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 * Copyright (c) 2015
 * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3
 * or later.
 * See the COPYING-README file.

/* global dav */

(function(OC, FileInfo) {
	 * @class OC.Files.Client
	 * @classdesc Client to access files on the server
	 * @param {Object} options
	 * @param {String} options.host host name
	 * @param {int} [options.port] port
	 * @param {boolean} [options.useHTTPS] whether to use https
	 * @param {String} [options.root] root path
	 * @param {String} [options.userName] user name
	 * @param {String} [options.password] password
	 * @since 8.2
	var Client = function(options) {
		this._root = options.root;
		if (this._root.charAt(this._root.length - 1) === '/') {
			this._root = this._root.substr(0, this._root.length - 1);

		var url = Client.PROTOCOL_HTTP + '://';
		if (options.useHTTPS) {
			url = Client.PROTOCOL_HTTPS + '://';

		url += options.host + this._root;
		this._host = options.host;
		this._defaultHeaders = options.defaultHeaders || {
				'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
				'requesttoken': OC.requestToken
		this._baseUrl = url;

		var clientOptions = {
			baseUrl: this._baseUrl,
			xmlNamespaces: {
				'DAV:': 'd',
				'http://owncloud.org/ns': 'oc',
				'http://nextcloud.org/ns': 'nc'
		if (options.userName) {
			clientOptions.userName = options.userName;
		if (options.password) {
			clientOptions.password = options.password;
		this._client = new dav.Client(clientOptions);
		this._client.xhrProvider = _.bind(this._xhrProvider, this);

	Client.NS_OWNCLOUD = 'http://owncloud.org/ns';
	Client.NS_NEXTCLOUD = 'http://nextcloud.org/ns';
	Client.NS_DAV = 'DAV:';

	Client.PROPERTY_GETLASTMODIFIED	= '{' + Client.NS_DAV + '}getlastmodified';
	Client.PROPERTY_GETETAG	= '{' + Client.NS_DAV + '}getetag';
	Client.PROPERTY_GETCONTENTTYPE	= '{' + Client.NS_DAV + '}getcontenttype';
	Client.PROPERTY_RESOURCETYPE	= '{' + Client.NS_DAV + '}resourcetype';
	Client.PROPERTY_INTERNAL_FILEID	= '{' + Client.NS_OWNCLOUD + '}fileid';
	Client.PROPERTY_PERMISSIONS	= '{' + Client.NS_OWNCLOUD + '}permissions';
	Client.PROPERTY_SIZE	= '{' + Client.NS_OWNCLOUD + '}size';
	Client.PROPERTY_GETCONTENTLENGTH	= '{' + Client.NS_DAV + '}getcontentlength';
	Client.PROPERTY_ISENCRYPTED	= '{' + Client.NS_DAV + '}is-encrypted';

	Client.PROTOCOL_HTTP	= 'http';
	Client.PROTOCOL_HTTPS	= 'https';

		 * Modified time
		[Client.NS_DAV, 'getlastmodified'],
		 * Etag
		[Client.NS_DAV, 'getetag'],
		 * Mime type
		[Client.NS_DAV, 'getcontenttype'],
		 * Resource type "collection" for folders, empty otherwise
		[Client.NS_DAV, 'resourcetype'],
		 * File id
		[Client.NS_OWNCLOUD, 'fileid'],
		 * Letter-coded permissions
		[Client.NS_OWNCLOUD, 'permissions'],
		//[Client.NS_OWNCLOUD, 'downloadURL'],
		 * Folder sizes
		[Client.NS_OWNCLOUD, 'size'],
		 * File sizes
		[Client.NS_DAV, 'getcontentlength'],
		 * Preview availability
		[Client.NS_NEXTCLOUD, 'has-preview'],
		 * Mount type
		[Client.NS_NEXTCLOUD, 'mount-type'],
		 * Encryption state
		[Client.NS_NEXTCLOUD, 'is-encrypted'],

	 * @memberof OC.Files
	Client.prototype = {

		 * Root path of the Webdav endpoint
		 * @type string
		_root: null,

		 * Client from the library
		 * @type dav.Client
		_client: null,

		 * Array of file info parsing functions.
		 * @type Array<OC.Files.Client~parseFileInfo>
		_fileInfoParsers: [],

