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namespace GuzzleHttp\Message;

use GuzzleHttp\Url;

 * Request and response factory
interface MessageFactoryInterface
     * Creates a response
     * @param string $statusCode HTTP status code
     * @param array  $headers    Response headers
     * @param mixed  $body       Response body
     * @param array  $options    Response options
     *     - protocol_version: HTTP protocol version
     *     - header_factory: Factory used to create headers
     *     - And any other options used by a concrete message implementation
     * @return ResponseInterface
    public function createResponse(
        array $headers = [],
        $body = null,
        array $options = []

     * Create a new request based on the HTTP method.
     * This method accepts an associative array of request options. Below is a
     * brief description of each parameter. See
     * http://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/latest/clients.html#request-options for a much more
     * in-depth description of each parameter.
     * - headers: Associative array of headers to add to the request
     * - body: string|resource|array|StreamInterface request body to send
     * - json: mixed Uploads JSON encoded data using an application/json Content-Type header.
     * - query: Associative array of query string values to add to the request
     * - auth: array|string HTTP auth settings (user, pass[, type="basic"])
     * - version: The HTTP protocol version to use with the request
     * - cookies: true|false|CookieJarInterface To enable or disable cookies
     * - allow_redirects: true|false|array Controls HTTP redirects
     * - save_to: string|resource|StreamInterface Where the response is saved
     * - events: Associative array of event names to callables or arrays
     * - subscribers: Array of event subscribers to add to the request
     * - exceptions: Specifies whether or not exceptions are thrown for HTTP protocol errors
     * - timeout: Timeout of the request in seconds. Use 0 to wait indefinitely
     * - connect_timeout: Number of seconds to wait while trying to connect. (0 to wait indefinitely)
     * - verify: SSL validation. True/False or the path to a PEM file
     * - cert: Path a SSL cert or array of (path, pwd)
     * - ssl_key: Path to a private SSL key or array of (path, pwd)
     * - proxy: Specify an HTTP proxy or hash of protocols to proxies
     * - debug: Set to true or a resource to view handler specific debug info
     * - stream: Set to true to stream a response body rather than download it all up front
     * - expect: true/false/integer Controls the "Expect: 100-Continue" header
     * - config: Associative array of request config collection options
     * - decode_content: true/false/string to control decoding content-encoding responses
     * @param string     $method  HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.)
     * @param string|Url $url     HTTP URL to connect to
     * @param array      $options Array of options to apply to the request
     * @return RequestInterface
     * @link http://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/latest/clients.html#request-options
    public function createRequest($method, $url, array $options = []);