
Your IP :

Current Path : /home/scgforma/www/soc064/htdocs/core/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/scgforma/www/soc064/htdocs/core/actions_sendmails.inc.php

/* Copyright (C) 2013 Laurent Destailleur  <eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
*  Copyright (C) 2013 Juanjo Menent		   <jmenent@2byte.es>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* or see http://www.gnu.org/

 *	\file			htdocs/core/actions_sendmails.inc.php
 *  \brief			Code for actions on sending mails from object page

// $mysoc must be defined
// $id must be defined
// $paramname may be defined
// $autocopy may be defined (used to know the automatic BCC to add)
// $trigger_name must be set (can be '')
// $actiontypecode can be set
// $object and $uobject may be defined

 * Add file in email form
if (GETPOST('addfile', 'alpha'))
	$trackid = GETPOST('trackid', 'aZ09');

	require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/files.lib.php';

	// Set tmp user directory
	$upload_dir_tmp = $vardir.'/temp';             // TODO Add $keytoavoidconflict in upload_dir path

	dol_add_file_process($upload_dir_tmp, 1, 0, 'addedfile', '', null, $trackid, 0);

 * Remove file in email form
if (! empty($_POST['removedfile']) && empty($_POST['removAll']))
	$trackid = GETPOST('trackid', 'aZ09');

	require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/files.lib.php';

	// Set tmp user directory
	$upload_dir_tmp = $vardir.'/temp';             // TODO Add $keytoavoidconflict in upload_dir path

	// TODO Delete only files that was uploaded from email form. This can be addressed by adding the trackid into the temp path then changing donotdeletefile to 2 instead of 1 to say "delete only if into temp dir"
	// GETPOST('removedfile','alpha') is position of file into $_SESSION["listofpaths"...] array.
	dol_remove_file_process(GETPOST('removedfile', 'alpha'), 0, 1, $trackid);   // We do not delete because if file is the official PDF of doc, we don't want to remove it physically

 * Remove all files in email form
if (GETPOST('removAll', 'alpha'))
	$trackid = GETPOST('trackid', 'aZ09');

	$keytoavoidconflict = empty($trackid)?'':'-'.$trackid;
	if (! empty($_SESSION["listofpaths".$keytoavoidconflict])) $listofpaths=explode(';', $_SESSION["listofpaths".$keytoavoidconflict]);
	if (! empty($_SESSION["listofnames".$keytoavoidconflict])) $listofnames=explode(';', $_SESSION["listofnames".$keytoavoidconflict]);
	if (! empty($_SESSION["listofmimes".$keytoavoidconflict])) $listofmimes=explode(';', $_SESSION["listofmimes".$keytoavoidconflict]);

	include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formmail.class.php';
	$formmail = new FormMail($db);
	$formmail->trackid = $trackid;

	foreach($listofpaths as $key => $value)
		$pathtodelete = $value;
		$filetodelete = $listofnames[$key];
		$result = dol_delete_file($pathtodelete, 1); // Delete uploded Files

		setEventMessages($langs->trans("FileWasRemoved", $filetodelete), null, 'mesgs');

		$formmail->remove_attached_files($key); // Update Session

 * Send mail
if (($action == 'send' || $action == 'relance') && ! $_POST['addfile'] && ! $_POST['removAll'] && ! $_POST['removedfile'] && ! $_POST['cancel'] && !$_POST['modelselected'])
	if (empty($trackid)) $trackid = GETPOST('trackid', 'aZ09');



	if (is_object($object))

		$sendtosocid=0;    // Id of related thirdparty
		if (method_exists($object, "fetch_thirdparty") && ! in_array($object->element, array('societe', 'member', 'user', 'expensereport', 'contact')))
			if ($object->element == 'user' && $result == 0) $result=1;    // Even if not found, we consider ok
		elseif ($object->element == 'member' || $object->element == 'user')
			if ($object->socid > 0) $sendtosocid=$object->socid;
		elseif ($object->element == 'expensereport')
			$tmpuser=new User($db);
			if ($object->socid > 0) $sendtosocid=$object->socid;
		elseif ($object->element == 'societe')
			if ($thirdparty->id > 0) $sendtosocid=$thirdparty->id;
		elseif ($object->element == 'contact')
			if ($contact->id > 0) $sendtosocid=$contact->fetch_thirdparty()->id;
		else dol_print_error('', "Use actions_sendmails.in.php for an element/object '".$object->element."' that is not supported");

		if (is_object($hookmanager))
			$reshook=$hookmanager->executeHooks('initSendToSocid', $parameters, $object, $action);    // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by some hooks
	else $thirdparty = $mysoc;

	if ($result > 0)
		$sendtoid = array();

