
Your IP :

Current Path : /home/scgforma/www/soc064/htdocs/core/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/scgforma/www/soc064/htdocs/core/actions_linkedfiles.inc.php

/* Copyright (C)    2013    CĂ©dric Salvador    <csalvador@gpcsolutions.fr>
 * Copyright (C)    2015    Marcos GarcĂ­a      <marcosgdf@gmail.com>
 * Copyright (C)    2015    Ferran Marcet      <fmarcet@2byte.es>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * or see http://www.gnu.org/

// Variable $upload_dir must be defined when entering here.
// Variable $upload_dirold may also exists.
// Variable $confirm must be defined.


// Submit file/link
if (GETPOST('sendit', 'alpha') && ! empty($conf->global->MAIN_UPLOAD_DOC))
    if (! empty($_FILES))
		if (is_array($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'])) $userfiles=$_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'];
		else $userfiles=array($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']);

		foreach($userfiles as $key => $userfile)
			if (empty($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'][$key]))
				if ($_FILES['userfile']['error'][$key] == 1 || $_FILES['userfile']['error'][$key] == 2){
					setEventMessages($langs->trans('ErrorFileSizeTooLarge'), null, 'errors');
				else {
					setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("File")), null, 'errors');

		if (! $error)
			// Define if we have to generate thumbs or not
			$generatethumbs = 1;
			if (GETPOST('section_dir')) $generatethumbs=0;

			if (! empty($upload_dirold) && ! empty($conf->global->PRODUCT_USE_OLD_PATH_FOR_PHOTO))
				$result = dol_add_file_process($upload_dirold, 0, 1, 'userfile', GETPOST('savingdocmask', 'alpha'), null, '', $generatethumbs);
			elseif (! empty($upload_dir))
				$result = dol_add_file_process($upload_dir, 0, 1, 'userfile', GETPOST('savingdocmask', 'alpha'), null, '', $generatethumbs);
elseif (GETPOST('linkit', 'none') && ! empty($conf->global->MAIN_UPLOAD_DOC))
    $link = GETPOST('link', 'alpha');
    if ($link)
        if (substr($link, 0, 7) != 'http://' && substr($link, 0, 8) != 'https://' && substr($link, 0, 7) != 'file://') {
            $link = 'http://' . $link;
        dol_add_file_process($upload_dir, 0, 1, 'userfile', null, $link, '', 0);

// Delete file/link
if ($action == 'confirm_deletefile' && $confirm == 'yes')
        $urlfile = GETPOST('urlfile', 'alpha', 0, null, null, 1);				// Do not use urldecode here ($_GET and $_REQUEST are already decoded by PHP).
        if (GETPOST('section', 'alpha')) 	// For a delete from the ECM module, upload_dir is ECM root dir and urlfile contains relative path from upload_dir
        	$file = $upload_dir . (preg_match('/\/$/', $upload_dir) ? '' : '/') . $urlfile;
        else								// For a delete from the file manager into another module, or from documents pages, upload_dir contains already path to file from module dir, so we clean path into urlfile.
       		$file = $upload_dir . (preg_match('/\/$/', $upload_dir) ? '' : '/') . $urlfile;
			if (! empty($upload_dirold)) $fileold = $upload_dirold . "/" . $urlfile;
        $linkid = GETPOST('linkid', 'int');

        if ($urlfile)		// delete of a file
	        $dir = dirname($file).'/';		// Chemin du dossier contenant l'image d'origine
	        $dirthumb = $dir.'/thumbs/';	// Chemin du dossier contenant la vignette (if file is an image)

	        $ret = dol_delete_file($file, 0, 0, 0, (is_object($object)?$object:null));
            if (! empty($fileold)) dol_delete_file($fileold, 0, 0, 0, (is_object($object)?$object:null));     // Delete file using old path

	        // Si elle existe, on efface la vignette
	        if (preg_match('/(\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.bmp|\.gif|\.png|\.tiff)$/i', $file, $regs))
		        $photo_vignette=basename(preg_replace('/'.$regs[0].'/i', '', $file).'_small'.$regs[0]);
		        if (file_exists(dol_osencode($dirthumb.$photo_vignette)))

