['id'] != $section && $val['id_mere'] == $ecmdirstatic->motherof[$section]) $showline=3;
		// If directory is parent of selected directory or is selected directory, we show line
		elseif (preg_match('/'.$val['fullpath'].'_/i', $fullpathselected.'_')) $showline=2;
		// If we are level one we show line
		elseif ($val['level'] < 2) $showline=1;

		if ($showline)
			if (in_array($val['id'], $expandedsectionarray)) $option='indexexpanded';
			else $option='indexnotexpanded';
			//print $option;

			print '<li class="directory collapsed">';

			// Show tree graph pictos
			while ($cpt < $sqltree[$key]['level'])
				print ' &nbsp; &nbsp;';
			$resarray=tree_showpad($sqltree, $key, 1);

			// Show link
			print $ecmdirstatic->getNomUrl(0, $option, 32, 'class="fmdirlia jqft ecmjqft"');

			print '<div class="ecmjqft">';

			// Nb of docs
			print '<table class="nobordernopadding"><tr><td>';
			print $val['cachenbofdoc'];
			print '</td>';
			print '<td class="left">';
			if ($nbofsubdir && $nboffilesinsubdir) print '<font color="#AAAAAA">+'.$nboffilesinsubdir.'</font> ';
			print '</td>';

			// Info
			print '<td align="center">';
			$htmltooltip='<b>'.$langs->trans("ECMSection").'</b>: '.$val['label'].'<br>';
			$htmltooltip='<b>'.$langs->trans("Type").'</b>: '.$langs->trans("ECMSectionManual").'<br>';
			$htmltooltip.='<b>'.$langs->trans("ECMCreationUser").'</b>: '.$userstatic->getNomUrl(1, '', false, 1).'<br>';
			$htmltooltip.='<b>'.$langs->trans("ECMCreationDate").'</b>: '.dol_print_date($val['date_c'], "dayhour").'<br>';
			$htmltooltip.='<b>'.$langs->trans("Description").'</b>: '.$val['description'].'<br>';
			$htmltooltip.='<b>'.$langs->trans("ECMNbOfFilesInDir").'</b>: '.$val['cachenbofdoc'].'<br>';
			if ($nbofsubdir) $htmltooltip.='<b>'.$langs->trans("ECMNbOfFilesInSubDir").'</b>: '.$nboffilesinsubdir;
			else $htmltooltip.='<b>'.$langs->trans("ECMNbOfSubDir").'</b>: '.$nbofsubdir.'<br>';
			print $form->textwithpicto('', $htmltooltip, 1, 'info');
			print "</td>";

			print '</tr></table>';

			print '</div>';

			print "</li>\n";


	// If nothing to show
	if ($nbofentries == 0)
		print '<li class="directory collapsed">';
		print '<div class="ecmjqft">';
		print $langs->trans("ECMNoDirectoryYet");
		print '</div>';
		print "</li>\n";

	print '</ul>';

// Close db if mode is not noajax
if ((! isset($mode) || $mode != 'noajax') && is_object($db)) $db->close();

 * treeOutputForAbsoluteDir
 * @param	array	$sqltree				Sqltree
 * @param	string	$selecteddir			Selected dir
 * @param	string	$fullpathselecteddir	Full path of selected dir
 * @param	string	$modulepart				Modulepart
 * @param	string	$websitekey				Website key
 * @param	int		$pageid					Page id
 * @param	string	$preopened				Current open dir
 * @param	string	$fullpathpreopened		Full path of current open dir
 * @param	int		$depth					Depth
 * @return	void
function treeOutputForAbsoluteDir($sqltree, $selecteddir, $fullpathselecteddir, $modulepart, $websitekey, $pageid, $preopened, $fullpathpreopened, $depth = 0)
	global $conf, $db, $langs, $form;
	global $dolibarr_main_data_root;

	$ecmdirstatic = new EcmDirectory($db);
	$userstatic = new User($db);

	if (file_exists($fullpathselecteddir))
		$files = @scandir($fullpathselecteddir);

		if (! empty($files))
			if (count($files) > 2)    /* The 2 accounts for . and .. */
				echo '<ul class="ecmjqft" style="display: none;">'."\n";

				// All dirs
				foreach ($files as $file)    // $file can be '.', '..', or 'My dir' or 'My file'
					if ($file == 'temp') continue;



					// Loop on all database entries (sqltree) to find the one matching the subdir found into dir to scan
					foreach($sqltree as $key => $tmpval)
						//print "-- key=".$key." - ".$tmpval['fullrelativename']." vs ".(($selecteddir != '/'?$selecteddir.'/':'').$file)."<br>\n";
						if ($tmpval['fullrelativename'] == (($selecteddir != '/'?$selecteddir.'/':'').$file))		// We found equivalent record into database
							$resarray=tree_showpad($sqltree, $key, 1);

							// Refresh cache for this subdir
							if (isset($val['cachenbofdoc']) && $val['cachenbofdoc'] < 0)	// Cache is not up to date, so we update it for this directory t



