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namespace Sabre\Event\Loop;

 * A simple eventloop implementation.
 * This eventloop supports:
 *   * nextTick
 *   * setTimeout for delayed functions
 *   * setInterval for repeating functions
 *   * stream events using stream_select
 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2015 fruux GmbH. (https://fruux.com/)
 * @author Evert Pot (http://evertpot.com/)
 * @license http://sabre.io/license/ Modified BSD License
class Loop {

     * Executes a function after x seconds.
     * @param callable $cb
     * @param float $timeout timeout in seconds
     * @return void
    function setTimeout(callable $cb, $timeout) {

        $triggerTime = microtime(true) + ($timeout);

        if (!$this->timers) {
            // Special case when the timers array was empty.
            $this->timers[] = [$triggerTime, $cb];

        // We need to insert these values in the timers array, but the timers
        // array must be in reverse-order of trigger times.
        // So here we search the array for the insertion point.
        $index = count($this->timers) - 1;
        while (true) {
            if ($triggerTime < $this->timers[$index][0]) {
                    $index + 1,
                    [[$triggerTime, $cb]]
            } elseif ($index === 0) {
                array_unshift($this->timers, [$triggerTime, $cb]);



     * Executes a function every x seconds.
     * The value this function returns can be used to stop the interval with
     * clearInterval.
     * @param callable $cb
     * @param float $timeout
     * @return array
    function setInterval(callable $cb, $timeout) {

        $keepGoing = true;
        $f = null;

        $f = function() use ($cb, &$f, $timeout, &$keepGoing) {
            if ($keepGoing) {
                $this->setTimeout($f, $timeout);
        $this->setTimeout($f, $timeout);

        // Really the only thing that matters is returning the $keepGoing
        // boolean value.
        // We need to pack it in an array to allow returning by reference.
        // Because I'm worried people will be confused by using a boolean as a
        // sort of identifier, I added an extra string.
        return ['I\'m an implementation detail', &$keepGoing];


     * Stops a running internval.
     * @param array $intervalId
     * @return void
    function clearInterval($intervalId) {

        $intervalId[1] = false;


     * Runs a function immediately at the next iteration of the loop.
     * @param callable $cb
     * @return void
    function nextTick(callable $cb) {

        $this->nextTick[] = $cb;


     * Adds a read stream.
     * The callback will be called as soon as there is something to read from
     * the stream.
     * You MUST call removeReadStream after you are done with the stream, to
     * prevent the eventloop from never stopping.
     * @param resource $stream
     * @param callable $cb
     * @return void
    function addReadStream($stream, callable $cb) {

        $this->readStreams[(int)$stream] = $stream;
        $this->readCallbacks[(int)$stream] = $cb;


     * Adds a write stream.
     * The callback will be called as soon as the system reports it's ready to
     * receive writes on the stream.
     * You MUST call removeWriteStream after you are done with the stream, to
     * prevent the eventloop from never stopping.
     * @param resource $stream
     * @param callable $cb
     * @return void
    function addWriteStream($stream, callable $cb) {

        $this->writeStreams[(int)$stream] = $stream;
        $this->writeCallbacks[(int)$stream] = $cb;


     * Stop watching a stream for reads.
     * @param resource $stream
     * @return void
    function removeReadStream($stream) {



     * Stop watching a stream for writes.
     * @param resource $stream
     * @return void
    function removeWriteStream($stream) {



     * Runs the loop.
     * This function will run continiously, until there's no more events to
     * handle.
     * @return void
    function run() {

        $this->running = true;

        do {

            $hasEvents = $this->tick(true);

        } while ($this->running && $hasEvents);
        $this->running = false;


     * Executes all pending events.
     * If $block is turned true, this function will block until any event is
     * triggered.
     * If there are now timeouts, nextTick callbacks or events in the loop at
     * all, this function will exit immediately.
     * This function will return true if there are _any_ events left in the
     * loop after the tick.
     * @param bool $block
     * @return bool
    function tick($block = false) {

        $nextTimeout = $this->runTimers();

        // Calculating how long runStreams should at most wait.
        if (!$block) {
            // Don't wait
            $streamWait = 0;
        } elseif ($this->nextTick) {
            // There's a pending 'nextTick'. Don't wait.
            $streamWait = 0;
        } elseif (is_numeric($nextTimeout)) {
            // Wait until the next Timeout should trigger.
            $streamWait = $nextTimeout;
        } else {
            // Wait indefinitely
            $streamWait = null;


        return ($this->readStreams || $this->writeStreams || $this->nextTick || $this->timers);


     * Stops a running eventloop
     * @return void
    function stop() {

        $this->running = false;


     * Executes all 'nextTick' callbacks.
     * return void
    protected function runNextTicks() {

        $nextTick = $this->nextTick;
        $this->nextTick = [];

        foreach ($nextTick as $cb) {


     * Runs all pending timers.
     * After running the timer callbacks, this function returns the number of
     * seconds until the next timer should be executed.
     * If there's no more pending timers, this function returns null.
     * @return float
    protected function runTimers() {

        $now = microtime(true);
        while (($timer = array_pop($this->timers)) && $timer[0] < $now) {
        // Add the last timer back to the array.
        if ($timer) {
            $this->timers[] = $timer;
            return $timer[0] - microtime(true);


     * Runs all pending stream events.
     * @param float $timeout
    protected function runStreams($timeout) {

        if ($this->readStreams || $this->writeStreams) {

            $read = $this->readStreams;
            $write = $this->writeStreams;
            $except = null;
            if (stream_select($read, $write, $except, null, $timeout)) {

                // See PHP Bug https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62452
                // Fixed in PHP7
                foreach ($read as $readStream) {
                    $readCb = $this->readCallbacks[(int)$readStream];
                foreach ($write as $writeStream) {
                    $writeCb = $this->writeCallbacks[(int)$writeStream];


        } elseif ($this->running && ($this->nextTick || $this->timers)) {
            usleep($timeout !== null ? $timeout * 1000000 : 200000);


     * Is the main loop active
     * @var bool
    protected $running = false;

     * A list of timers, added by setTimeout.
     * @var array
    protected $timers = [];

     * A list of 'nextTick' callbacks.
     * @var callable[]
    protected $nextTick = [];

     * List of readable streams for stream_select, indexed by stream id.
     * @var resource[]
    protected $readStreams = [];

     * List of writable streams for stream_select, indexed by stream id.
     * @var resource[]
    protected $writeStreams = [];

     * List of read callbacks, indexed by stream id.
     * @var callback[]
    protected $readCallbacks = [];

     * List of write callbacks, indexed by stream id.
     * @var callback[]
    protected $writeCallbacks = [];