		// Define $sendto
		if (! is_array($receiver))
			if ($receiver == '-1') $receiver=array();
			else $receiver=array($receiver);

		if (trim($_POST['sendto']))
			// Recipients are provided into free text
			$tmparray[] = trim($_POST['sendto']);
		if (count($receiver)>0)
			foreach($receiver as $key=>$val)
				// Recipient was provided from combo list
				if ($val == 'thirdparty') // Key selected means currentthird party (may be usd for current member or current user too)
					$tmparray[] = dol_string_nospecial($thirdparty->getFullName($langs), ' ', array(",")).' <'.$thirdparty->email.'>';
				// Recipient was provided from combo list
				elseif ($val == 'contact') // Key selected means current contact
					$tmparray[] = dol_string_nospecial($contact->getFullName($langs), ' ', array(",")).' <'.$contact->email.'>';
				elseif ($val)	// $val is the Id of a contact
					$tmparray[] = $thirdparty->contact_get_property((int) $val, 'email');
					$sendtoid[] = $val;

		if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_MAIL_ENABLED_USER_DEST_SELECT))
			if (is_array($receiveruser) && count($receiveruser)>0)
				$fuserdest = new User($db);
				foreach($receiveruser as $key=>$val)
					$tmparray[] = $fuserdest->user_get_property($val, 'email');
					$sendtouserid[] = $val;

		$sendto=implode(',', $tmparray);

		// Define $sendtocc
		if (! is_array($receivercc))
			if ($receivercc == '-1') $receivercc=array();
			else $receivercc=array($receivercc);
		if (trim($_POST['sendtocc']))
			$tmparray[] = trim($_POST['sendtocc']);
		if (count($receivercc) > 0)
			foreach($receivercc as $key=>$val)
				// Recipient was provided from combo list
				if ($val == 'thirdparty')	// Key selected means currentthird party (may be usd for current member or current user too)
					$tmparray[] = dol_string_nospecial($thirdparty->name, ' ', array(",")).' <'.$thirdparty->email.'>';
				// Recipient was provided from combo list
				elseif ($val == 'contact')	// Key selected means current contact
					$tmparray[] = dol_string_nospecial($contact->name, ' ', array(",")).' <'.$contact->email.'>';
				elseif ($val)				// $val is the Id of a contact
					$tmparray[] = $thirdparty->contact_get_property((int) $val, 'email');
					//$sendtoid[] = $val;  TODO Add also id of contact in CC ?
		if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_MAIL_ENABLED_USER_DEST_SELECT)) {

			if (is_array($receiverccuser) && count($receiverccuser)>0)
				$fuserdest = new User($db);
				foreach($receiverccuser as $key=>$val)
					$tmparray[] = $fuserdest->user_get_property($val, 'email');
					$sendtoccuserid[] = $val;
		$sendtocc=implode(',', $tmparray);

		if (dol_strlen($sendto))
            // Define $urlwithroot
            $urlwithouturlroot=preg_replace('/'.preg_quote(DOL_URL_ROOT, '/').'$/i', '', trim($dolibarr_main_url_root));
            $urlwithroot=$urlwithouturlroot.DOL_URL_ROOT;		// This is to use external domain name found into config file
            //$urlwithroot=DOL_MAIN_URL_ROOT;					// This is to use same domain name than current

		    require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/CMailFile.class.php';


			$fromtype = GETPOST('fromtype', 'alpha');
			if ($fromtype === 'robot') {
				$from = dol_string_nospecial($conf->global->MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_FROM, ' ', array(",")) .' <'.$conf->global->MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_FROM.'>';
			elseif ($fromtype === 'user') {
				$from = dol_string_nospecial($user->getFullName($langs), ' ', array(",")) .' <'.$user->email.'>';
			elseif ($fromtype === 'company') {
				$from = dol_string_nospecial($conf->global->MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_NOM, ' ', array(",")) .' <'.$conf->global->MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_MAIL.'>';
			elseif (preg_match('/user_aliases_(\d+)/', $fromtype, $reg)) {
				$tmp=explode(',', $user->email_aliases);
				$from = trim($tmp[($reg[1] - 1)]);
			elseif (preg_match('/global_aliases_(\d+)/', $fromtype, $reg)) {
				$tmp=explode(',', $conf->global->MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_MAIL_ALIASES);
				$from = trim($tmp[($reg[1] - 1)]);
			elseif (preg_match('/senderprofile_(\d+)_(\d+)/', $fromtype, $reg)) {
				$sql='SELECT rowid, label, email FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'c_email_senderprofile WHERE rowid = '.(int) $reg[1];
				$resql = $db->query($sql);
				$obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);
				if ($obj)
					$from = dol_string_nospecial($obj->label, ' ', array(",")).' <'.$obj->email.'>';
			else {
				$from = dol_string_nospecial($_POST['fromname'], ' ', array(",")) . ' <' . $_POST['frommail'] .'>';