					//print 'modulepart='.$modulepart.' fullpathselecteddir='.$fullpathselecteddir.' - val[fullrelativename] (in database)='.$val['fullrelativename'].' - val[id]='.$val['id'].' - is_dir='.dol_is_dir($fullpathselecteddir . $file).' - file='.$file."\n";
					if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && ((! empty($val['fullrelativename']) && $val['id'] >= 0) || dol_is_dir($fullpathselecteddir . (preg_match('/\/$/', $fullpathselecteddir)?'':'/') . $file)))
						if (empty($val['fullrelativename']))	// If we did not find entry into database, but found a directory (dol_is_dir was ok at previous test)
							$val['fullrelativename']=(($selecteddir && $selecteddir != '/')?$selecteddir.'/':'').$file;

						if (preg_match('/^'.preg_quote($val['fullrelativename'].'/', '/').'/', $preopened)) $collapsedorexpanded='expanded';
						print '<li class="directory '.$collapsedorexpanded.'">';	// collapsed is opposite if expanded

						print "<a class=\"fmdirlia jqft ecmjqft\" href=\"";
						print "#";
						print "\" rel=\"" . dol_escape_htmltag($val['fullrelativename'].'/') . "\" id=\"fmdirlia_id_".$val['id']."\"";
						print " onClick=\"loadandshowpreview('".dol_escape_js($val['fullrelativename'])."',".$val['id'].")";
						print "\">";
						print dol_escape_htmltag($file);
						print "</a>";

						print '<div class="ecmjqft">';

						print '<table class="nobordernopadding"><tr>';

						/*print '<td class="left">';
						 print dol_escape_htmltag($file);
						 print '</td>';*/

						// Nb of docs
						print '<td class="right">';
						print (isset($val['cachenbofdoc']) && $val['cachenbofdoc']  >= 0)?$val['cachenbofdoc']:'&nbsp;';
						print '</td>';
						print '<td class="left">';
						if ($nbofsubdir > 0  && $nboffilesinsubdir > 0) print '<font color="#AAAAAA">+'.$nboffilesinsubdir.'</font> ';
						print '</td>';

						// Edit link
						print '<td class="right" width="18"><a href="';
						print DOL_URL_ROOT.'/ecm/dir_card.php?module='.urlencode($modulepart).'&section='.$val['id'].'&relativedir='.urlencode($val['fullrelativename']);
						print '&backtopage='.urlencode($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?file_manager=1&website='.$websitekey.'&pageid='.$pageid);
						print '">'.img_edit($langs->trans("Edit").' - '.$langs->trans("View"), 0, 'class="valignmiddle opacitymedium"').'</a></td>';

						// Add link
						//print '<td class="right"><a href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/ecm/dir_add_card.php?action=create&amp;catParent='.$val['id'].'">'.img_edit_add().'</a></td>';
						//print '<td class="right" width="14">&nbsp;</td>';

						// Info
						if ($modulepart == 'ecm')
							print '<td class="right" width="18">';
							$htmltooltip='<b>'.$langs->trans("ECMSection").'</b>: '.$val['label'].'<br>';
							$htmltooltip='<b>'.$langs->trans("Type").'</b>: '.$langs->trans("ECMSectionManual").'<br>';
							$htmltooltip.='<b>'.$langs->trans("ECMCreationUser").'</b>: '.$userstatic->getNomUrl(1, '', false, 1).'<br>';
							$htmltooltip.='<b>'.$langs->trans("ECMCreationDate").'</b>: '.(isset($val['date_c'])?dol_print_date($val['date_c'], "dayhour"):$langs->trans("NeedRefresh")).'<br>';
							$htmltooltip.='<b>'.$langs->trans("Description").'</b>: '.$val['description'].'<br>';
							$htmltooltip.='<b>'.$langs->trans("ECMNbOfFilesInDir").'</b>: '.((isset($val['cachenbofdoc']) && $val['cachenbofdoc'] >= 0)?$val['cachenbofdoc']:$langs->trans("NeedRefresh")).'<br>';
							if ($nboffilesinsubdir > 0) $htmltooltip.='<b>'.$langs->trans("ECMNbOfFilesInSubDir").'</b>: '.$nboffilesinsubdir;
							else $htmltooltip.='<b>'.$langs->trans("ECMNbOfSubDir").'</b>: '.($nbofsubdir >= 0 ? $nbofsubdir : $langs->trans("NeedRefresh")).'<br>';
							print $form->textwithpicto('', $htmltooltip, 1, "info");
							print "</td>";

						print "</tr></table>\n";
						print '</div>';

						//print 'selecteddir='.$selecteddir.' preopened='.$preopened.' $val[\'fullrelativename\']='.$val['fullrelativename']."<br>\n";
						if (preg_match('/^'.preg_quote($val['fullrelativename'].'/', '/').'/', $preopened))
							//print 'modulepart='.$modulepart.' fullpathselecteddir='.$fullpathselecteddir.' - val[fullrelativename] (in database)='.$val['fullrelativename'].' - val[id]='.$val['id'].' - is_dir='.dol_is_dir($fullpathselecteddir . $file).' - file='.$file."\n";
							$newselecteddir = $val['fullrelativename'];
							if ($modulepart == 'ecm')
								$newfullpathselecteddir=$conf->ecm->dir_output.'/'.($val['fullrelativename'] != '/' ? $val['fullrelativename'] : '');
							elseif ($modulepart == 'medias')
								$newfullpathselecteddir=$dolibarr_main_data_root.'/medias/'.($val['fullrelativename'] != '/' ? $val['fullrelativename'] : '');

							if ($newfullpathselecteddir) treeOutputForAbsoluteDir($sqltree, $newselecteddir, $newfullpathselecteddir, $modulepart, $websitekey, $pageid, $preopened, $fullpathpreopened, $depth+1);

						print "</li>\n";

				echo "</ul>\n";
		else print "PermissionDenied";