
Your IP :

Current Path : /home/s/c/g/scgforma/www/soc064/htdocs/install/mysql/migration/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/s/c/g/scgforma/www/soc064/htdocs/install/mysql/migration/repair.sql

-- Script to repair some fatal errors due to database corruption
-- when current version is 2.6.0 or higher. 

-- Replace xxx with your IP Address 
-- bind-address        = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
-- CREATE USER 'myuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypass';
-- CREATE USER 'myuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypass';
-- GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'myuser'@'localhost';
-- GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'myuser'@'%';
-- flush privileges;

-- Request to change default pagecode + colation of database
-- ALTER DATABASE name_of_database CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;

-- Request to change default pagecode + colation of table
-- ALTER TABLE name_of_table CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;

-- Request to change character set and collation of a varchar column.
-- utf8 and utf8_unicode_ci is recommended (or even better utf8mb4 and utf8mb4_unicode_ci with mysql 5.5.3+)
-- ALTER TABLE name_of_table MODIFY field VARCHAR(20) CHARACTER SET utf8;
-- ALTER TABLE name_of_table MODIFY field VARCHAR(20) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;
-- You can check with 'show full columns from mytablename';

-- VMYSQLUTF8UNICODECI ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_account MODIFY account_number VARCHAR(20) CHARACTER SET utf8;
-- VMYSQLUTF8UNICODECI ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_account MODIFY account_number VARCHAR(20) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;
-- VMYSQLUTF8UNICODECI ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping MODIFY numero_compte VARCHAR(20) CHARACTER SET utf8;
-- VMYSQLUTF8UNICODECI ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping MODIFY numero_compte VARCHAR(20) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;
-- VMYSQLUTF8UNICODECI ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_journal MODIFY code VARCHAR(20) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;
-- VMYSQLUTF8UNICODECI ALTER TABLE llx_bank_account MODIFY accountancy_journal VARCHAR(20) CHARACTER SET utf8;
-- VMYSQLUTF8UNICODECI ALTER TABLE llx_bank_account MODIFY accountancy_journal VARCHAR(20) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;
-- VMYSQLUTF8UNICODECI ALTER TABLE llx_stock_mouvement MODIFY batch VARCHAR(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;
-- VMYSQLUTF8UNICODECI ALTER TABLE llx_product_lot MODIFY batch VARCHAR(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;
-- VMYSQLUTF8UNICODECI ALTER TABLE llx_product_batch MODIFY batch VARCHAR(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;
-- VMYSQLUTF8UNICODECI ALTER TABLE llx_product MODIFY accountancy_code_sell VARCHAR(32) CHARACTER SET utf8;
-- VMYSQLUTF8UNICODECI ALTER TABLE llx_product MODIFY accountancy_code_sell VARCHAR(32) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;
-- VMYSQLUTF8UNICODECI ALTER TABLE llx_product MODIFY accountancy_code_buy VARCHAR(32) CHARACTER SET utf8;
-- VMYSQLUTF8UNICODECI ALTER TABLE llx_product MODIFY accountancy_code_buy VARCHAR(32) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;
-- VMYSQLUTF8UNICODECI ALTER TABLE llx_c_type_fees MODIFY accountancy_code VARCHAR(32) CHARACTER SET utf8;
-- VMYSQLUTF8UNICODECI ALTER TABLE llx_c_type_fees MODIFY accountancy_code VARCHAR(32) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;

-- VMYSQL4.1 update llx_facture set date_pointoftax = NULL where DATE(STR_TO_DATE(date_pointoftax, '%Y-%m-%d')) IS NULL;
-- VMYSQL4.1 SET sql_mode = 'NO_ZERO_DATE';
-- VMYSQL4.1 update llx_facture set date_pointoftax = NULL where DATE(STR_TO_DATE(date_pointoftax, '%Y-%m-%d')) IS NULL;

