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/* Copyright (C) 2008 Laurent Destailleur  <eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
 * Copyright (C) 2009 Regis Houssin        <regis.houssin@capnetworks.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2016 Marcos GarcĂ­a        <marcosgdf@gmail.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2018 Andreu Bisquerra     <jove@bisquerra.com>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 * \file       cashcontrol/class/cashcontrol.class.php
 * \ingroup    cashdesk|takepos
 * \brief      This file is CRUD class file (Create/Read/Update/Delete) for cash fence table

 *    Class to manage cash fence
class CashControl extends CommonObject
	 * @var string ID to identify managed object
	public $element = 'cashcontrol';

	 * @var string Name of table without prefix where object is stored
	public $table_element = 'pos_cash_fence';

	 * @var int  Does pos_cash_fence support multicompany module ? 0=No test on entity, 1=Test with field entity, 2=Test with link by societe
	public $ismultientitymanaged = 1;

	 * @var int  Does pos_cash_fence support extrafields ? 0=No, 1=Yes
	public $isextrafieldmanaged = 0;

	 * @var string String with name of icon for pos_cash_fence. Must be the part after the 'object_' into object_pos_cash_fence.png
	public $picto = 'account';

	public $fields=array(
	'rowid' =>array('type'=>'integer', 'label'=>'ID', 'enabled'=>1, 'visible'=>-2, 'notnull'=>1, 'position'=>10),
	'entity' =>array('type'=>'integer', 'label'=>'Entity', 'enabled'=>1, 'visible'=>0, 'notnull'=>1, 'position'=>15),
	'ref' =>array('type'=>'varchar(64)', 'label'=>'Ref', 'enabled'=>1, 'visible'=>1, 'notnull'=>1, 'position'=>18),
	'posmodule' =>array('type'=>'varchar(30)', 'label'=>'Module', 'enabled'=>1, 'visible'=>1, 'notnull'=>1, 'position'=>19),
	'posnumber' =>array('type'=>'varchar(30)', 'label'=>'CashDesk', 'enabled'=>1, 'visible'=>1, 'notnull'=>1, 'position'=>20),
	'label' =>array('type'=>'varchar(255)', 'label'=>'Label', 'enabled'=>1, 'visible'=>0, 'position'=>24),
	'opening' =>array('type'=>'price', 'label'=>'Opening', 'enabled'=>1, 'visible'=>1, 'position'=>25),
	'cash' =>array('type'=>'price', 'label'=>'Cash', 'enabled'=>1, 'visible'=>1, 'position'=>30),
	'cheque' =>array('type'=>'price', 'label'=>'Cheque', 'enabled'=>1, 'visible'=>1, 'position'=>33),
	'card' =>array('type'=>'price', 'label'=>'CreditCard', 'enabled'=>1, 'visible'=>1, 'position'=>36),
    'year_close' =>array('type'=>'integer', 'label'=>'Year close', 'enabled'=>1, 'visible'=>1, 'notnull'=>1, 'position'=>50, 'css'=>'center'),
    'month_close' =>array('type'=>'integer', 'label'=>'Month close', 'enabled'=>1, 'visible'=>1, 'position'=>55, 'css'=>'center'),
	'day_close' =>array('type'=>'integer', 'label'=>'Day close', 'enabled'=>1, 'visible'=>1, 'position'=>60, 'css'=>'center'),
	'date_valid' =>array('type'=>'datetime', 'label'=>'DateValidation', 'enabled'=>1, 'visible'=>-1, 'notnull'=>1, 'position'=>490),
	'date_creation' =>array('type'=>'datetime', 'label'=>'DateCreation', 'enabled'=>1, 'visible'=>-1, 'notnull'=>1, 'position'=>500),
	'tms' =>array('type'=>'timestamp', 'label'=>'Tms', 'enabled'=>1, 'visible'=>0, 'notnull'=>1, 'position'=>505),
	'import_key' =>array('type'=>'varchar(14)', 'label'=>'Import key', 'enabled'=>1, 'visible'=>0, 'position'=>510),
	'status' => array('type'=>'integer', 'label'=>'Status', 'enabled'=>1, 'visible'=>1, 'position'=>1000, 'notnull'=>1, 'index'=>1, 'arrayofkeyval'=>array('0'=>'Brouillon', '1'=>'Validated')),

