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Current File : /home/scgforma/www/cloud/apps/user_ldap/l10n/lv.js

    "Failed to clear the mappings." : "NeizdevÄs nodzÄ“stu samÄ“roÅ¡anu.",
    "Failed to delete the server configuration" : "NeizdevÄs izdzÄ“st servera konfigurÄciju",
    "No action specified" : "Nav norÄdÄ«ta darbÄ«ba",
    "No configuration specified" : "Nav norÄdÄ«ta konfigurÄcija",
    "No data specified" : "Nav norÄdÄ«ti dati",
    " Could not set configuration %s" : "NevarÄ“ja iestatÄ«t konfigurÄciju %s",
    "Action does not exist" : "Darbība neeksistē",
    "The Base DN appears to be wrong" : "DN bÄze Å¡Ä·iet nepareiza",
    "Testing configuration…" : "KonfigurÄcijas pÄrbaude...",
    "Configuration incorrect" : "Nepareiza konfigurÄcija",
    "Configuration incomplete" : "NepilnÄ«ga konfigurÄcija",
    "Configuration OK" : "KonfigurÄcija OK",
    "Select groups" : "Izvēlieties grupas",
    "Select object classes" : "Atlasiet objektu klases",
    "Please check the credentials, they seem to be wrong." : "LÅ«dzu, pÄrbaudiet akreditÄcijas datus, tie Å¡Ä·iet nepareizi.",
    "Please specify the port, it could not be auto-detected." : "LÅ«dzu, norÄdiet portu, tas nevarÄ“ja bÅ«t noteikts automÄtiski.",
    "Base DN could not be auto-detected, please revise credentials, host and port." : "DN bÄzi nevarÄ“ja noteikt, lÅ«dzu, pÄrskatiet datus, resursdatoru un portu.",
    "Could not detect Base DN, please enter it manually." : "NevarÄ“ja noteikt DN bÄzi, lÅ«dzu, ievadiet to manuÄli.",
    "{nthServer}. Server" : "{nthServer}. Serveris",
    "No object found in the given Base DN. Please revise." : "Neviens objekts nav atrasts konkrÄ“tÄ DN bÄzÄ“. LÅ«dzu pÄrskatÄ«t.",
    "More than 1,000 directory entries available." : "VairÄk nekÄ 1,000 kataloga ieraksti ir pieejami.",
    "An error occurred. Please check the Base DN, as well as connection settings and credentials." : "RadÄs kļūda. LÅ«dzu, pÄrbaudiet bÄzes DN, kÄ arÄ« savienojuma iestatÄ«jumus vai akreditÄcijas datus.",
    "Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" : "Vai tieÅ¡Äm vÄ“laties dzÄ“st paÅ¡reizÄ“jo servera konfigurÄciju?",
    "Confirm Deletion" : "ApstiprinÄt dzÄ“Å¡anu",
    "Mappings cleared successfully!" : "Kartējumi notīrīta veiksmīgi!",
    "Error while clearing the mappings." : "Kļūda, dzēšot kartējumus.",
    "LDAP Operations error. Anonymous bind might not be allowed." : "LDAP operÄcijas kļūda. AnonÄ«ma sasaiste, iespÄ“jams, nav atļauta.",
    "Select attributes" : "Atlasīt atribūtus",
    "Password change rejected. Hint: " : "Paroles maiņas noraidīja. Padoms:",
    "LDAP / AD integration" : "LDAP / AD integrÄcija",
    "_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" : ["%s grupas atrastas","%s grupas atrastas","%s grupas atrastas"],
    "_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["%s lietotÄji atrasti","%s lietotÄji atrasti","%s lietotÄji atrasti"],
    "Invalid Host" : "Nederīgs resursdators",
    "Test Configuration" : "Testa konfigurÄcija",
    "Help" : "Palīdzība",
    "Only these object classes:" : "Tikai Å¡o objektu kategorijas:",
    "Only from these groups:" : "Tikai no Å¡Ä«m grupÄm:",
    "Search groups" : "Meklēt grupas",
    "Available groups" : "PieejamÄs grupas",
    "Selected groups" : "IzvÄ“lÄ“tÄs grupas",
    "Edit LDAP Query" : "Labot LDAP vaicÄjumu",
    "LDAP Filter:" : "LDAP filtrs:",
    "LDAP / AD Username:" : "LDAP / AD lietotÄjvÄrds:",
    "LDAP / AD Email Address:" : "LDAP / AD e-pasta adrese:",
    "Other Attributes:" : "Citi atribūti:",
    "Test Loginname" : "PÄrbaudiet lietotÄjvÄrdu",
    "Verify settings" : "PÄrbaudÄ«t iestatÄ«jumus",
    "1. Server" : "1. Serveris",
    "%s. Server:" : "%s. Serveris:",
    "Host" : "Resursdators",
    "Port" : "Ports",
    "Detect Port" : "Noteikt portu",
    "User DN" : "LietotÄja DN",
