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/* Copyright (C) 2012       Regis Houssin       <regis.houssin@inodbox.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2012       Cédric Salvador     <csalvador@gpcsolutions.fr>
 * Copyright (C) 2012-2014  Raphaël Doursenaud  <rdoursenaud@gpcsolutions.fr>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 *       \file       htdocs/core/class/commoninvoice.class.php
 *       \ingroup    core
 *       \brief      File of the superclass of invoices classes (customer and supplier)

require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT .'/core/class/commonobject.class.php';

 * 	Superclass for invoices classes
abstract class CommonInvoice extends CommonObject
     * Standard invoice
    const TYPE_STANDARD = 0;

     * Replacement invoice
    const TYPE_REPLACEMENT = 1;

     * Credit note invoice
    const TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE = 2;

     * Deposit invoice
    const TYPE_DEPOSIT = 3;

     * Proforma invoice.
     * @deprectad Remove this. A "proforma invoice" is an order with a look of invoice, not an invoice !
    const TYPE_PROFORMA = 4;

     * Situation invoice
    const TYPE_SITUATION = 5;

	 * Draft status
	const STATUS_DRAFT = 0;

	 * Validated (need to be paid)

	 * Classified paid.
	 * If paid partially, $this->close_code can be:
	 * If paid completelly, this->close_code will be null
	const STATUS_CLOSED = 2;

	 * Classified abandoned and no payment done.
	 * $this->close_code can be:

	 * 	Return remain amount to pay. Property ->id and ->total_ttc must be set.
	 *  This does not include open direct debit requests.
	 *  @param 		int 	$multicurrency 	Return multicurrency_amount instead of amount
	 *	@return		double						Remain of amount to pay
	public function getRemainToPay($multicurrency = 0)
    	return $this->total_ttc - $alreadypaid;

	 * 	Return amount of payments already done
	 *  @param 		int 	$multicurrency 	Return multicurrency_amount instead of amount
	 *	@return		int						Amount of payment already done, <0 if KO
	public function getSommePaiement($multicurrency = 0)
		if ($this->element == 'facture_fourn' || $this->element == 'invoice_supplier')

		$sql = 'SELECT sum(amount) as amount, sum(multicurrency_amount) as multicurrency_amount';
		$sql.= ' FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.$table;
		$sql.= ' WHERE '.$field.' = '.$this->id;

		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::getSommePaiement", LOG_DEBUG);
		if ($resql)
			$obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql);
			if ($multicurrency) return $obj->multicurrency_amount;
			else return $obj->amount;
			return -1;

	 *    	Return amount (with tax) of all deposits invoices used by invoice.
     *      Should always be empty, except if option FACTURE_DEPOSITS_ARE_JUST_PAYMENTS is on (not recommended).
	 * 		@param 		int 	$multicurrency 	Return multicurrency_amount instead of amount
	 *		@return		int						<0 if KO, Sum of deposits amount otherwise
	public function getSumDepositsUsed($multicurrency = 0)
		if ($this->element == 'facture_fourn' || $this->element == 'invoice_supplier')
	        // TODO
	       return 0;

	    require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/discount.class.php';

	    $discountstatic=new DiscountAbsolute($this->db);
	    $result=$discountstatic->getSumDepositsUsed($this, $multicurrency);
	    if ($result >= 0)
	        return $result;
	        return -1;

	 *    	Return amount (with tax) of all credit notes invoices + excess received used by invoice
	 * 		@param 		int 	$multicurrency 	Return multicurrency_amount instead of amount
	 *		@return		int						<0 if KO, Sum of credit notes and deposits amount otherwise
	public function getSumCreditNotesUsed($multicurrency = 0)
	    require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/discount.class.php';

	    $discountstatic=new DiscountAbsolute($this->db);
	    $result=$discountstatic->getSumCreditNotesUsed($this, $multicurrency);
	    if ($result >= 0)
	        return $result;
	        return -1;

	 *    	Return amount (with tax) of all converted amount for this credit note
	 * 		@param 		int 	$multicurrency 	Return multicurrency_amount instead of amount
	 *		@return		int						<0 if KO, Sum of credit notes and deposits amount otherwise
	public function getSumFromThisCreditNotesNotUsed($multicurrency = 0)
	    require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/class/discount.class.php';

	    $discountstatic=new DiscountAbsolute($this->db);
	    $result=$discountstatic->getSumFromThisCreditNotesNotUsed($this, $multicurrency);
	    if ($result >= 0)
	        return $result;
	        return -1;

	 *	Renvoie tableau des ids de facture avoir issus de la facture
	 *	@return		array		Tableau d'id de factures avoirs
	public function getListIdAvoirFromInvoice()

		$sql = 'SELECT rowid';
		$sql.= ' FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.$this->table_element;
		$sql.= ' WHERE fk_facture_source = '.$this->id;
		$sql.= ' AND type = 2';
		if ($resql)
			$num = $this->db->num_rows($resql);
			$i = 0;
			while ($i < $num)
				$row = $this->db->fetch_row($resql);
		return $idarray;