	public $id;
	public $opening;
	public $status;
	public $year_close;
	public $month_close;
	public $day_close;
	public $posmodule;
	public $posnumber;
	public $cash;
	public $cheque;
	public $card;
	public $date_valid;
	public $date_creation;
	public $date_modification;

	const STATUS_DRAFT = 0;

	 * Constructor
	 * @param DoliDB $db Database handler
	public function __construct(DoliDB $db)
		$this->db = $db;

	 *  Create in database
	 * @param  User $user User that create
	 * @param  int $notrigger 0=launch triggers after, 1=disable triggers
	 * @return int <0 if KO, Id of created object if OK
	public function create(User $user, $notrigger = 0)
		global $conf;

		$error = 0;

		// Clean data
		if (empty($this->cash)) $this->cash=0;
		if (empty($this->cheque)) $this->cheque=0;
		if (empty($this->card)) $this->card=0;

		// Insert request
		$sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."pos_cash_fence (";
		$sql .= "entity";
		//$sql .= ", ref";
		$sql .= ", opening";
		$sql .= ", status";
		$sql .= ", date_creation";
		$sql .= ", posmodule";
		$sql .= ", posnumber";
		$sql .= ", day_close";
		$sql .= ", month_close";
		$sql .= ", year_close";
		$sql .= ", cash";
		$sql .= ", cheque";
		$sql .= ", card";
		$sql .= ") VALUES (";
		//$sql .= "'(PROV)', ";
		$sql .= $conf->entity;
		$sql .= ", ".(is_numeric($this->opening) ? $this->opening : 0);
		$sql .= ", 0";										// Draft by default
		$sql .= ", '".$this->db->idate(dol_now())."'";
		$sql .= ", '".$this->db->escape($this->posmodule)."'";
		$sql .= ", '".$this->db->escape($this->posnumber)."'";
		$sql .= ", ".($this->day_close > 0 ? $this->day_close : "null");
		$sql .= ", ".($this->month_close > 0 ? $this->month_close : "null");
		$sql .= ", ".$this->year_close;
		$sql .= ", ".$this->cash;
		$sql .= ", ".$this->cheque;
		$sql .= ", ".$this->card;
		$sql .= ")";


		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::create", LOG_DEBUG);
		$resql = $this->db->query($sql);
		if (!$resql) {
			$this->errors[] = "Error ".$this->db->lasterror();

		if (!$error) {
			$this->id = $this->db->last_insert_id(MAIN_DB_PREFIX."pos_cash_fence");

			$sql = 'UPDATE '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'pos_cash_fence SET ref = rowid where rowid = '.$this->id;

		// Commit or rollback
		if ($error) {
			foreach ($this->errors as $errmsg) {
				dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::create ".$errmsg, LOG_ERR);
				$this->error .= ($this->error ? ', '.$errmsg : $errmsg);
			return -1 * $error;
		} else {
			return $this->id;

	 * Validate cash fence
	 * @param 	User 		$user		User
	 * @param 	number 		$notrigger	No trigger
	 * @return 	int						<0 if KO, >0 if OK
	public function valid(User $user, $notrigger = 0)
		global $conf,$langs;
		require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/files.lib.php';

		$error = 0;

		// Protection
		if ($this->status == self::STATUS_VALIDATED)
			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::valid action abandonned: already validated", LOG_WARNING);
			return 0;

		 $posmodule = $this->posmodule;
		 if (! empty($user->rights->$posmodule->use))
		 dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::valid ".$this->error, LOG_ERR);
		 return -1;