		 * Returns the configured XHR provider for davclient
		 * @return {XMLHttpRequest}
		_xhrProvider: function() {
			var headers = this._defaultHeaders;
			var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
			var oldOpen = xhr.open;
			// override open() method to add headers
			xhr.open = function() {
				var result = oldOpen.apply(this, arguments);
				_.each(headers, function(value, key) {
					xhr.setRequestHeader(key, value);
				return result;

			return xhr;

		 * Prepends the base url to the given path sections
		 * @param {...String} path sections
		 * @return {String} base url + joined path, any leading or trailing slash
		 * will be kept
		_buildUrl: function() {
			var path = this._buildPath.apply(this, arguments);
			if (path.charAt([path.length - 1]) === '/') {
				path = path.substr(0, path.length - 1);
			if (path.charAt(0) === '/') {
				path = path.substr(1);
			return this._baseUrl + '/' + path;

		 * Append the path to the root and also encode path
		 * sections
		 * @param {...String} path sections
		 * @return {String} joined path, any leading or trailing slash
		 * will be kept
		_buildPath: function() {
			var path = OC.joinPaths.apply(this, arguments);
			var sections = path.split('/');
			var i;
			for (i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
				sections[i] = encodeURIComponent(sections[i]);
			path = sections.join('/');
			return path;

		 * Parse headers string into a map
		 * @param {string} headersString headers list as string
		 * @return {Object.<String,Array>} map of header name to header contents
		_parseHeaders: function(headersString) {
			var headerRows = headersString.split('\n');
			var headers = {};
			for (var i = 0; i < headerRows.length; i++) {
				var sepPos = headerRows[i].indexOf(':');
				if (sepPos < 0) {

				var headerName = headerRows[i].substr(0, sepPos);
				var headerValue = headerRows[i].substr(sepPos + 2);

				if (!headers[headerName]) {
					// make it an array
					headers[headerName] = [];

			return headers;

		 * Parses the etag response which is in double quotes.
		 * @param {string} etag etag value in double quotes
		 * @return {string} etag without double quotes
		_parseEtag: function(etag) {
			if (etag.charAt(0) === '"') {
				return etag.split('"')[1];
			return etag;

		 * Parse Webdav result
		 * @param {Object} response XML object
		 * @return {Array.<FileInfo>} array of file info
		_parseFileInfo: function(response) {
			var path = response.href;
			if (path.substr(0, this._root.length) === this._root) {
				path = path.substr(this._root.length);

			if (path.charAt(path.length - 1) === '/') {
				path = path.substr(0, path.length - 1);

			path = decodeURIComponent(path);

			if (response.propStat.length === 0 || response.propStat[0].status !== 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK') {
				return null;

			var props = response.propStat[0].properties;

			var data = {
				id: props[Client.PROPERTY_INTERNAL_FILEID],
				path: OC.dirname(path) || '/',
				name: OC.basename(path),
				mtime: (new Date(props[Client.PROPERTY_GETLASTMODIFIED])).getTime()

			var etagProp = props[Client.PROPERTY_GETETAG];
			if (!_.isUndefined(etagProp)) {
				data.etag = this._parseEtag(etagProp);

			var sizeProp = props[Client.PROPERTY_GETCONTENTLENGTH];
			if (!_.isUndefined(sizeProp)) {
				data.size = parseInt(sizeProp, 10);

			sizeProp = props[Client.PROPERTY_SIZE];
			if (!_.isUndefined(sizeProp)) {
				data.size = parseInt(sizeProp, 10);

			var hasPreviewProp = props['{' + Client.NS_NEXTCLOUD + '}has-preview'];
			if (!_.isUndefined(hasPreviewProp)) {
				data.hasPreview = hasPreviewProp === 'true';
			} else {
				data.hasPreview = true;

			var isEncryptedProp = props['{' + Client.NS_NEXTCLOUD + '}is-encrypted'];
			if (!_.isUndefined(isEncryptedProp)) {
				data.isEncrypted = isEncryptedProp === '1';
			} else {
				data.isEncrypted = false;

			var contentType = props[Client.PROPERTY_GETCONTENTTYPE];
			if (!_.isUndefined(contentType)) {
				data.mimetype = contentType;

