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# Endpoint documentation

## Capabilities

GET /ocs/v2.php/cloud/capabilities

## Request URL

GET /ocs/v2.php/apps/activity/api/v2/activity

With type filter

GET /ocs/v2.php/apps/activity/api/v2/activity/:filter

## Parameters

Name | Type | Description
---- | ---- | -----------
`since` | int (Optional) | The integer ID of the last activity that you’ve seen.
`limit` | int (Optional) | How many activities should be returned (Default: `50`)
`object_type` | string (Optional) | Allows to filter the activities to a given object. May only appear together with `object_id`
`object_id` | string (Optional) | Allows to filter the activities to a given object. May only appear together with `object_type`
`sort` | string - `asc` or `desc` | Should activities be given ascending or descending (from the `since`) (Default: `desc`)

## HTTP Status

Status Code | Description
----------- | -----------
`200 OK` |  Activities
`204 No Content` |  The user has selected no activities to be listed in the stream
`304 Not Modified` | ETag/If-None-Match are the same or the end of the activity list was reached
`403 Forbidden` | The offset activity belongs to a different user
`403 Forbidden` | The user is not logged in
`404 Not Found` | The filter is unknown

## Headers

### Link for the next request

Already includes all parameters
Link: <http(s)://localhost/ocs/v2.php/apps/activity/api/v2/activity/all?since=364>; rel="next"

### First known activity

In case the `since` parameter was not known, the header gives the first known activity ID
X-Activity-First-Known: 370

### Last given activity

Id that should be used as `since` parameter for the next request
X-Activity-Last-Given: 370

## Activity element

Field name | Type | Value description
---------- | ---- | -----------------
`activity_id` | int | Autoincrement value from the database
`datetime` | string | ISO 8601 date of the activity (e.g. `2015-11-20T12:49:31+00:00`)
`app` | string | App that created the activity (e.g. `'files'`, `'files_sharing'`, etc.)
`type` | string | For most files related activities this is the action that was performed on the file/folder (e.g. `'file_changed'`, `'file_created'` (same is used for both, file and folder)), other apps use other strings (e.g. `'announcementcenter'`)
`user` | string (Optional) | User ID of the user that triggered/created this activity (can also be empty in case of public link/remote share action)
`subject` | string | Translated simple subject without markup, ready for use (e.g. `'You created hello.jpg'`)
`subject_rich` | array (Optional) | `0` is the string subject including placeholders, `1` is an array with the placeholders. See [this issue](https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/1706) for more information
`message` | string (Optional) | Translated simple message without markup, ready for use (longer text, unused by core apps)
`message_rich` | array (Optional) | See `subject_rich`
`icon` | string (Optional) | A full URL to an icon for the activity
`link` | string (Optional) | A full URL pointing to a suitable location (e.g. `'http://localhost/cloud/master/core/index.php/apps/files/?dir=%2Ffolder'` in case the folder got created)
`object_type` | string (Optional) | Type of the object this activity is about (e.g. `'files'` is used for files and folders)
`object_id` | int (Optional) | ID of the object this activity is about (e.g. ID in the file cache is used for files and folders)
`object_name` | string (Optional) | Name of the object this activity is about (e.g. for files it's the relative path to the user's root: `'/folder/.travis.yml'`)
`previews` | array (Optional) | A list of potential previews (currently only available for file activities). See `Preview element` for more information

### Preview element

Field name | Type | Value description
---------- | ---- | -----------------
`source` | string | Full URL of the image to be displayed
`link` | string | Full URL the preview should be wrapped in
`isMimeTypeIcon` | bool | True if `source` points to a mime type icon instead of a real preview

In case the endpoint returns more fields, they should be ignored and are deprecated (only for backwards compatibility usage) or internal.

### Example

    "activity_id": 1,
    "timestamp": 1446137950,
    "app": "files",
    "type": "file_created",
    "user": "test1",
    "affecteduser": "admin",
    "subject": "test1 created hello.jpg",
    "subject_rich": {
      "0": "test1 created {file1}",
      "1": {
        "file1": {
          "type": "file",
          "id": 23,
          "name": "hello.jpg",
          "path": "\/test\/hello.jpg"
    "message": null,
    "message_rich": {
      "0": "",
      "1": []
    "icon": "https:\/\/localhost\/apps\/files\/img\/add-color.svg",
    "link": "",
    "object_type": "files",
    "object_id": 23,
    "object_name": "\/test\/hello.jpg",
    "previews": [
        "link": "https:\/\/localhost\/index.php\/apps\/files\/?dir=\/test&scrollto=hello.jpg",
        "source": "https:\/\/localhost\/index.php\/core\/preview.png?file=\/hello.jpg&x=150&y=150",
        "isMimeTypeIcon": false