	 *	Renvoie l'id de la facture qui la remplace
	 *	@param		string	$option		filtre sur statut ('', 'validated', ...)
	 *	@return		int					<0 si KO, 0 si aucune facture ne remplace, id facture sinon
	public function getIdReplacingInvoice($option = '')
		$sql = 'SELECT rowid';
		$sql.= ' FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.$this->table_element;
		$sql.= ' WHERE fk_facture_source = '.$this->id;
		$sql.= ' AND type < 2';
		if ($option == 'validated') $sql.= ' AND fk_statut = 1';
		// Au cas ou base corrompue et qu'il y a une facture de remplacement validee
		// et une autre non, on donne priorite a la validee.
		// Ne devrait pas arriver (sauf si acces concurrentiel et que 2 personnes
		// ont cree en meme temps une facture de remplacement pour la meme facture)
		$sql.= ' ORDER BY fk_statut DESC';

		if ($resql)
			$obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql);
			if ($obj)
				// Si il y en a
				return $obj->rowid;
				// Si aucune facture ne remplace
				return 0;
			return -1;

	 *  Return list of payments
	 *	@param		string	$filtertype		1 to filter on type of payment == 'PRE'
	 *  @return     array					Array with list of payments
	public function getListOfPayments($filtertype = '')

		if ($this->element == 'facture_fourn' || $this->element == 'invoice_supplier')

		$sql = 'SELECT p.ref, pf.amount, pf.multicurrency_amount, p.fk_paiement, p.datep, p.num_paiement as num, t.code';
		$sql.= ' FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.$table.' as pf, '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.$table2.' as p, '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'c_paiement as t';
		$sql.= ' WHERE pf.'.$field.' = '.$this->id;
		//$sql.= ' WHERE pf.'.$field.' = 1';
		$sql.= ' AND pf.'.$field2.' = p.rowid';
		$sql.= ' AND p.fk_paiement = t.id';
		$sql.= ' AND p.entity IN (' . getEntity($sharedentity).')';
		if ($filtertype) $sql.=" AND t.code='PRE'";

		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::getListOfPayments", LOG_DEBUG);
		if ($resql)
			$num = $this->db->num_rows($resql);
			while ($i < $num)
				$obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql);
				$retarray[]=array('amount'=>$obj->amount,'type'=>$obj->code, 'date'=>$obj->datep, 'num'=>$obj->num, 'ref'=>$obj->ref);
			return $retarray;
			return array();

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
	 *  Return if an invoice can be deleted
	 *	Rule is:
	 *  If invoice is draft and has a temporary ref -> yes (1)
	 *  If hidden option INVOICE_CAN_NEVER_BE_REMOVED is on -> no (0)
	 *  If invoice is dispatched in bookkeeping -> no (-1)
	 *  If invoice has a definitive ref, is not last and INVOICE_CAN_ALWAYS_BE_REMOVED off -> no (-2)
	 *  If invoice not last in a cycle -> no (-3)
	 *  If there is payment -> no (-4)
	 *  Otherwise -> yes (2)
	 *  @return    int         <=0 if no, >0 if yes
    public function is_erasable()
        // phpcs:enable
		global $conf;

		// We check if invoice is a temporary number (PROVxxxx)
		$tmppart = substr($this->ref, 1, 4);

		if ($this->statut == self::STATUS_DRAFT && $tmppart === 'PROV') // If draft invoice and ref not yet defined
			return 1;

		if (! empty($conf->global->INVOICE_CAN_NEVER_BE_REMOVED)) return 0;

		// If not a draft invoice and not temporary invoice
		if ($tmppart !== 'PROV')
			$ventilExportCompta = $this->getVentilExportCompta();
			if ($ventilExportCompta != 0) return -1;

			// Get last number of validated invoice
			if ($this->element != 'invoice_supplier')
				if (empty($this->thirdparty)) $this->fetch_thirdparty();	// We need to have this->thirdparty defined, in case of numbering rule use tags that depend on thirdparty (like {t} tag).
				$maxref = $this->getNextNumRef($this->thirdparty, 'last');

				// If there is no invoice into the reset range and not already dispatched, we can delete
				// If invoice to delete is last one and not already dispatched, we can delete
				if (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_CAN_ALWAYS_BE_REMOVED) && $maxref != '' && $maxref != $this->ref) return -2;

				// TODO If there is payment in bookkeeping, check payment is not dispatched in accounting
				// ...

				if ($this->situation_cycle_ref && method_exists($this, 'is_last_in_cycle'))
					$last = $this->is_last_in_cycle();
					if (! $last) return -3;

		// Test if there is at least one payment. If yes, refuse to delete.
		if (empty($conf->global->INVOICE_CAN_ALWAYS_BE_REMOVED) && $this->getSommePaiement() > 0) return -4;

		return 2;

	 *	Return if an invoice was dispatched into bookkeeping
	 *	@return     int         <0 if KO, 0=no, 1=yes
	public function getVentilExportCompta()
		$alreadydispatched = 0;

		$type = 'customer_invoice';
		if ($this->element == 'invoice_supplier') $type = 'supplier_invoice';