-- Requests to clean corrupted data

-- VMYSQL4.1 INSERT IGNORE INTO llx_product_lot (entity, fk_product, batch, eatby, sellby, datec, fk_user_creat, fk_user_modif) SELECT DISTINCT e.entity, ps.fk_product, pb.batch, pb.eatby, pb.sellby, pb.tms, e.fk_user_author, e.fk_user_author from llx_product_batch as pb, llx_product_stock as ps, llx_entrepot as e WHERE pb.fk_product_stock = ps.rowid AND ps.fk_entrepot = e.rowid;
-- -- a tester VPGSQL9.5 INSERT IGNORE INTO llx_product_lot (entity, fk_product, batch, eatby, sellby, datec, fk_user_creat, fk_user_modif) SELECT DISTINCT e.entity, ps.fk_product, pb.batch, pb.eatby, pb.sellby, pb.tms, e.fk_user_author, e.fk_user_author from llx_product_batch as pb, llx_product_stock as ps, llx_entrepot as e WHERE pb.fk_product_stock = ps.rowid AND ps.fk_entrepot = e.rowid ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
-- -- avant 9.5 faire en variant x pour qu'au 2eme passage, le premier doublon soit dans la tabel cible
-- -- INSERT INTO llx_product_lot (entity, fk_product, batch, eatby, sellby, datec, fk_user_creat, fk_user_modif) 
-- -- SELECT DISTINCT e.entity, ps.fk_product, pb.batch, pb.eatby, pb.sellby, pb.tms, e.fk_user_author, e.fk_user_author 
-- -- from llx_product_batch as pb, llx_product_stock as ps, llx_entrepot as e
-- -- WHERE pb.fk_product_stock = ps.rowid AND ps.fk_entrepot = e.rowid 
-- -- AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM llx_product_lot as b WHERE b.fk_product=ps.fk_product and pb.batch=b.batch) LIMIT x

UPDATE llx_user set api_key = null where api_key = '';

UPDATE llx_c_email_templates SET position = 0 WHERE position IS NULL;

-- delete foreign key that should never exists
ALTER TABLE llx_propal DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_propal_fk_currency;
ALTER TABLE llx_commande DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_commande_fk_currency;
ALTER TABLE llx_facture DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_facture_fk_currency;

delete from llx_facturedet where fk_facture in (select rowid from llx_facture where ref in ('(PROV)','ErrorBadMask'));
delete from llx_facture where ref in ('(PROV)','ErrorBadMask');
delete from llx_commandedet where fk_commande in (select rowid from llx_commande where ref in ('(PROV)','ErrorBadMask'));
delete from llx_commande where ref in ('(PROV)','ErrorBadMask');
delete from llx_propaldet where fk_propal in (select rowid from llx_propal where ref in ('(PROV)','ErrorBadMask'));
delete from llx_propal where ref in ('(PROV)','ErrorBadMask');
delete from llx_facturedet where fk_facture in (select rowid from llx_facture where ref = '');
delete from llx_facture where ref = '';
delete from llx_commandedet where fk_commande in (select rowid from llx_commande where ref = '');
delete from llx_commande where ref = '';
delete from llx_propaldet where fk_propal in (select rowid from llx_propal where ref = '');
delete from llx_propal where ref = '';
delete from llx_livraisondet where fk_livraison in (select rowid from llx_livraison where ref = '');
delete from llx_livraison where ref = '';
delete from llx_expeditiondet where fk_expedition in (select rowid from llx_expedition where ref = '');
delete from llx_expedition where ref = '';
delete from llx_holiday_logs where fk_user_update not IN (select rowid from llx_user);

delete from llx_rights_def where perms IS NULL;
delete from llx_user_rights where fk_user not IN (select rowid from llx_user);
delete from llx_usergroup_rights where fk_usergroup not in (select rowid from llx_usergroup);
delete from llx_usergroup_rights where fk_id not in (select id from llx_rights_def);

update llx_deplacement set dated='2010-01-01' where dated < '2000-01-01';

update llx_subscription set fk_bank = null where fk_bank not in (select rowid from llx_bank);

update llx_propal set fk_projet = null where fk_projet not in (select rowid from llx_projet);
update llx_commande set fk_projet = null where fk_projet not in (select rowid from llx_projet);
update llx_facture set fk_projet = null where fk_projet not in (select rowid from llx_projet);
update llx_commande_fournisseur set fk_projet = null where fk_projet not in (select rowid from llx_projet);
update llx_contrat set fk_projet = null where fk_projet not in (select rowid from llx_projet);
update llx_deplacement set fk_projet = null where fk_projet not in (select rowid from llx_projet);
update llx_facture_fourn set fk_projet = null where fk_projet not in (select rowid from llx_projet);
update llx_facture_rec set fk_projet = null where fk_projet not in (select rowid from llx_projet);
update llx_fichinter set fk_projet = null where fk_projet not in (select rowid from llx_projet);
update llx_projet_task set fk_projet = null where fk_projet not in (select rowid from llx_projet);

update llx_propal set fk_user_author = null where fk_user_author not in (select rowid from llx_user);
update llx_propal set fk_user_valid = null where fk_user_valid not in (select rowid from llx_user);
update llx_propal set fk_user_cloture = null where fk_user_cloture not in (select rowid from llx_user);
update llx_commande set fk_user_author = null where fk_user_author not in (select rowid from llx_user);
update llx_commande set fk_user_valid = null where fk_user_valid not in (select rowid from llx_user);

delete from llx_societe_extrafields where fk_object not in (select rowid from llx_societe);
delete from llx_adherent_extrafields where fk_object not in (select rowid from llx_adherent);
delete from llx_product_extrafields where fk_object not in (select rowid from llx_product);
--delete from llx_societe_commerciaux where fk_soc not in (select rowid from llx_societe);

