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BlockedLog=Unveränderbare Logs
BlockedLogDesc=Dieses Modul trägt in real time einige Events in eine Log (block chain), die nicht nicht verändert werden kann. Dieses Modul ermöglicht so eine Kompatibilität mit den Finanzregeln, die in einigen Ländern gemacht wurden (zB in Frankreich Loi de Finance 2016 NF525)
Fingerprints=Eingetragene Events und Fingerprints
FingerprintsDesc=Ein Tool, um die Bolckedlog Einträge zu listen und zu exportieren. Blocked Logas werden auf dem lokalen Dolibarr Server eingetragen, in einer speziellen Database Table, und das, autoamtisch in real Time. Mit diesem Tool kann man dann Exporte erstellen.
CompanyInitialKey=Ihre eigene VerschlĂĽsselungs key (Hash)
BrowseBlockedLog=Unveränderbare Logs
ShowAllFingerPrintsMightBeTooLong=Unveränderbare Logs anzeigen (kann lange dauern...)
ShowAllFingerPrintsErrorsMightBeTooLong=Non valid Logs anzeigen (kann lange dauern)
DownloadBlockChain=Fingerprints herunterladen
KoCheckFingerprintValidity=Archived Log eintrag ist nicht gültig. Jemand hat den Originellen Eintrag verändert (Hacker ?), oder der originelle Eintrag wurde gelöscht. 
OkCheckFingerprintValidity=Archived log record is valid. The data on this line was not modified and the entry follows the previous one.
OkCheckFingerprintValidityButChainIsKo=Archived log seems valid compared to previous one but the chain was corrupted previously.
AddedByAuthority=Stored into remote authority
NotAddedByAuthorityYet=Not yet stored into remote authority
ShowDetails=Show stored details
logPAYMENT_VARIOUS_CREATE=Payment (not assigned to an invoice) created
logPAYMENT_VARIOUS_MODIFY=Payment (not assigned to an invoice) modified
logPAYMENT_VARIOUS_DELETE=Payment (not assigned to an invoice) logical deletion
logPAYMENT_ADD_TO_BANK=Payment added to bank
logPAYMENT_CUSTOMER_CREATE=Customer payment created
logPAYMENT_CUSTOMER_DELETE=Customer payment logical deletion
logDONATION_PAYMENT_CREATE=Donation payment created
logDONATION_PAYMENT_DELETE=Donation payment logical deletion
logBILL_PAYED=Customer invoice paid
logBILL_UNPAYED=Customer invoice set unpaid
logBILL_VALIDATE=Rechnung freigegeben
logBILL_SENTBYMAIL=Customer invoice send by mail
logBILL_DELETE=Customer invoice logically deleted
logMODULE_RESET=Module BlockedLog was disabled
logMODULE_SET=Module BlockedLog was enabled
logDON_VALIDATE=Donation validated
logDON_MODIFY=Donation modified
logDON_DELETE=Donation logical deletion
logMEMBER_SUBSCRIPTION_CREATE=Member subscription created
logMEMBER_SUBSCRIPTION_MODIFY=Member subscription modified
logMEMBER_SUBSCRIPTION_DELETE=Member subscription logical deletion
logCASHCONTROL_VALIDATE=Cash fence recording
BlockedLogBillDownload=Customer invoice download
BlockedLogBillPreview=Customer invoice preview
BlockedlogInfoDialog=Log Details
ListOfTrackedEvents=List of tracked events
DownloadLogCSV=Export archived logs (CSV)
logDOC_PREVIEW=Preview of a validated document in order to print or download
logDOC_DOWNLOAD=Download of a validated document in order to print or send
DataOfArchivedEvent=Full datas of archived event
ImpossibleToReloadObject=Original object (type %s, id %s) not linked (see 'Full datas' column to get unalterable saved data)
BlockedLogAreRequiredByYourCountryLegislation=Unalterable Logs module may be required by the legislation of your country. Disabling this module may render any future transactions invalid with respect to the law and the use of legal software as they can not be validated by a tax audit.
BlockedLogActivatedBecauseRequiredByYourCountryLegislation=Unalterable Logs module was activated because of the legislation of your country. Disabling this module may render any future transactions invalid with respect to the law and the use of legal software as they cannot be validated by a tax audit.
BlockedLogDisableNotAllowedForCountry=List of countries where usage of this module is mandatory (just to prevent to disable the module by error, if your country is in this list, disable of module is not possible without editing this list first. Note also that enabling/disabling this module will keep a track into the unalterable log).
TooManyRecordToScanRestrictFilters=Too many records to scan/analyze. Please restrict list with more restrictive filters.
RestrictYearToExport=Restrict month / year to export