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namespace Aws\S3;

use Aws\AwsClientInterface;
use Aws\CommandInterface;
use Aws\ResultInterface;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;

interface S3ClientInterface extends AwsClientInterface
     * Create a pre-signed URL for the given S3 command object.
     * @param CommandInterface $command     Command to create a pre-signed
     *                                      URL for.
     * @param int|string|\DateTime $expires The time at which the URL should
     *                                      expire. This can be a Unix
     *                                      timestamp, a PHP DateTime object,
     *                                      or a string that can be evaluated
     *                                      by strtotime().
     * @return RequestInterface
    public function createPresignedRequest(CommandInterface $command, $expires);

     * Returns the URL to an object identified by its bucket and key.
     * The URL returned by this method is not signed nor does it ensure the the
     * bucket and key given to the method exist. If you need a signed URL, then
     * use the {@see \Aws\S3\S3Client::createPresignedRequest} method and get
     * the URI of the signed request.
     * @param string $bucket  The name of the bucket where the object is located
     * @param string $key     The key of the object
     * @return string The URL to the object
    public function getObjectUrl($bucket, $key);

     * Determines whether or not a bucket exists by name.
     * @param string $bucket  The name of the bucket
     * @return bool
    public function doesBucketExist($bucket);

     * Determines whether or not an object exists by name.
     * @param string $bucket  The name of the bucket
     * @param string $key     The key of the object
     * @param array  $options Additional options available in the HeadObject
     *                        operation (e.g., VersionId).
     * @return bool
    public function doesObjectExist($bucket, $key, array $options = []);

     * Register the Amazon S3 stream wrapper with this client instance.
    public function registerStreamWrapper();

     * Deletes objects from Amazon S3 that match the result of a ListObjects
     * operation. For example, this allows you to do things like delete all
     * objects that match a specific key prefix.
     * @param string $bucket  Bucket that contains the object keys
     * @param string $prefix  Optionally delete only objects under this key prefix
     * @param string $regex   Delete only objects that match this regex
     * @param array  $options Aws\S3\BatchDelete options array.
     * @see Aws\S3\S3Client::listObjects
     * @throws \RuntimeException if no prefix and no regex is given
    public function deleteMatchingObjects(
        $prefix = '',
        $regex = '',
        array $options = []

     * Deletes objects from Amazon S3 that match the result of a ListObjects
     * operation. For example, this allows you to do things like delete all
     * objects that match a specific key prefix.
     * @param string $bucket  Bucket that contains the object keys
     * @param string $prefix  Optionally delete only objects under this key prefix
     * @param string $regex   Delete only objects that match this regex
     * @param array  $options Aws\S3\BatchDelete options array.
     * @see Aws\S3\S3Client::listObjects
     * @return PromiseInterface     A promise that is settled when matching
     *                              objects are deleted.
    public function deleteMatchingObjectsAsync(
        $prefix = '',
        $regex = '',
        array $options = []

     * Upload a file, stream, or string to a bucket.
     * If the upload size exceeds the specified threshold, the upload will be
     * performed using concurrent multipart uploads.
     * The options array accepts the following options:
     * - before_upload: (callable) Callback to invoke before any upload
     *   operations during the upload process. The callback should have a
     *   function signature like `function (Aws\Command $command) {...}`.
     * - concurrency: (int, default=int(3)) Maximum number of concurrent
     *   `UploadPart` operations allowed during a multipart upload.
     * - mup_threshold: (int, default=int(16777216)) The size, in bytes, allowed
     *   before the upload must be sent via a multipart upload. Default: 16 MB.
     * - params: (array, default=array([])) Custom parameters to use with the
     *   upload. For single uploads, they must correspond to those used for the
     *   `PutObject` operation. For multipart uploads, they correspond to the
     *   parameters of the `CreateMultipartUpload` operation.
     * - part_size: (int) Part size to use when doing a multipart upload.
     * @param string $bucket  Bucket to upload the object.
     * @param string $key     Key of the object.
     * @param mixed  $body    Object data to upload. Can be a
     *                        StreamInterface, PHP stream resource, or a
     *                        string of data to upload.
     * @param string $acl     ACL to apply to the object (default: private).
     * @param array  $options Options used to configure the upload process.
     * @see Aws\S3\MultipartUploader for more info about multipart uploads.
     * @return ResultInterface Returns the result of the upload.
    public function upload(
        $acl = 'private',
        array $options = []