UPDATE llx_product SET datec = tms WHERE datec IS NULL;

-- Clean stocks

-- Reference for qty is llx_product_stock (detail in llx_product_batch may be not complete)
-- qty in llx_product may be not up to date
update llx_product_batch set batch = '' where batch = 'Non d&eacute;fini';
update llx_product_batch set batch = '' where batch = 'Non défini';

update llx_stock_mouvement set batch = null where batch = 'Non d&eacute;fini';
update llx_stock_mouvement set batch = null where batch = 'Non défini';

DELETE FROM llx_product_lot WHERE fk_product NOT IN (select rowid from llx_product); 
DELETE FROM llx_product_stock WHERE fk_product NOT IN (select rowid from llx_product); 
DELETE FROM llx_product_stock WHERE reel = 0 AND rowid NOT IN (SELECT fk_product_stock FROM llx_product_batch as pb);

-- Merge splitted lines into one in table llx_product_batch 
DROP TABLE tmp_llx_product_batch;
DROP TABLE tmp_llx_product_batch2;
CREATE TABLE tmp_llx_product_batch AS select fk_product_stock, eatby, sellby, batch, SUM(qty) as qty, COUNT(rowid) as nb FROM llx_product_batch GROUP BY fk_product_stock, eatby, sellby, batch HAVING COUNT(rowid) > 1;
CREATE TABLE tmp_llx_product_batch2 AS select pb.rowid, pb.fk_product_stock, pb.eatby, pb.sellby, pb.batch, pb.qty from llx_product_batch as pb, tmp_llx_product_batch as tpb where pb.fk_product_stock = tpb.fk_product_stock and COALESCE(pb.eatby, '2000-01-01') = COALESCE(tpb.eatby,'2000-01-01') and COALESCE(pb.sellby, '2000-01-01') = COALESCE(tpb.sellby, '2000-01-01') and pb.batch = tpb.batch;
--select * from tmp_llx_product_batch;
--select * from tmp_llx_product_batch2;
DELETE FROM llx_product_batch WHERE rowid IN (select rowid FROM tmp_llx_product_batch2);
INSERT INTO llx_product_batch(fk_product_stock, eatby, sellby, batch, qty) SELECT fk_product_stock, eatby, sellby, batch, qty FROM tmp_llx_product_batch;

DELETE FROM llx_product_stock WHERE reel = 0 AND rowid NOT IN (SELECT fk_product_stock FROM llx_product_batch as pb);
DELETE FROM llx_product_batch WHERE qty = 0;

-- Stock calculation on product
UPDATE llx_product p SET p.stock= (SELECT SUM(ps.reel) FROM llx_product_stock ps WHERE ps.fk_product = p.rowid);

-- Fix: delete category child with no category parent.
drop table tmp_categorie;
create table tmp_categorie as select * from llx_categorie; 
-- select * from llx_categorie where fk_parent not in (select rowid from tmp_categorie) and fk_parent is not null and fk_parent <> 0;
delete from llx_categorie where fk_parent not in (select rowid from tmp_categorie) and fk_parent is not null and fk_parent <> 0;
drop table tmp_categorie;
-- Fix: delete orphelin category.
delete from llx_categorie_product where fk_categorie not in (select rowid from llx_categorie where type = 0);
delete from llx_categorie_fournisseur where fk_categorie not in (select rowid from llx_categorie where type = 1);
delete from llx_categorie_societe where fk_categorie not in (select rowid from llx_categorie where type = 2);
delete from llx_categorie_member where fk_categorie not in (select rowid from llx_categorie where type = 3);
delete from llx_categorie_contact where fk_categorie not in (select rowid from llx_categorie where type = 4);
delete from llx_categorie_project where fk_categorie not in (select rowid from llx_categorie where type = 6);

-- Fix: delete orphelin deliveries. Note: deliveries are linked to shipment by llx_element_element only. No other links.
delete from llx_livraisondet where fk_livraison not in (select fk_target from llx_element_element where targettype = 'delivery') AND fk_livraison not in (select fk_source from llx_element_element where sourcetype = 'delivery');
delete from llx_livraison    where rowid not in (select fk_target from llx_element_element where targettype = 'delivery') AND rowid not in (select fk_source from llx_element_element where sourcetype = 'delivery');