			var resType = props[Client.PROPERTY_RESOURCETYPE];
			var isFile = true;
			if (!data.mimetype && resType) {
				var xmlvalue = resType[0];
				if (xmlvalue.namespaceURI === Client.NS_DAV && xmlvalue.nodeName.split(':')[1] === 'collection') {
					data.mimetype = 'httpd/unix-directory';
					isFile = false;

			data.permissions = OC.PERMISSION_NONE;
			var permissionProp = props[Client.PROPERTY_PERMISSIONS];
			if (!_.isUndefined(permissionProp)) {
				var permString = permissionProp || '';
				data.mountType = null;
				for (var i = 0; i < permString.length; i++) {
					var c = permString.charAt(i);
					switch (c) {
						// FIXME: twisted permissions
						case 'C':
						case 'K':
							data.permissions |= OC.PERMISSION_CREATE;
						case 'G':
							data.permissions |= OC.PERMISSION_READ;
						case 'W':
						case 'N':
						case 'V':
							data.permissions |= OC.PERMISSION_UPDATE;
						case 'D':
							data.permissions |= OC.PERMISSION_DELETE;
						case 'R':
							data.permissions |= OC.PERMISSION_SHARE;
						case 'M':
							if (!data.mountType) {
								// TODO: how to identify external-root ?
								data.mountType = 'external';
						case 'S':
							// TODO: how to identify shared-root ?
							data.mountType = 'shared';

			var mounTypeProp = props['{' + Client.NS_NEXTCLOUD + '}mount-type'];
			if (!_.isUndefined(mounTypeProp)) {
				data.mountType = mounTypeProp;

			// extend the parsed data using the custom parsers
			_.each(this._fileInfoParsers, function(parserFunction) {
				_.extend(data, parserFunction(response) || {});

			return new FileInfo(data);

		 * Parse Webdav multistatus
		 * @param {Array} responses
		_parseResult: function(responses) {
			var self = this;
			return _.map(responses, function(response) {
				return self._parseFileInfo(response);

		 * Returns whether the given status code means success
		 * @param {int} status status code
		 * @return true if status code is between 200 and 299 included
		_isSuccessStatus: function(status) {
			return status >= 200 && status <= 299;

		 * Parse the Sabre exception out of the given response, if any
		 * @param {Object} response object
		 * @return {Object} array of parsed message and exception (only the first one)
		_getSabreException: function(response) {
			var result = {};
			var xml = response.xhr.responseXML;
			var messages = xml.getElementsByTagNameNS('http://sabredav.org/ns', 'message');
			var exceptions = xml.getElementsByTagNameNS('http://sabredav.org/ns', 'exception');
			if (messages.length) {
				result.message = messages[0].textContent;
			if (exceptions.length) {
				result.exception = exceptions[0].textContent;
			return result;

		 * Returns the default PROPFIND properties to use during a call.
		 * @return {Array.<Object>} array of properties
		getPropfindProperties: function() {
			if (!this._propfindProperties) {
				this._propfindProperties = _.map(Client._PROPFIND_PROPERTIES, function(propDef) {
					return '{' + propDef[0] + '}' + propDef[1];
			return this._propfindProperties;

		 * Lists the contents of a directory
		 * @param {String} path path to retrieve
		 * @param {Object} [options] options
		 * @param {boolean} [options.includeParent=false] set to true to keep
		 * the parent folder in the result list
		 * @param {Array} [options.properties] list of Webdav properties to retrieve
		 * @return {Promise} promise
		getFolderContents: function(path, options) {
			if (!path) {
				path = '';
			options = options || {};
			var self = this;
			var deferred = $.Deferred();
			var promise = deferred.promise();
			var properties;
			if (_.isUndefined(options.properties)) {
				properties = this.getPropfindProperties();
			} else {
				properties = options.properties;

			).then(function(result) {
				if (self._isSuccessStatus(result.status)) {
					var results = self._parseResult(result.body);
					if (!options || !options.includeParent) {
						// remove root dir, the first entry
					deferred.resolve(result.status, results);
				} else {
					result = _.extend(result, self._getSabreException(result));
					deferred.reject(result.status, result);
			return promise;

