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namespace Aws;

use Aws\Api\ApiProvider;
use Aws\Api\DocModel;
use Aws\Api\Service;
use Aws\Signature\SignatureProvider;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri;

 * Default AWS client implementation
class AwsClient implements AwsClientInterface
    use AwsClientTrait;

    /** @var array */
    private $config;

    /** @var string */
    private $region;

    /** @var string */
    private $endpoint;

    /** @var Service */
    private $api;

    /** @var callable */
    private $signatureProvider;

    /** @var callable */
    private $credentialProvider;

    /** @var HandlerList */
    private $handlerList;

    /** @var array*/
    private $defaultRequestOptions;

     * Get an array of client constructor arguments used by the client.
     * @return array
    public static function getArguments()
        return ClientResolver::getDefaultArguments();

     * The client constructor accepts the following options:
     * - api_provider: (callable) An optional PHP callable that accepts a
     *   type, service, and version argument, and returns an array of
     *   corresponding configuration data. The type value can be one of api,
     *   waiter, or paginator.
     * - credentials:
     *   (Aws\Credentials\CredentialsInterface|array|bool|callable) Specifies
     *   the credentials used to sign requests. Provide an
     *   Aws\Credentials\CredentialsInterface object, an associative array of
     *   "key", "secret", and an optional "token" key, `false` to use null
     *   credentials, or a callable credentials provider used to create
     *   credentials or return null. See Aws\Credentials\CredentialProvider for
     *   a list of built-in credentials providers. If no credentials are
     *   provided, the SDK will attempt to load them from the environment.
     * - debug: (bool|array) Set to true to display debug information when
     *   sending requests. Alternatively, you can provide an associative array
     *   with the following keys: logfn: (callable) Function that is invoked
     *   with log messages; stream_size: (int) When the size of a stream is
     *   greater than this number, the stream data will not be logged (set to
     *   "0" to not log any stream data); scrub_auth: (bool) Set to false to
     *   disable the scrubbing of auth data from the logged messages; http:
     *   (bool) Set to false to disable the "debug" feature of lower level HTTP
     *   adapters (e.g., verbose curl output).
     * - stats: (bool|array) Set to true to gather transfer statistics on
     *   requests sent. Alternatively, you can provide an associative array with
     *   the following keys: retries: (bool) Set to false to disable reporting
     *   on retries attempted; http: (bool) Set to true to enable collecting
     *   statistics from lower level HTTP adapters (e.g., values returned in
     *   GuzzleHttp\TransferStats). HTTP handlers must support an
     *   `http_stats_receiver` option for this to have an effect; timer: (bool)
     *   Set to true to enable a command timer that reports the total wall clock
     *   time spent on an operation in seconds.
     * - endpoint: (string) The full URI of the webservice. This is only
     *   required when connecting to a custom endpoint (e.g., a local version
     *   of S3).
     * - endpoint_provider: (callable) An optional PHP callable that
     *   accepts a hash of options including a "service" and "region" key and
     *   returns NULL or a hash of endpoint data, of which the "endpoint" key
     *   is required. See Aws\Endpoint\EndpointProvider for a list of built-in
     *   providers.
     * - handler: (callable) A handler that accepts a command object,
     *   request object and returns a promise that is fulfilled with an
     *   Aws\ResultInterface object or rejected with an
     *   Aws\Exception\AwsException. A handler does not accept a next handler
     *   as it is terminal and expected to fulfill a command. If no handler is
     *   provided, a default Guzzle handler will be utilized.
     * - http: (array, default=array(0)) Set to an array of SDK request
     *   options to apply to each request (e.g., proxy, verify, etc.).
     * - http_handler: (callable) An HTTP handler is a function that
     *   accepts a PSR-7 request object and returns a promise that is fulfilled
     *   with a PSR-7 response object or rejected with an array of exception
     *   data. NOTE: This option supersedes any provided "handler" option.
     * - idempotency_auto_fill: (bool|callable) Set to false to disable SDK to
     *   populate parameters that enabled 'idempotencyToken' trait with a random
     *   UUID v4 value on your behalf. Using default value 'true' still allows
     *   parameter value to be overwritten when provided. Note: auto-fill only
     *   works when cryptographically secure random bytes generator functions
     *   (random_bytes, openssl_random_pseudo_bytes or mcrypt_create_iv) can be
     *   found. You may also provide a callable source of random bytes.
     * - profile: (string) Allows you to specify which profile to use when
     *   credentials are created from the AWS credentials file in your HOME
     *   directory. This setting overrides the AWS_PROFILE environment
     *   variable. Note: Specifying "profile" will cause the "credentials" key
     *   to be ignored.
     * - region: (string, required) Region to connect to. See
     *   http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html for a list of
     *   available regions.
     * - retries: (int, default=int(3)) Configures the maximum number of
     *   allowed retries for a client (pass 0 to disable retries).
     * - scheme: (string, default=string(5) "https") URI scheme to use when
     *   connecting connect. The SDK will utilize "https" endpoints (i.e.,
     *   utilize SSL/TLS connections) by default. You can attempt to connect to
     *   a service over an unencrypted "http" endpoint by setting ``scheme`` to
     *   "http".
     * - signature_provider: (callable) A callable that accepts a signature
     *   version name (e.g., "v4"), a service name, and region, and
     *   returns a SignatureInterface object or null. This provider is used to
     *   create signers utilized by the client. See
     *   Aws\Signature\SignatureProvider for a list of built-in providers
     * - signature_version: (string) A string representing a custom
     *   signature version to use with a service (e.g., v4). Note that
     *   per/operation signature version MAY override this requested signature
     *   version.
     * - validate: (bool, default=bool(true)) Set to false to disable
     *   client-side parameter validation.
     * - version: (string, required) The version of the webservice to
     *   utilize (e.g., 2006-03-01).
     * @param array $args Client configuration arguments.
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if any required options are missing or
     *                                   the service is not supported.
    public function __construct(array $args)
        list($service, $exceptionClass) = $this->parseClass();
        if (!isset($args['service'])) {
            $args['service'] = manifest($service)['endpoint'];
        if (!isset($args['exception_class'])) {
            $args['exception_class'] = $exceptionClass;