-- Fix delete element_element orphelins (right side)
delete from llx_element_element where targettype='shipping' and fk_target not in (select rowid from llx_expedition);
delete from llx_element_element where targettype='propal' and fk_target not in (select rowid from llx_propal);
delete from llx_element_element where targettype='facture' and fk_target not in (select rowid from llx_facture);
delete from llx_element_element where targettype='commande' and fk_target not in (select rowid from llx_commande);
-- Fix delete element_element orphelins (left side)
delete from llx_element_element where sourcetype='shipping' and fk_source not in (select rowid from llx_expedition);
delete from llx_element_element where sourcetype='propal' and fk_source not in (select rowid from llx_propal);
delete from llx_element_element where sourcetype='facture' and fk_source not in (select rowid from llx_facture);
delete from llx_element_element where sourcetype='commande' and fk_source not in (select rowid from llx_commande);

-- Fix: delete orphelin actioncomm_resources
DELETE FROM llx_actioncomm_resources WHERE fk_actioncomm not in (select id from llx_actioncomm);

-- Fix link on parent that were removed
DROP table tmp_user;
CREATE TABLE tmp_user as (select * from llx_user);
UPDATE llx_user SET fk_user = NULL where fk_user NOT IN (select rowid from tmp_user);

UPDATE llx_product SET canvas = NULL where canvas = 'default@product';
UPDATE llx_product SET canvas = NULL where canvas = 'service@product';

DELETE FROM llx_boxes where box_id NOT IN (SELECT rowid FROM llx_boxes_def);

update llx_document_model set nom = 'typhon' where (nom = '' OR nom is null) and type = 'delivery';
DELETE FROM llx_document_model WHERE nom ='elevement' AND type='delivery';

-- Fix: It seems this is missing for some users
insert into llx_c_actioncomm (id, code, type, libelle, module, position) values ( 1,  'AC_TEL',     'system', 'Phone call'							,NULL, 2);
insert into llx_c_actioncomm (id, code, type, libelle, module, position) values ( 2,  'AC_FAX',     'system', 'Send Fax'							,NULL, 3);
insert into llx_c_actioncomm (id, code, type, libelle, module, position) values ( 3,  'AC_PROP',    'systemauto', 'Send commercial proposal by email'	,'propal',  10);
insert into llx_c_actioncomm (id, code, type, libelle, module, position) values ( 4,  'AC_EMAIL',   'system', 'Send Email'							,NULL, 4);
insert into llx_c_actioncomm (id, code, type, libelle, module, position) values ( 5,  'AC_RDV',     'system', 'Rendez-vous'							,NULL, 1);
insert into llx_c_actioncomm (id, code, type, libelle, module, position) values ( 8,  'AC_COM',     'systemauto', 'Send customer order by email'		,'order',   8);
insert into llx_c_actioncomm (id, code, type, libelle, module, position) values ( 9,  'AC_FAC',     'systemauto', 'Send customer invoice by email'		,'invoice', 6);
insert into llx_c_actioncomm (id, code, type, libelle, module, position) values ( 10, 'AC_SHIP',    'systemauto', 'Send shipping by email'				,'shipping', 11);
insert into llx_c_actioncomm (id, code, type, libelle, module, position) values ( 30, 'AC_SUP_ORD', 'systemauto', 'Send supplier order by email'		,'order_supplier',    9);
insert into llx_c_actioncomm (id, code, type, libelle, module, position) values  (31, 'AC_SUP_INV', 'systemauto', 'Send supplier invoice by email'		,'invoice_supplier', 7);
insert into llx_c_actioncomm (id, code, type, libelle, module, position) values ( 50, 'AC_OTH',     'system', 'Other'								,NULL, 5);

-- VMYSQL4.1 DELETE T1 FROM llx_boxes_def as T1, llx_boxes_def as T2 where T1.entity = T2.entity AND T1.file = T2.file AND T1.note = T2.note and T1.rowid > T2.rowid;
-- VPGSQL8.2 DELETE FROM llx_boxes_def as T1 WHERE rowid NOT IN (SELECT min(rowid) FROM llx_boxes_def GROUP BY file, entity, note);

-- We delete old entries into menu for module margin (pb with margin and margins)
-- VMYSQL DELETE from llx_menu where module = 'margin' and url = '/margin/index.php' and not exists (select * from llx_const where name = 'MAIN_MODULE_MARGIN' or name = 'MAIN_MODULE_MARGINS');
-- VMYSQL DELETE from llx_menu where module = 'margins' and url = '/margin/index.php' and not exists (select * from llx_const where name = 'MAIN_MODULE_MARGIN' or name = 'MAIN_MODULE_MARGINS');

