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## Submitting issues

If you have questions about how to install or use Nextcloud, please direct these to our [forum][forum]. We are also available on [IRC][irc].

### Short version

 * The [**issue template can be found here**][template]. Please always use the issue template when reporting issues.

### Guidelines
* Please search the existing issues first, it's likely that your issue was already reported or even fixed.
  - Go to one of the repositories, click "issues" and type any word in the top search/command bar.
  - You can also filter by appending e. g. "state:open" to the search string.
  - More info on [search syntax within github](https://help.github.com/articles/searching-issues)
* This repository ([Text editor](https://github.com/nextcloud/files_texteditor/issues)) is *only* for issues within the Text editor code.
* __SECURITY__: Report any potential security bug to us via [our HackerOne page](https://hackerone.com/nextcloud) or security@nextcloud.com following our [security policy](https://nextcloud.com/security/) instead of filing an issue in our bug tracker
* Report the issue using our [template][template], it includes all the information we need to track down the issue.

Help us to maximize the effort we can spend fixing issues and adding new features, by not reporting duplicate issues.

[template]: https://raw.github.com/nextcloud/files_texteditor/master/.github/issue_template.md
[forum]: https://help.nextcloud.com/
[irc]: https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=nextcloud

### Contribute Code and translations
Please check [server's contribution guidelines](https://github.com/nextcloud/server/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#contributing-to-source-code) for further information about contributing code and translations.