        $this->handlerList = new HandlerList();
        $resolver = new ClientResolver(static::getArguments());
        $config = $resolver->resolve($args, $this->handlerList);
        $this->api = $config['api'];
        $this->signatureProvider = $config['signature_provider'];
        $this->endpoint = new Uri($config['endpoint']);
        $this->credentialProvider = $config['credentials'];
        $this->region = isset($config['region']) ? $config['region'] : null;
        $this->config = $config['config'];
        $this->defaultRequestOptions = $config['http'];

        if (isset($args['with_resolved'])) {

    public function getHandlerList()
        return $this->handlerList;

    public function getConfig($option = null)
        return $option === null
            ? $this->config
            : (isset($this->config[$option])
                ? $this->config[$option]
                : null);

    public function getCredentials()
        $fn = $this->credentialProvider;
        return $fn();

    public function getEndpoint()
        return $this->endpoint;

    public function getRegion()
        return $this->region;

    public function getApi()
        return $this->api;

    public function getCommand($name, array $args = [])
        // Fail fast if the command cannot be found in the description.
        if (!isset($this->getApi()['operations'][$name])) {
            $name = ucfirst($name);
            if (!isset($this->getApi()['operations'][$name])) {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Operation not found: $name");

        if (!isset($args['@http'])) {
            $args['@http'] = $this->defaultRequestOptions;
        } else {
            $args['@http'] += $this->defaultRequestOptions;

        return new Command($name, $args, clone $this->getHandlerList());

    public function __sleep()
        throw new \RuntimeException('Instances of ' . static::class
            . ' cannot be serialized');

     * Get the signature_provider function of the client.
     * @return callable
    final protected function getSignatureProvider()
        return $this->signatureProvider;

     * Parse the class name and setup the custom exception class of the client
     * and return the "service" name of the client and "exception_class".
     * @return array
    private function parseClass()
        $klass = get_class($this);

        if ($klass === __CLASS__) {
            return ['', 'Aws\Exception\AwsException'];

        $service = substr($klass, strrpos($klass, '\\') + 1, -6);

        return [

    private function addSignatureMiddleware()
        $api = $this->getApi();
        $provider = $this->signatureProvider;
        $version = $this->config['signature_version'];
        $name = $this->config['signing_name'];
        $region = $this->config['signing_region'];

        $resolver = static function (
            CommandInterface $c
        ) use ($api, $provider, $name, $region, $version) {
            $authType = $api->getOperation($c->getName())['authtype'];
            switch ($authType){
                case 'none':
                    $version = 'anonymous';
                case 'v4-unsigned-body':
                    $version = 'v4-unsigned-body';
            return SignatureProvider::resolve($provider, $version, $name, $region);
            Middleware::signer($this->credentialProvider, $resolver),

    private function addInvocationId()
        // Add invocation id to each request
        $this->handlerList->prependSign(Middleware::invocationId(), 'invocation-id');

     * Returns a service model and doc model with any necessary changes
     * applied.
     * @param array $api  Array of service data being documented.
     * @param array $docs Array of doc model data.
     * @return array Tuple containing a [Service, DocModel]
     * @internal This should only used to document the service API.
     * @codeCoverageIgnore
    public static function applyDocFilters(array $api, array $docs)
        return [
            new Service($api, ApiProvider::defaultProvider()),
            new DocModel($docs)

     * @deprecated
     * @return static
    public static function factory(array $config = [])
        return new static($config);