ALTER TABLE llx_product_fournisseur_price DROP COLUMN fk_product_fournisseur;
ALTER TABLE llx_product_fournisseur_price DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_product_fournisseur;

-- Fix: deprecated tag to new one
update llx_opensurvey_sondage set format = 'D' where format = 'D+';
update llx_opensurvey_sondage set format = 'A' where format = 'A+';
update llx_opensurvey_sondage set tms = now();

-- ALTER TABLE llx_facture_fourn ALTER COLUMN fk_cond_reglement DROP NOT NULL;

update llx_product set barcode = null where barcode in ('', '-1', '0');
update llx_societe set barcode = null where barcode in ('', '-1', '0');

-- Sequence to removed duplicated values of llx_links. Use several times if you still have duplicate.
drop table tmp_links_double;
--select objectid, label, max(rowid) as max_rowid, count(rowid) as count_rowid from llx_links where label is not null group by objectid, label having count(rowid) >= 2;
create table tmp_links_double as (select objectid, label, max(rowid) as max_rowid, count(rowid) as count_rowid from llx_links where label is not null group by objectid, label having count(rowid) >= 2);
--select * from tmp_links_double;
delete from llx_links where (rowid, label) in (select max_rowid, label from tmp_links_double);	--update to avoid duplicate, delete to delete
drop table tmp_links_double;

-- Sequence to removed duplicated values of barcode in llx_product. Use several times if you still have duplicate.
drop table tmp_product_double;
--select barcode, max(rowid) as max_rowid, count(rowid) as count_rowid from llx_product where barcode is not null group by barcode having count(rowid) >= 2;
create table tmp_product_double as (select barcode, max(rowid) as max_rowid, count(rowid) as count_rowid from llx_product where barcode is not null group by barcode having count(rowid) >= 2);
--select * from tmp_product_double;
update llx_product set barcode = null where (rowid, barcode) in (select max_rowid, barcode from tmp_product_double);	--update to avoid duplicate, delete to delete
drop table tmp_product_double;

-- Sequence to removed duplicated values of barcode in llx_societe. Use several times if you still have duplicate.
drop table tmp_societe_double;
--select barcode, max(rowid) as max_rowid, count(rowid) as count_rowid from llx_societe where barcode is not null group by barcode having count(rowid) >= 2;
create table tmp_societe_double as (select barcode, max(rowid) as max_rowid, count(rowid) as count_rowid from llx_societe where barcode is not null group by barcode having count(rowid) >= 2);
--select * from tmp_societe_double;
update llx_societe set barcode = null where (rowid, barcode) in (select max_rowid, barcode from tmp_societe_double);
drop table tmp_societe_double;

-- Sequence to removed duplicated values of llx_accounting_account. Use several times if you still have duplicate.
drop table tmp_accounting_account_double;
--select account_number, fk_pcg_version, max(rowid) as max_rowid, count(rowid) as count_rowid from llx_accounting_account where label is not null group by account_number, fk_pcg_version having count(rowid) >= 2;
create table tmp_accounting_account_double as (select account_number, fk_pcg_version, max(rowid) as max_rowid, count(rowid) as count_rowid from llx_accounting_account where label is not null group by account_number, fk_pcg_version having count(rowid) >= 2);
--select * from tmp_accounting_account_double;
delete from llx_accounting_account where (rowid) in (select max_rowid from tmp_accounting_account_double);	--update to avoid duplicate, delete to delete
drop table tmp_accounting_account_double;

UPDATE llx_projet_task SET fk_task_parent = 0 WHERE fk_task_parent = rowid;

UPDATE llx_actioncomm set fk_user_action = fk_user_done where fk_user_done > 0 and (fk_user_action is null or fk_user_action = 0);
UPDATE llx_actioncomm set fk_user_action = fk_user_author where fk_user_author > 0 and (fk_user_action is null or fk_user_action = 0);

UPDATE llx_projet_task_time set task_datehour = task_date where task_datehour IS NULL and task_date IS NOT NULL;

UPDATE llx_projet set fk_opp_status = NULL where fk_opp_status = -1;
UPDATE llx_projet set fk_opp_status = (SELECT rowid FROM llx_c_lead_status WHERE code='PROSP') where fk_opp_status IS NULL and opp_amount > 0;
UPDATE llx_c_lead_status set code = 'WON' where code = 'WIN';