			$replyto = dol_string_nospecial($_POST['replytoname'], ' ', array(",")). ' <' . $_POST['replytomail'].'>';
			$message = GETPOST('message', 'none');
			$subject = GETPOST('subject', 'none');

			// Make a change into HTML code to allow to include images from medias directory with an external reabable URL.
			// <img alt="" src="/dolibarr_dev/htdocs/viewimage.php?modulepart=medias&amp;entity=1&amp;file=image/ldestailleur_166x166.jpg" style="height:166px; width:166px" />
			// become
			// <img alt="" src="'.$urlwithroot.'viewimage.php?modulepart=medias&amp;entity=1&amp;file=image/ldestailleur_166x166.jpg" style="height:166px; width:166px" />
			$message=preg_replace('/(<img.*src=")[^\"]*viewimage\.php([^\"]*)modulepart=medias([^\"]*)file=([^\"]*)("[^\/]*\/>)/', '\1'.$urlwithroot.'/viewimage.php\2modulepart=medias\3file=\4\5', $message);

			$sendtobcc= GETPOST('sendtoccc');
			// Autocomplete the $sendtobcc
			if (! empty($autocopy))
				$sendtobcc .= (empty($conf->global->$autocopy) ? '' : (($sendtobcc?", ":"").$conf->global->$autocopy));

			$deliveryreceipt = $_POST['deliveryreceipt'];

			if ($action == 'send' || $action == 'relance')
				$actionmsg2=$langs->transnoentities('MailSentBy').' '.CMailFile::getValidAddress($from, 4, 0, 1).' '.$langs->transnoentities('To').' '.CMailFile::getValidAddress($sendto, 4, 0, 1);
				if ($message)
					$actionmsg=$langs->transnoentities('MailFrom').': '.dol_escape_htmltag($from);
					$actionmsg=dol_concatdesc($actionmsg, $langs->transnoentities('MailTo').': '.dol_escape_htmltag($sendto));
					if ($sendtocc) $actionmsg = dol_concatdesc($actionmsg, $langs->transnoentities('Bcc') . ": " . dol_escape_htmltag($sendtocc));
					$actionmsg = dol_concatdesc($actionmsg, $langs->transnoentities('MailTopic') . ": " . $subject);
					$actionmsg = dol_concatdesc($actionmsg, $langs->transnoentities('TextUsedInTheMessageBody') . ":");
					$actionmsg = dol_concatdesc($actionmsg, $message);

			// Create form object
			include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/html.formmail.class.php';
			$formmail = new FormMail($db);
			$formmail->trackid = $trackid;      // $trackid must be defined

			$filepath = $attachedfiles['paths'];
			$filename = $attachedfiles['names'];
			$mimetype = $attachedfiles['mimes'];

			// Feature to push mail sent into Sent folder
			/* This code must be now included into the hook mail, method sendMailAfter
			if (! empty($conf->dolimail->enabled))
				$mailfromid = explode("#", $_POST['frommail'],3);	// $_POST['frommail'] = 'aaa#Sent# <aaa@aaa.com>'	// TODO Use a better way to define Sent dir.
				if (count($mailfromid)==0) $from = $_POST['fromname'] . ' <' . $_POST['frommail'] .'>';
					$mbid = $mailfromid[1];

					// IMAP Postbox
					$mailboxconfig = new IMAP($db);
					if ($mailboxconfig->mailbox_imap_host) $ref=$mailboxconfig->get_ref();


					if ($mailboxconfig->mailbox_save_sent_mails == 1)

						$folder=str_replace($ref, '', $mailboxconfig->folder_cache_key);
						if (!$folder) $folder = "Sent";	// Default Sent folder

						$mailboxconfig->mbox = imap_open($mailboxconfig->get_connector_url().$folder, $mailboxconfig->mailbox_imap_login, $mailboxconfig->mailbox_imap_password);
						if (false === $mailboxconfig->mbox)
							$info = false;
							$err = $langs->trans('Error3_Imap_Connection_Error');
							setEventMessages($err,$mailboxconfig->element, null, 'errors');
							$from = $mailfromid[0] . $mailfromid[2];


