
Your IP :

Current Path : /home/scgforma/www/cloud/core/doc/user/_sources/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/scgforma/www/cloud/core/doc/user/_sources/userpreferences.txt

Setting your preferences

As a user, you can manage your personal settings.

To access your personal settings:

1. Click on your profile picture in the top, right corner of your Nextcloud instance.

   The Personal Settings Menu opens.

   .. figure:: images/oc_personal_settings_dropdown.png
      :alt: screenshot of user menu at top-right of Nextcloud Web GUI

   *Personal Settings Menu*

2. Choose *Settings* from the drop down menu.

   .. figure:: images/personal_settings.png
      :alt: screenshot of user's Personal settings page

.. note:: If you are an administrator, you can also manage users and administer
   the server. These links do not appear to a non-admin user.

The options listed in the Personal Settings Page depend on the applications that
are enabled by the administrator. Some of the features you will see
include the following:

* Usage and available quota
* Manage your profile picture
* Full name (You can make this anything you want, as it is separate from your
  Nextcloud login name, which is unique and cannot be changed)
* Email address
* List of your Group memberships
* Change your password
* :doc:`user_2fa`
* :doc:`userpreferences`
* Choose the language for your Nextcloud interface
* Links to desktop and mobile apps
* Manage your Activity stream and notifications
* Default folder to save new documents to
* Your Federated sharing ID
* Social sharing links
* Nextcloud version

.. note:: Available options and settings depending on your administrators configuration.
   If you are not able to change the password or the display-name in your personal settings,
   please contact your administrator for help.