     * Upload a file, stream, or string to a bucket asynchronously.
     * @param string $bucket  Bucket to upload the object.
     * @param string $key     Key of the object.
     * @param mixed  $body    Object data to upload. Can be a
     *                        StreamInterface, PHP stream resource, or a
     *                        string of data to upload.
     * @param string $acl     ACL to apply to the object (default: private).
     * @param array  $options Options used to configure the upload process.
     * @see self::upload
     * @return PromiseInterface     Returns a promise that will be fulfilled
     *                              with the result of the upload.
    public function uploadAsync(
        $acl = 'private',
        array $options = []

     * Copy an object of any size to a different location.
     * If the upload size exceeds the maximum allowable size for direct S3
     * copying, a multipart copy will be used.
     * The options array accepts the following options:
     * - before_upload: (callable) Callback to invoke before any upload
     *   operations during the upload process. The callback should have a
     *   function signature like `function (Aws\Command $command) {...}`.
     * - concurrency: (int, default=int(5)) Maximum number of concurrent
     *   `UploadPart` operations allowed during a multipart upload.
     * - params: (array, default=array([])) Custom parameters to use with the
     *   upload. For single uploads, they must correspond to those used for the
     *   `CopyObject` operation. For multipart uploads, they correspond to the
     *   parameters of the `CreateMultipartUpload` operation.
     * - part_size: (int) Part size to use when doing a multipart upload.
     * @param string $fromBucket    Bucket where the copy source resides.
     * @param string $fromKey       Key of the copy source.
     * @param string $destBucket    Bucket to which to copy the object.
     * @param string $destKey       Key to which to copy the object.
     * @param string $acl           ACL to apply to the copy (default: private).
     * @param array  $options       Options used to configure the upload process.
     * @see Aws\S3\MultipartCopy for more info about multipart uploads.
     * @return ResultInterface Returns the result of the copy.
    public function copy(
        $acl = 'private',
        array $options = []

     * Copy an object of any size to a different location asynchronously.
     * @param string $fromBucket    Bucket where the copy source resides.
     * @param string $fromKey       Key of the copy source.
     * @param string $destBucket    Bucket to which to copy the object.
     * @param string $destKey       Key to which to copy the object.
     * @param string $acl           ACL to apply to the copy (default: private).
     * @param array  $options       Options used to configure the upload process.
     * @see self::copy for more info about the parameters above.
     * @return PromiseInterface     Returns a promise that will be fulfilled
     *                              with the result of the copy.
    public function copyAsync(
        $acl = 'private',
        array $options = []

     * Recursively uploads all files in a given directory to a given bucket.
     * @param string $directory Full path to a directory to upload
     * @param string $bucket    Name of the bucket
     * @param string $keyPrefix Virtual directory key prefix to add to each upload
     * @param array  $options   Options available in Aws\S3\Transfer::__construct
     * @see Aws\S3\Transfer for more options and customization
    public function uploadDirectory(
        $keyPrefix = null,
        array $options = []

     * Recursively uploads all files in a given directory to a given bucket.
     * @param string $directory Full path to a directory to upload
     * @param string $bucket    Name of the bucket
     * @param string $keyPrefix Virtual directory key prefix to add to each upload
     * @param array  $options   Options available in Aws\S3\Transfer::__construct
     * @see Aws\S3\Transfer for more options and customization
     * @return PromiseInterface A promise that is settled when the upload is
     *                          complete.
    public function uploadDirectoryAsync(
        $keyPrefix = null,
        array $options = []

     * Downloads a bucket to the local filesystem
     * @param string $directory Directory to download to
     * @param string $bucket    Bucket to download from
     * @param string $keyPrefix Only download objects that use this key prefix
     * @param array  $options   Options available in Aws\S3\Transfer::__construct
    public function downloadBucket(
        $keyPrefix = '',
        array $options = []

     * Downloads a bucket to the local filesystem
     * @param string $directory Directory to download to
     * @param string $bucket    Bucket to download from
     * @param string $keyPrefix Only download objects that use this key prefix
     * @param array  $options   Options available in Aws\S3\Transfer::__construct
     * @return PromiseInterface A promise that is settled when the download is
     *                          complete.
    public function downloadBucketAsync(
        $keyPrefix = '',
        array $options = []

     * Returns the region in which a given bucket is located.
     * @param string $bucketName
     * @return string
    public function determineBucketRegion($bucketName);

     * Returns a promise fulfilled with the region in which a given bucket is
     * located.
     * @param string $bucketName
     * @return PromiseInterface
    public function determineBucketRegionAsync($bucketName);