		// Update request
		$sql = "UPDATE ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."pos_cash_fence";
		$sql.= " SET status = ".self::STATUS_VALIDATED.",";
		$sql.= " date_valid='".$this->db->idate($now)."',";
		$sql.= " fk_user_valid = ".$user->id;
		$sql.= " WHERE rowid=".$this->id;


		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::close", LOG_DEBUG);
		$resql = $this->db->query($sql);
		if (!$resql) {
			$this->errors[] = "Error ".$this->db->lasterror();

		if (!$error) {
			$this->status = self::STATUS_VALIDATED;
			$this->date_valid = $now;
			$this->fk_user_valid = $user->id;

		if (! $error && ! $notrigger)
			// Call trigger
			$result=$this->call_trigger('CASHCONTROL_VALIDATE', $user);
			if ($result < 0) $error++;
			// End call triggers

		// Commit or rollback
		if ($error) {
			foreach ($this->errors as $errmsg) {
				dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::create ".$errmsg, LOG_ERR);
				$this->error .= ($this->error ? ', '.$errmsg : $errmsg);
			return -1 * $error;
		} else {
			return $this->id;

	 * Load object in memory from the database
	 * @param int    $id   Id object
	 * @param string $ref  Ref
	 * @return int         <0 if KO, 0 if not found, >0 if OK
	public function fetch($id, $ref = null)
		$result = $this->fetchCommon($id, $ref);
		if ($result > 0 && ! empty($this->table_element_line)) $this->fetchLines();
		return $result;

	 * Delete object in database
	 * @param User $user       User that deletes
	 * @param bool $notrigger  false=launch triggers after, true=disable triggers
	 * @return int             <0 if KO, >0 if OK
	public function delete(User $user, $notrigger = false)
	    return $this->deleteCommon($user, $notrigger);
	    //return $this->deleteCommon($user, $notrigger, 1);

	 *  Return label of the status
	 *  @param  int		$mode          0=long label, 1=short label, 2=Picto + short label, 3=Picto, 4=Picto + long label, 5=Short label + Picto, 6=Long label + Picto
	 *  @return	string 			       Label of status
	public function getLibStatut($mode = 0)
		return $this->LibStatut($this->status, $mode);

	// phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
	 *  Return the status
	 *  @param	int		$status        Id status
	 *  @param  int		$mode          0=long label, 1=short label, 2=Picto + short label, 3=Picto, 4=Picto + long label, 5=Short label + Picto, 6=Long label + Picto
	 *  @return string 			       Label of status
	public function LibStatut($status, $mode = 0)
		// phpcs:enable
		if (empty($this->labelstatus))
			global $langs;
			$this->labelstatus[0] = $langs->trans('Draft');
			$this->labelstatus[1] = $langs->trans('Closed');

		if ($mode == 0)
			return $this->labelstatus[$status];
		elseif ($mode == 1)
			return $this->labelstatus[$status];
		elseif ($mode == 2)
			if ($status == 1) return img_picto($this->labelstatus[$status], 'statut6', '', false, 0, 0, '', 'valignmiddle').' '.$this->labelstatus[$status];
			elseif ($status == 0) return img_picto($this->labelstatus[$status], 'statut0', '', false, 0, 0, '', 'valignmiddle').' '.$this->labelstatus[$status];
		elseif ($mode == 3)
			if ($status == 1) return img_picto($this->labelstatus[$status], 'statut6', '', false, 0, 0, '', 'valignmiddle');
			elseif ($status == 0) return img_picto($this->labelstatus[$status], 'statut0', '', false, 0, 0, '', 'valignmiddle');
		elseif ($mode == 4)
			if ($status == 1) return img_picto($this->labelstatus[$status], 'statut6', '', false, 0, 0, '', 'valignmiddle').' '.$this->labelstatus[$status];
			elseif ($status == 0) return img_picto($this->labelstatus[$status], 'statut0', '', false, 0, 0, '', 'valignmiddle').' '.$this->labelstatus[$status];
		elseif ($mode == 5)
			if ($status == 1) return $this->labelstatus[$status].' '.img_picto($this->labelstatus[$status], 'statut6', '', false, 0, 0, '', 'valignmiddle');
			elseif ($status == 0) return $this->labelstatus[$status].' '.img_picto($this->labelstatus[$status], 'statut0', '', false, 0, 0, '', 'valignmiddle');
		elseif ($mode == 6)
			if ($status == 1) return $this->labelstatus[$status].' '.img_picto($this->labelstatus[$status], 'statut6', '', false, 0, 0, '', 'valignmiddle');
			elseif ($status == 0) return $this->labelstatus[$status].' '.img_picto($this->labelstatus[$status], 'statut0', '', false, 0, 0, '', 'valignmiddle');