-- Requests to clean old tables or external modules tables

-- DROP TABLE llx_c_methode_commande_fournisseur;
-- DROP TABLE llx_c_source;
-- DROP TABLE llx_congespayes;
-- DROP TABLE llx_congespayes_config;
-- DROP TABLE llx_congespayes_log;
-- DROP TABLE llx_congespayes_events;
-- DROP TABLE llx_congespayes_users;
-- DROP TABLE llx_compta;
-- DROP TABLE llx_compta_compte_generaux;
-- DROP TABLE llx_compta_account;
-- DROP TABLE llx_cabinetmed*;
-- DROP TABLE llx_cond_reglement;
-- DROP TABLE llx_expedition_methode;
-- DROP TABLE llx_product_fournisseur;
-- DROP TABLE llx_element_rang;
-- DROP TABLE llx_dolicloud_customers;
-- DROP TABLE llx_dolicloud_emailstemplates;
-- DROP TABLE llx_dolicloud_stats;
-- DROP TABLE llx_submitew_message;
-- DROP TABLE llx_submitew_targets;
-- DROP TABLE llx_submitew_targets_param;
-- DROP TABLE llx_pos_cash;
-- DROP TABLE llx_pos_control_cash;
-- DROP TABLE llx_pos_facture;
-- DROP TABLE llx_pos_moviments;
-- DROP TABLE llx_pos_ticketdet;

-- To replace amount on all invoice and lines when forgetting to apply a 20% vat
-- update llx_facturedet set tva_tx = 20 where tva_tx = 0;
-- update llx_facturedet set total_ht = round(total_ttc / 1.2, 5) where total_ht = total_ttc;
-- update llx_facturedet set total_tva = total_ttc - total_ht where total_vat = 0;
-- update llx_facture set total = round(total_ttc / 1.2, 5) where total_ht = total_ttc;
-- update llx_facture set tva = total_ttc - total where tva = 0;

-- To insert elements into a category
-- Search idcategory: select rowid from llx_categorie where type=0 and ref like '%xxx%'
-- Select all products to include: select * from llx_product where ref like '%xxx%'
-- If ok, insert: insert into llx_categorie_product(fk_categorie, fk_product) select idcategory, rowid from llx_product where ref like '%xxx%'
-- List of product with a category xxx: select distinct cp.fk_product from llx_categorie_product as cp, llx_categorie as c where cp.fk_categorie = c.rowid and c.label like 'xxx-%' order by fk_product;
-- List of product into 2 categories xxx: select cp.fk_product, count(cp.fk_product) as nb from llx_categorie_product as cp, llx_categorie as c where cp.fk_categorie = c.rowid and c.label like 'xxx-%' group by fk_product having nb > 1;
-- List of product with no category xxx yet: select rowid, ref from llx_product where rowid not in (select distinct cp.fk_product from llx_categorie_product as cp, llx_categorie as c where cp.fk_categorie = c.rowid and c.label like 'xxx-%' order by fk_product);

-- Fix type of product 2 does not exists
update llx_propaldet set product_type = 1 where product_type = 2;
update llx_commandedet set product_type = 1 where product_type = 2;
update llx_facturedet set product_type = 1 where product_type = 2;
--update llx_propaldet as d set d.product_type = 1 where d.fk_product = 22 and d.product_type = 0;
--update llx_commandedet as d set d.product_type = 1 where d.fk_product = 22 and d.product_type = 0;
--update llx_facturedet as d set d.product_type = 1 where d.fk_product = 22 and d.product_type = 0;

update llx_propal set fk_statut = 1 where fk_statut = -1;

delete from llx_commande_fournisseur_dispatch where fk_commandefourndet = 0 or fk_commandefourndet IS NULL;

delete from llx_menu where menu_handler = 'smartphone';

update llx_expedition set date_valid = date_creation where fk_statut = 1 and date_valid IS NULL;

-- Detect bad consistency between duraction_effective of a task and sum of time of tasks
-- select pt.rowid, pt.duration_effective, SUM(ptt.task_duration) as y from llx_projet_task as pt, llx_projet_task_time as ptt where ptt.fk_task = pt.rowid group by pt.rowid, pt.duration_effective having pt.duration_effective <> y;
update llx_projet_task as pt set pt.duration_effective = (select SUM(ptt.task_duration) as y from llx_projet_task_time as ptt where ptt.fk_task = pt.rowid) where pt.duration_effective <> (select SUM(ptt.task_duration) as y from llx_projet_task_time as ptt where ptt.fk_task = pt.rowid);