		 * Fetches a flat list of files filtered by a given filter criteria.
		 * (currently only system tags is supported)
		 * @param {Object} filter filter criteria
		 * @param {Object} [filter.systemTagIds] list of system tag ids to filter by
		 * @param {bool} [filter.favorite] set it to filter by favorites
		 * @param {Object} [options] options
		 * @param {Array} [options.properties] list of Webdav properties to retrieve
		 * @return {Promise} promise
		getFilteredFiles: function(filter, options) {
			options = options || {};
			var self = this;
			var deferred = $.Deferred();
			var promise = deferred.promise();
			var properties;
			if (_.isUndefined(options.properties)) {
				properties = this.getPropfindProperties();
			} else {
				properties = options.properties;

			if (!filter || (!filter.systemTagIds && _.isUndefined(filter.favorite))) {
				throw 'Missing filter argument';

			// root element with namespaces
            var body = '<oc:filter-files ';
			var namespace;
			for (namespace in this._client.xmlNamespaces) {
				body += ' xmlns:' + this._client.xmlNamespaces[namespace] + '="' + namespace + '"';
			body += '>\n';

			// properties query
			body += '    <' + this._client.xmlNamespaces['DAV:'] + ':prop>\n';
			_.each(properties, function(prop) {
				var property = self._client.parseClarkNotation(prop);
                body += '        <' + self._client.xmlNamespaces[property.namespace] + ':' + property.name + ' />\n';

			body += '    </' + this._client.xmlNamespaces['DAV:'] + ':prop>\n';

			// rules block
			body +=	'    <oc:filter-rules>\n';
			_.each(filter.systemTagIds, function(systemTagIds) {
				body += '        <oc:systemtag>' + escapeHTML(systemTagIds) + '</oc:systemtag>\n';
			if (filter.favorite) {
				body += '        <oc:favorite>' + (filter.favorite ? '1': '0') + '</oc:favorite>\n';
			body += '    </oc:filter-rules>\n';

			// end of root
			body += '</oc:filter-files>\n';

			).then(function(result) {
				if (self._isSuccessStatus(result.status)) {
					var results = self._parseResult(result.body);
					deferred.resolve(result.status, results);
				} else {
					result = _.extend(result, self._getSabreException(result));
					deferred.reject(result.status, result);
			return promise;

		 * Returns the file info of a given path.
		 * @param {String} path path
		 * @param {Array} [options.properties] list of Webdav properties to retrieve
		 * @return {Promise} promise
		getFileInfo: function(path, options) {
			if (!path) {
				path = '';
			options = options || {};
			var self = this;
			var deferred = $.Deferred();
			var promise = deferred.promise();
			var properties;
			if (_.isUndefined(options.properties)) {
				properties = this.getPropfindProperties();
			} else {
				properties = options.properties;

			// TODO: headers
				function(result) {
					if (self._isSuccessStatus(result.status)) {
						deferred.resolve(result.status, self._parseResult([result.body])[0]);
					} else {
						result = _.extend(result, self._getSabreException(result));
						deferred.reject(result.status, result);
			return promise;

		 * Returns the contents of the given file.
		 * @param {String} path path to file
		 * @return {Promise}
		getFileContents: function(path) {
			if (!path) {
				throw 'Missing argument "path"';
			var self = this;
			var deferred = $.Deferred();
			var promise = deferred.promise();

				function(result) {
					if (self._isSuccessStatus(result.status)) {
						deferred.resolve(result.status, result.body);
					} else {
						result = _.extend(result, self._getSabreException(result));
						deferred.reject(result.status, result);
			return promise;

		 * Puts the given data into the given file.
		 * @param {String} path path to file
		 * @param {String} body file body
		 * @param {Object} [options]
		 * @param {String} [options.contentType='text/plain'] content type
		 * @param {bool} [options.overwrite=true] whether to overwrite an existing file
		 * @return {Promise}
		putFileContents: function(path, body, options) {
			if (!path) {
				throw 'Missing argument "path"';
			var self = this;
			var deferred = $.Deferred();
			var promise = deferred.promise();
			options = options || {};
			var headers = {};
			var contentType = 'text/plain;charset=utf-8';
			if (options.contentType) {
				contentType = options.contentType;

			headers['Content-Type'] = contentType;

			if (_.isUndefined(options.overwrite) || options.overwrite) {
				// will trigger 412 precondition failed if a file already exists
				headers['If-None-Match'] = '*';

				body || ''
				function(result) {
					if (self._isSuccessStatus(result.status)) {
					} else {
						result = _.extend(result, self._getSabreException(result));
						deferred.reject(result.status, result);
			return promise;