	 *  Return clicable link of object (with eventually picto)
	 *  @param  int     $withpicto                  Add picto into link
     *  @param  string  $option                     On what the link point to ('nolink', ...)
     *  @param  int     $notooltip                  1=Disable tooltip
     *  @param  string  $morecss                    Add more css on link
     *  @param  int     $save_lastsearch_value      -1=Auto, 0=No save of lastsearch_values when clicking, 1=Save lastsearch_values whenclicking
	 *  @return string                              String with URL
	public function getNomUrl($withpicto = 0, $option = '', $notooltip = 0, $morecss = '', $save_lastsearch_value = -1)
		global $conf, $langs, $hookmanager;

		if (! empty($conf->dol_no_mouse_hover)) $notooltip=1;   // Force disable tooltips



		$label = '<u>' . $langs->trans("ShowCashFence") . '</u>';
		$label.= '<br>';
		$label.= '<b>' . $langs->trans('Ref') . ':</b> ' . ($this->ref?$this->ref:$this->id);

		$url = DOL_URL_ROOT.'/compta/cashcontrol/cashcontrol_card.php?id='.$this->id;

		if ($option != 'nolink')
		    // Add param to save lastsearch_values or not
		    $add_save_lastsearch_values=($save_lastsearch_value == 1 ? 1 : 0);
		    if ($save_lastsearch_value == -1 && preg_match('/list\.php/', $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])) $add_save_lastsearch_values=1;
		    if ($add_save_lastsearch_values) $url.='&save_lastsearch_values=1';

		if (empty($notooltip))
		    if (! empty($conf->global->MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORTEXTBROWSER))
		        $linkclose.=' alt="'.dol_escape_htmltag($label, 1).'"';
		    $linkclose.=' title="'.dol_escape_htmltag($label, 1).'"';
		    $linkclose.=' class="classfortooltip'.($morecss?' '.$morecss:'').'"';

		     $reshook=$hookmanager->executeHooks('getnomurltooltip',$parameters,$this,$action);    // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by some hooks
		     if ($reshook > 0) $linkclose = $hookmanager->resPrint;
		else $linkclose = ($morecss?' class="'.$morecss.'"':'');

		$linkstart = '<a href="'.$url.'"';

		$result .= $linkstart;
		if ($withpicto) $result.=img_object(($notooltip?'':$label), ($this->picto?$this->picto:'generic'), ($notooltip?(($withpicto != 2) ? 'class="paddingright"' : ''):'class="'.(($withpicto != 2) ? 'paddingright ' : '').'classfortooltip"'), 0, 0, $notooltip?0:1);
		if ($withpicto != 2) $result.= $this->ref;
		$result .= $linkend;
		//if ($withpicto != 2) $result.=(($addlabel && $this->label) ? $sep . dol_trunc($this->label, ($addlabel > 1 ? $addlabel : 0)) : '');

		global $action;
		$parameters=array('id'=>$this->id, 'getnomurl'=>$result);
		$reshook=$hookmanager->executeHooks('getNomUrl', $parameters, $this, $action);    // Note that $action and $object may have been modified by some hooks
		if ($reshook > 0) { $result = $hookmanager->resPrint;
		} else { $result .= $hookmanager->resPrint;

		return $result;