-- Remove duplicate of shipment mode (keep the one with tracking defined)
drop table tmp_c_shipment_mode;
create table tmp_c_shipment_mode as (select code, tracking from llx_c_shipment_mode);
DELETE FROM llx_c_shipment_mode where code IN (select code from tmp_c_shipment_mode WHERE tracking is NULL OR tracking = '') AND code IN (select code from tmp_c_shipment_mode WHERE tracking is NOT NULL AND tracking != '') AND (tracking IS NULL OR tracking = '');
drop table tmp_c_shipment_mode;

-- Restore id of user on link for payment of expense report
drop table tmp_bank_url_expense_user;
create table tmp_bank_url_expense_user (select e.fk_user_author, bu2.fk_bank from llx_expensereport as e, llx_bank_url as bu2 where bu2.url_id = e.rowid and bu2.type = 'payment_expensereport');
update llx_bank_url as bu set url_id = (select e.fk_user_author from tmp_bank_url_expense_user as e where e.fk_bank = bu.fk_bank) where (bu.url_id = 0 OR bu.url_id IS NULL) and bu.type ='user';
drop table tmp_bank_url_expense_user;

-- Delete duplicate accounting account, but only if not used
DROP TABLE tmp_llx_accouting_account;
CREATE TABLE tmp_llx_accouting_account AS SELECT MIN(rowid) as MINID, account_number, entity, fk_pcg_version, count(*) AS NB FROM llx_accounting_account group BY account_number, entity, fk_pcg_version HAVING count(*) >= 2 order by account_number, entity, fk_pcg_version;
--SELECT * from tmp_llx_accouting_account;
DELETE from llx_accounting_account where rowid in (select minid from tmp_llx_accouting_account where minid NOT IN (SELECT fk_code_ventilation from llx_facturedet) AND minid NOT IN (SELECT fk_code_ventilation from llx_facture_fourn_det) AND minid NOT IN (SELECT fk_code_ventilation from llx_expensereport_det));

ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_account DROP INDEX uk_accounting_account;
ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_account ADD UNIQUE INDEX uk_accounting_account (account_number, entity, fk_pcg_version);

-- VMYSQL4.1 update llx_projet_task_time set task_datehour = task_date where task_datehour < task_date or task_datehour > DATE_ADD(task_date, interval 1 day);

-- Clean product prices
--delete from llx_product_price where date_price between '2017-04-20 06:51:00' and '2017-04-20 06:51:05'; 
-- Set product prices into llx_product with last price into llx_product_prices
--update llx_product as p set 
-- p.price = (select pp.price from llx_product_price as pp where pp.price_level = 1 and pp.fk_product = p.rowid order by pp.tms desc limit 1),
-- p.price_ttc = (select pp.price_ttc from llx_product_price as pp where pp.price_level = 1 and pp.fk_product = p.rowid order by pp.tms desc limit 1),
-- p.price_min = (select pp.price_min from llx_product_price as pp where pp.price_level = 1 and pp.fk_product = p.rowid order by pp.tms desc limit 1),
-- p.price_min_ttc = (select pp.price_min_ttc from llx_product_price as pp where pp.price_level = 1 and pp.fk_product = p.rowid order by pp.tms desc limit 1),
-- p.tva_tx = 0
-- where price = 17.5

UPDATE llx_chargesociales SET date_creation = tms WHERE date_creation IS NULL;

-- VMYSQL4.1 update llx_accounting_account set tms = datec where DATE(STR_TO_DATE(tms, '%Y-%m-%d')) IS NULL;
-- VMYSQL4.1 SET sql_mode = 'NO_ZERO_DATE';
-- VMYSQL4.1 update llx_accounting_account set tms = datec where DATE(STR_TO_DATE(tms, '%Y-%m-%d')) IS NULL;

-- VMYSQL4.1 update llx_expensereport set date_debut = date_create where DATE(STR_TO_DATE(date_debut, '%Y-%m-%d')) IS NULL;
-- VMYSQL4.1 SET sql_mode = 'NO_ZERO_DATE';
-- VMYSQL4.1 update llx_expensereport set date_debut = date_create where DATE(STR_TO_DATE(date_debut, '%Y-%m-%d')) IS NULL;

-- VMYSQL4.1 update llx_expensereport set date_fin = date_debut where DATE(STR_TO_DATE(date_fin, '%Y-%m-%d')) IS NULL;
-- VMYSQL4.1 SET sql_mode = 'NO_ZERO_DATE';
-- VMYSQL4.1 update llx_expensereport set date_fin = date_debut where DATE(STR_TO_DATE(date_fin, '%Y-%m-%d')) IS NULL;