		_simpleCall: function(method, path) {
			if (!path) {
				throw 'Missing argument "path"';

			var self = this;
			var deferred = $.Deferred();
			var promise = deferred.promise();

				function(result) {
					if (self._isSuccessStatus(result.status)) {
					} else {
						result = _.extend(result, self._getSabreException(result));
						deferred.reject(result.status, result);
			return promise;

		 * Creates a directory
		 * @param {String} path path to create
		 * @return {Promise}
		createDirectory: function(path) {
			return this._simpleCall('MKCOL', path);

		 * Deletes a file or directory
		 * @param {String} path path to delete
		 * @return {Promise}
		remove: function(path) {
			return this._simpleCall('DELETE', path);

		 * Moves path to another path
		 * @param {String} path path to move
		 * @param {String} destinationPath destination path
		 * @param {boolean} [allowOverwrite=false] true to allow overwriting,
		 * false otherwise
		 * @param {Object} [headers=null] additional headers
		 * @return {Promise} promise
		move: function(path, destinationPath, allowOverwrite, headers) {
			if (!path) {
				throw 'Missing argument "path"';
			if (!destinationPath) {
				throw 'Missing argument "destinationPath"';

			var self = this;
			var deferred = $.Deferred();
			var promise = deferred.promise();
			headers = _.extend({}, headers, {
				'Destination' : this._buildUrl(destinationPath)

			if (!allowOverwrite) {
				headers.Overwrite = 'F';

				function(result) {
					if (self._isSuccessStatus(result.status)) {
					} else {
						result = _.extend(result, self._getSabreException(result));
						deferred.reject(result.status, result);
			return promise;

		 * Copies path to another path
		 * @param {String} path path to copy
		 * @param {String} destinationPath destination path
		 * @param {boolean} [allowOverwrite=false] true to allow overwriting,
		 * false otherwise
		 * @return {Promise} promise
		copy: function (path, destinationPath, allowOverwrite) {
			if (!path) {
				throw 'Missing argument "path"';
			if (!destinationPath) {
				throw 'Missing argument "destinationPath"';

			var self = this;
			var deferred = $.Deferred();
			var promise = deferred.promise();
			var headers = {
				'Destination' : this._buildUrl(destinationPath)

			if (!allowOverwrite) {
				headers.Overwrite = 'F';

				function(response) {
					if (self._isSuccessStatus(response.status)) {
					} else {
			return promise;

		 * Add a file info parser function
		 * @param {OC.Files.Client~parseFileInfo>}
		addFileInfoParser: function(parserFunction) {

		 * Returns the dav.Client instance used internally
		 * @since 11.0.0
		 * @return {dav.Client}
		getClient: function() {
			return this._client;

		 * Returns the user name
		 * @since 11.0.0
		 * @return {String} userName
		getUserName: function() {
			return this._client.userName;

		 * Returns the password
		 * @since 11.0.0
		 * @return {String} password
		getPassword: function() {
			return this._client.password;

		 * Returns the base URL
		 * @since 11.0.0
		 * @return {String} base URL
		getBaseUrl: function() {
			return this._client.baseUrl;

		 * Returns the host
		 * @since 13.0.0
		 * @return {String} base URL
		getHost: function() {
			return this._host;

	 * File info parser function
	 * This function receives a list of Webdav properties as input and
	 * should return a hash array of parsed properties, if applicable.
	 * @callback OC.Files.Client~parseFileInfo
	 * @param {Object} XML Webdav properties
     * @return {Array} array of parsed property values

	if (!OC.Files) {
		 * @namespace OC.Files
		 * @since 8.2
		OC.Files = {};

	 * Returns the default instance of the files client
	 * @return {OC.Files.Client} default client
	 * @since 8.2
	OC.Files.getClient = function() {
		if (OC.Files._defaultClient) {
			return OC.Files._defaultClient;

		var client = new OC.Files.Client({
			host: OC.getHost(),
			port: OC.getPort(),
			root: OC.linkToRemoteBase('webdav'),
			useHTTPS: OC.getProtocol() === 'https'
		OC.Files._defaultClient = client;
		return client;

	OC.Files.Client = Client;
})(OC, OC.Files.FileInfo);