    "The DN of the client user with which the bind shall be done, e.g. uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." : "Klienta lietotÄja DN, ar ko veiks sasaisti, piemÄ“ram, uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. Lai piekļūtu anonÄ«mi, atstÄjiet DN un paroli tukÅ¡u.",
    "Password" : "Parole",
    "For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." : "Lai piekļūtu anonÄ«mi, atstÄjiet DN un paroli tukÅ¡u.",
    "One Base DN per line" : "Viena bÄzes DN rindÄ",
    "You can specify Base DN for users and groups in the Advanced tab" : "LietotÄjiem un grupÄm var norÄdÄ«t bÄzes DN  cilnÄ“ “PaplaÅ¡inÄtiâ€",
    "Detect Base DN" : "Noteikt bÄzes DN",
    "Test Base DN" : "TestÄ“t bÄzes DN",
    "Saving" : "SaglabÄ",
    "Back" : "Atpakaļ",
    "Continue" : "TurpinÄt",
    "Server" : "Serveris",
    "Users" : "LietotÄji",
    "Login Attributes" : "PieteikÅ¡anÄs atribÅ«ti",
    "Groups" : "Grupas",
    "Expert" : "Eksperts",
    "Advanced" : "PaplaÅ¡inÄti",
    "<b>Warning:</b> The PHP LDAP module is not installed, the backend will not work. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "<b>BrÄ«dinÄjums:</b> PHP LDAP modulis nav uzinstalÄ“ts, aizmugure nedarbosies. LÅ«dzu, prasiet savam sistÄ“mas administratoram kÄdu no tÄm deaktivÄ“t.",
    "Connection Settings" : "Savienojuma iestatījumi",
    "Configuration Active" : "KonfigurÄcija ir aktÄ«va",
    "When unchecked, this configuration will be skipped." : "Ja nav atzÄ«mÄ“ts, Å¡Ä« konfigurÄcija tiks izlaista.",
    "Backup (Replica) Host" : "Rezerves (kopija) serveris",
    "Give an optional backup host. It must be a replica of the main LDAP/AD server." : "NorÄdi rezerves serveri (nav obligÄti). Tam ir jÄbÅ«t galvenÄ LDAP/AD servera kopijai.",
    "Backup (Replica) Port" : "Rezerves (kopijas) ports",
    "Disable Main Server" : "Deaktivēt galveno serveri",
    "Turn off SSL certificate validation." : "IzslÄ“gt SSL sertifikÄtu validÄ“Å¡anu.",
    "Cache Time-To-Live" : "Kešatmiņas dzīvlaiks",
    "in seconds. A change empties the cache." : "sekundēs. Izmaiņas iztukšos kešatmiņu.",
    "Directory Settings" : "Direktorijas iestatījumi",
    "User Display Name Field" : "LietotÄja redzamÄ vÄrda lauks",
    "Base User Tree" : "BÄzes lietotÄju koks",
    "One User Base DN per line" : "Viens lietotÄjs bÄzes DN rindÄ",
    "User Search Attributes" : "LietotÄju meklÄ“Å¡anas atribÅ«ts",
    "Optional; one attribute per line" : "NeobligÄti; viens atribÅ«ts rindÄ",
    "Group Display Name Field" : "Grupas redzamÄ nosaukuma lauks",
    "Base Group Tree" : "BÄzes grupu koks",
    "One Group Base DN per line" : "Viena grupu bÄzes DN rindÄ",
    "Group Search Attributes" : "Grupu meklēšanas atribūts",
    "Group-Member association" : "Grupu piederÄ«bas asociÄcija",
    "Enable LDAP password changes per user" : "IespÄ“jot LDAP paroles maiņu katram lietotÄjam",
    "(New password is sent as plain text to LDAP)" : "(JaunÄ parole tiek nosÅ«tÄ«ta kÄ vienkÄrÅ¡s teksts ar LDAP)",
    "Special Attributes" : "Īpašie atribūti",
    "Quota Field" : "Kvotu lauks",
    "Quota Default" : "Kvotas noklusējums",
    "Email Field" : "E-pasta lauks",
    "User Home Folder Naming Rule" : "LietotÄja mÄjas mapes nosaukÅ¡anas kÄrtula",
    "Leave empty for user name (default). Otherwise, specify an LDAP/AD attribute." : "AtstÄt tukÅ¡u lietotÄja vÄrdam (noklusÄ“juma). CitÄdi, norÄdi LDAP/AD atribÅ«tu.",
    "Internal Username" : "IekÅ¡Ä“jais lietotÄjvÄrds",
    "Override UUID detection" : "Ignorēt UUID noteikšanu",
    "UUID Attribute for Users:" : "UUID atribÅ«ti lietotÄjiem:",
    "UUID Attribute for Groups:" : "UUID atribÅ«ti grupÄm:",
    " entries available within the provided Base DN" : "ieraksti pieejami ar nosacÄ«jumu DN bÄzÄ“",
    "LDAP" : "LDAP"
"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);");