		        $photo_vignette=basename(preg_replace('/'.$regs[0].'/i', '', $file).'_mini'.$regs[0]);
		        if (file_exists(dol_osencode($dirthumb.$photo_vignette)))

            if ($ret) setEventMessages($langs->trans("FileWasRemoved", $urlfile), null, 'mesgs');
            else setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFailToDeleteFile", $urlfile), null, 'errors');
        elseif ($linkid)	// delete of external link
            require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/class/link.class.php';
            $link = new Link($db);
            $res = $link->delete($user);

            if ($res > 0) {
                setEventMessages($langs->trans("LinkRemoved", $link->label), null, 'mesgs');
            } else {
                if (count($link->errors)) {
                    setEventMessages('', $link->errors, 'errors');
                } else {
                    setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFailedToDeleteLink", $link->label), null, 'errors');

        if (is_object($object) && $object->id > 0)
        	if ($backtopage)
        		header('Location: ' . $backtopage);
        		header('Location: '.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?id='.$object->id.(GETPOST('section_dir', 'alpha')?'&section_dir='.urlencode(GETPOST('section_dir', 'alpha')):'').(!empty($withproject)?'&withproject=1':''));
elseif ($action == 'confirm_updateline' && GETPOST('save', 'alpha') && GETPOST('link', 'alpha'))
    require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/class/link.class.php';
    $link = new Link($db);
    $f = $link->fetch(GETPOST('linkid', 'int'));
    if ($f)
        $link->url = GETPOST('link', 'alpha');
        if (substr($link->url, 0, 7) != 'http://' && substr($link->url, 0, 8) != 'https://' && substr($link->url, 0, 7) != 'file://')
            $link->url = 'http://' . $link->url;
        $link->label = GETPOST('label', 'alphanohtml');
        $res = $link->update($user);
        if (!$res)
            setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFailedToUpdateLink", $link->label), null, 'mesgs');
        //error fetching
elseif ($action == 'renamefile' && GETPOST('renamefilesave', 'alpha'))
	// For documents pages, upload_dir contains already path to file from module dir, so we clean path into urlfile.
	if (! empty($upload_dir))
		$filenamefrom=dol_sanitizeFileName(GETPOST('renamefilefrom', 'alpha'), '_', 0);	// Do not remove accents
		$filenameto=dol_sanitizeFileName(GETPOST('renamefileto', 'alpha'), '_', 0);		// Do not remove accents

        if ($filenamefrom != $filenameto)
	        // Security:
	        // Disallow file with some extensions. We rename them.
	        // Because if we put the documents directory into a directory inside web root (very bad), this allows to execute on demand arbitrary code.
	        if (isAFileWithExecutableContent($filenameto) && empty($conf->global->MAIN_DOCUMENT_IS_OUTSIDE_WEBROOT_SO_NOEXE_NOT_REQUIRED))
	            $filenameto.= '.noexe';

	        if ($filenamefrom && $filenameto)
	            $srcpath = $upload_dir.'/'.$filenamefrom;
	            $destpath = $upload_dir.'/'.$filenameto;

	            $parameters=array('filenamefrom' => $filenamefrom, 'filenameto' => $filenameto, 'upload_dir' => $upload_dir);
	            $reshook=$hookmanager->executeHooks('renameUploadedFile', $parameters, $object);

	            if (empty($reshook))
	            	if (! file_exists($destpath))
	            		$result = dol_move($srcpath, $destpath);
			            if ($result)
			            	// Define if we have to generate thumbs or not
			            	$generatethumbs = 1;
			            	// When we rename a file from the file manager in ecm, we must not regenerate thumbs (not a problem, we do pass here)
			            	// When we rename a file from the website module, we must not regenerate thumbs (module = medias in such a case)
			            	// but when we rename from a tab "Documents", we must regenerate thumbs
			            	if (GETPOST('modulepart') == 'medias') $generatethumbs=0;

			            	if ($generatethumbs)
			            		if ($object->id)

				                // TODO Add revert function of addThumbs to remove thumbs with old name

			                setEventMessages($langs->trans("FileRenamed"), null);
			                $langs->load("errors"); // key must be loaded because we can't rely on loading during output, we need var substitution to be done now.
			                setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorFailToRenameFile", $filenamefrom, $filenameto), null, 'errors');
	            		$langs->load("errors"); // key must be loaded because we can't rely on loading during output, we need var substitution to be done now.
	            		setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorDestinationAlreadyExists", $filenameto), null, 'errors');

    // Update properties in ECM table
    if (GETPOST('ecmfileid', 'int') > 0)
    	$shareenabled = GETPOST('shareenabled', 'alpha');

    	include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/ecm/class/ecmfiles.class.php';
	    $ecmfile=new EcmFiles($db);
	    $result = $ecmfile->fetch(GETPOST('ecmfileid', 'int'));
	    if ($result > 0)
	    	if ($shareenabled)
		    	if (empty($ecmfile->share))
		    		require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/security2.lib.php';
		    		$ecmfile->share = getRandomPassword(true);
		    	$ecmfile->share = '';
		    $result = $ecmfile->update($user);
		    if ($result < 0)
		    	setEventMessages($ecmfile->error, $ecmfile->errors, 'warnings');