			// Make substitution in email content
			$substitutionarray=getCommonSubstitutionArray($langs, 0, null, $object);
			$substitutionarray['__EMAIL__'] = $sendto;
			$substitutionarray['__CHECK_READ__'] = (is_object($object) && is_object($object->thirdparty))?'<img src="'.DOL_MAIN_URL_ROOT.'/public/emailing/mailing-read.php?tag='.$object->thirdparty->tag.'&securitykey='.urlencode($conf->global->MAILING_EMAIL_UNSUBSCRIBE_KEY).'" width="1" height="1" style="width:1px;height:1px" border="0"/>':'';

			complete_substitutions_array($substitutionarray, $langs, $object, $parameters);

			$subject=make_substitutions($subject, $substitutionarray);
			$message=make_substitutions($message, $substitutionarray);

			if (method_exists($object, 'makeSubstitution'))
				$subject = $object->makeSubstitution($subject);
				$message = $object->makeSubstitution($message);

			// Send mail (substitutionarray must be done just before this)
			if (empty($sendcontext)) $sendcontext = 'standard';
			$mailfile = new CMailFile($subject, $sendto, $from, $message, $filepath, $mimetype, $filename, $sendtocc, $sendtobcc, $deliveryreceipt, -1, '', '', $trackid, '', $sendcontext);

			if ($mailfile->error)
				setEventMessages($mailfile->error, $mailfile->errors, 'errors');
				if ($result)
					// Initialisation of datas of object to call trigger
					if (is_object($object))
					    if (empty($actiontypecode)) $actiontypecode='AC_OTH_AUTO'; // Event insert into agenda automatically

						$object->socid			= $sendtosocid;	   // To link to a company
						$object->sendtoid		= $sendtoid;	   // To link to contact addresses. This is an array.
						$object->actiontypecode	= $actiontypecode; // Type of event ('AC_OTH', 'AC_OTH_AUTO', 'AC_XXX'...)
						$object->actionmsg		= $actionmsg;      // Long text (@TODO Replace this with $message, we already have details of email in dedicated properties)
						$object->actionmsg2		= $actionmsg2;     // Short text ($langs->transnoentities('MailSentBy')...);

						$object->trackid        = $trackid;
						$object->fk_element		= $object->id;
						$object->elementtype	= $object->element;
						if (is_array($attachedfiles) && count($attachedfiles)>0) {
							$object->attachedfiles	= $attachedfiles;
						if (is_array($sendtouserid) && count($sendtouserid)>0 && !empty($conf->global->MAIN_MAIL_ENABLED_USER_DEST_SELECT)) {
							$object->sendtouserid	= $sendtouserid;

						$object->email_msgid = $mailfile->msgid;	// @TODO Set msgid into $mailfile after sending
						$object->email_from = $from;
						$object->email_subject = $subject;
						$object->email_to = $sendto;
						$object->email_tocc = $sendtocc;
						$object->email_tobcc = $sendtobcc;
						$object->email_subject = $subject;
						$object->email_msgid = $mailfile->msgid;

						// Call of triggers
						if (! empty($trigger_name))
    						include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/class/interfaces.class.php';
    						$interface=new Interfaces($db);
    						$result=$interface->run_triggers($trigger_name, $object, $user, $langs, $conf);
							if ($result < 0) {
    							setEventMessages($interface->error, $interface->errors, 'errors');

					// Redirect here
					// This avoid sending mail twice if going out and then back to page
					$mesg=$langs->trans('MailSuccessfulySent', $mailfile->getValidAddress($from, 2), $mailfile->getValidAddress($sendto, 2));
					setEventMessages($mesg, null, 'mesgs');

	  				if (isset($paramname2) || isset($paramval2)) $moreparam.= '&'.($paramname2?$paramname2:'mid').'='.$paramval2;
		  			header('Location: '.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?'.($paramname?$paramname:'id').'='.(is_object($object)?$object->id:'').$moreparam);
					$mesg='<div class="error">';
					if ($mailfile->error)
						$mesg.=$langs->transnoentities('ErrorFailedToSendMail', dol_escape_htmltag($from), dol_escape_htmltag($sendto));
						$mesg.='No mail sent. Feature is disabled by option MAIN_DISABLE_ALL_MAILS';

					setEventMessages($mesg, null, 'warnings');
					$action = 'presend';
			setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFieldRequired', $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("MailTo")), null, 'warnings');
			dol_syslog('Try to send email with no recipient defined', LOG_WARNING);
			$action = 'presend';
		setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFailedToReadObject', $object->element), null, 'errors');
		dol_syslog('Failed to read data of object id='.$object->id.' element='.$object->element);
		$action = 'presend';