-- VMYSQL4.1 update llx_expensereport set date_valid = date_fin where DATE(STR_TO_DATE(date_valid, '%Y-%m-%d')) IS NULL;
-- VMYSQL4.1 SET sql_mode = 'NO_ZERO_DATE';
-- VMYSQL4.1 update llx_expensereport set date_valid = date_fin where DATE(STR_TO_DATE(date_valid, '%Y-%m-%d')) IS NULL;

-- VMYSQL4.1 update llx_expensereport_det as ed set date = (select date_debut from llx_expensereport as e where ed.fk_expensereport = e.rowid) where DATE(STR_TO_DATE(date, '%Y-%m-%d')) < '1000-00-00';
-- VMYSQL4.1 SET sql_mode = 'NO_ZERO_DATE';

-- VMYSQL4.1 update llx_bank set tms = datec where DATE(STR_TO_DATE(tms, '%Y-%m-%d')) IS NULL;
-- VMYSQL4.1 SET sql_mode = 'NO_ZERO_DATE';
-- VMYSQL4.1 update llx_bank set tms = datec where DATE(STR_TO_DATE(tms, '%Y-%m-%d')) IS NULL;

-- VMYSQL4.1 update llx_opensurvey_sondage set tms = date_fin where DATE(STR_TO_DATE(tms, '%Y-%m-%d')) IS NULL;
-- VMYSQL4.1 SET sql_mode = 'NO_ZERO_DATE';
-- VMYSQL4.1 update llx_opensurvey_sondage set tms = date_fin where DATE(STR_TO_DATE(tms, '%Y-%m-%d')) IS NULL;

-- VMYSQL4.1 update llx_facture_fourn set date_lim_reglement = null where DATE(STR_TO_DATE(date_lim_reglement, '%Y-%m-%d')) IS NULL;
-- VMYSQL4.1 SET sql_mode = 'NO_ZERO_DATE';
-- VMYSQL4.1 update llx_facture_fourn set date_lim_reglement = null where DATE(STR_TO_DATE(date_lim_reglement, '%Y-%m-%d')) IS NULL;

-- Backport a change of value into the hourly rate. 
-- update llx_projet_task_time as ptt set ptt.thm = (SELECT thm from llx_user as u where ptt.fk_user = u.rowid) where (ptt.thm is null)

-- select * from llx_facturedet as fd, llx_product as p where fd.fk_product = p.rowid AND fd.product_type != p.fk_product_type;
update llx_facturedet set product_type = 0 where product_type = 1 AND fk_product > 0 AND fk_product IN (SELECT rowid FROM llx_product WHERE fk_product_type = 0);
update llx_facturedet set product_type = 1 where product_type = 0 AND fk_product > 0 AND fk_product IN (SELECT rowid FROM llx_product WHERE fk_product_type = 1);

update llx_facture_fourn_det set product_type = 0 where product_type = 1 AND fk_product > 0 AND fk_product IN (SELECT rowid FROM llx_product WHERE fk_product_type = 0);
update llx_facture_fourn_det set product_type = 1 where product_type = 0 AND fk_product > 0 AND fk_product IN (SELECT rowid FROM llx_product WHERE fk_product_type = 1);
UPDATE llx_accounting_bookkeeping set date_creation = tms where date_creation IS NULL;

-- UPDATE llx_contratdet set label = NULL WHERE label IS NOT NULL;
-- UPDATE llx_facturedet_rec set label = NULL WHERE label IS NOT NULL;

-- Note to migrate from old counter aquarium to new one
-- drop table tmp;
-- create table tmp select rowid, code_client, concat(substr(code_client, 1, 6),'-0',substr(code_client, 8, 5)) as code_client2 from llx_societe where code_client like 'CU____-____';
-- update llx_societe as s set code_client = (select code_client2 from tmp as t where t.rowid = s.rowid) where code_client like 'CU____-____';
-- drop table tmp;
-- create table tmp select rowid, code_fournisseur, concat(substr(code_fournisseur, 1, 6),'-0',substr(code_fournisseur, 8, 5)) as code_fournisseur2 from llx_societe where code_fournisseur like 'SU____-____';
-- select * from tmp;
-- update llx_societe as s set s.code_fournisseur = (select code_fournisseur2 from tmp as t where t.rowid = s.rowid) where s.code_fournisseur like 'SU____-____';
-- update llx_societe set code_compta =  concat('411', substr(code_client, 3, 2),substr(code_client, 8, 5)) where client in (1,2,3) and code_compte is not null;
-- update llx_societe set code_compta_fournisseur =  concat('401', substr(code_fournisseur, 3, 2),substr(code_fournisseur, 8, 5)) where fournisseur in (1,2,3) and code_fournisseur is not null;