		$sql = " SELECT COUNT(ab.rowid) as nb FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."accounting_bookkeeping as ab WHERE ab.doc_type='".$type."' AND ab.fk_doc = ".$this->id;
		$resql = $this->db->query($sql);
		if ($resql)
			$obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resql);
			if ($obj)
				$alreadydispatched = $obj->nb;
			$this->error = $this->db->lasterror();
			return -1;

		if ($alreadydispatched)
			return 1;
		return 0;

	 *	Return label of type of invoice
	 *	@return     string        Label of type of invoice
    public function getLibType()
		global $langs;
        if ($this->type == CommonInvoice::TYPE_STANDARD) return $langs->trans("InvoiceStandard");
        elseif ($this->type == CommonInvoice::TYPE_REPLACEMENT) return $langs->trans("InvoiceReplacement");
        elseif ($this->type == CommonInvoice::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) return $langs->trans("InvoiceAvoir");
        elseif ($this->type == CommonInvoice::TYPE_DEPOSIT) return $langs->trans("InvoiceDeposit");
        elseif ($this->type == CommonInvoice::TYPE_PROFORMA) return $langs->trans("InvoiceProForma");           // Not used.
        elseif ($this->type == CommonInvoice::TYPE_SITUATION) return $langs->trans("InvoiceSituation");
		return $langs->trans("Unknown");

	 *  Return label of object status
	 *  @param      int		$mode			0=long label, 1=short label, 2=Picto + short label, 3=Picto, 4=Picto + long label, 5=short label + picto, 6=Long label + picto
	 *  @param      integer	$alreadypaid    0=No payment already done, >0=Some payments were already done (we recommand to put here amount payed if you have it, 1 otherwise)
	 *  @return     string			        Label of status
	public function getLibStatut($mode = 0, $alreadypaid = -1)
		return $this->LibStatut($this->paye, $this->statut, $mode, $alreadypaid, $this->type);

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
	 *	Return label of a status
	 *	@param    	int  	$paye          	Status field paye
	 *	@param      int		$status        	Id status
	 *	@param      int		$mode          	0=long label, 1=short label, 2=Picto + short label, 3=Picto, 4=Picto + long label, 5=short label + picto, 6=long label + picto
	 *	@param		integer	$alreadypaid	0=No payment already done, >0=Some payments were already done (we recommand to put here amount payed if you have it, -1 otherwise)
	 *	@param		int		$type			Type invoice
	 *	@return     string        			Label of status
	public function LibStatut($paye, $status, $mode = 0, $alreadypaid = -1, $type = 0)
        // phpcs:enable
		global $langs;

		if (! $paye){
		    if ($status == 0) {
		        $labelstatut = $langs->trans('BillStatusDraft');
		        $labelstatutShort = $langs->trans('Bill'.$prefix.'StatusDraft');
		    elseif (($status == 3 || $status == 2) && $alreadypaid <= 0) {
		        $labelstatut = $langs->trans('BillStatusClosedUnpaid');
		        $labelstatutShort = $langs->trans('Bill'.$prefix.'StatusClosedUnpaid');
		    elseif (($status == 3 || $status == 2) && $alreadypaid > 0) {
		        $labelstatut = $langs->trans('BillStatusClosedPaidPartially');
		        $labelstatutShort = $langs->trans('Bill'.$prefix.'StatusClosedPaidPartially');
		    elseif ($alreadypaid <= 0) {
		        $labelstatut = $langs->trans('BillStatusNotPaid');
		        $labelstatutShort = $langs->trans('Bill'.$prefix.'StatusNotPaid');
		    else {
		        $labelstatut = $langs->trans('BillStatusStarted');
		        $labelstatutShort = $langs->trans('Bill'.$prefix.'StatusStarted');

		    if ($type == self::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE){
		        $labelstatut = $langs->trans('BillStatusPaidBackOrConverted');       // credit note
		        $labelstatutShort = $langs->trans('Bill'.$prefix.'StatusPaidBackOrConverted');       // credit note
		    elseif ($type == self::TYPE_DEPOSIT){
		        $labelstatut = $langs->trans('BillStatusConverted');             // deposit invoice
		        $labelstatutShort = $langs->trans('Bill'.$prefix.'StatusConverted');             // deposit invoice
		        $labelstatut = $langs->trans('BillStatusPaid');
		        $labelstatutShort = $langs->trans('Bill'.$prefix.'StatusPaid');

		return dolGetStatus($labelstatut, $labelstatutShort, '', $statusType, $mode);

    // phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
	 *	Renvoi une date limite de reglement de facture en fonction des
	 *	conditions de reglements de la facture et date de facturation.
	 *	@param      integer	$cond_reglement   	Condition of payment (code or id) to use. If 0, we use current condition.
	 *  @return     integer    			       	Date limite de reglement si ok, <0 si ko
    public function calculate_date_lim_reglement($cond_reglement = 0)
        // phpcs:enable
		if (! $cond_reglement) $cond_reglement=$this->cond_reglement_code;
		if (! $cond_reglement) $cond_reglement=$this->cond_reglement_id;


		$sqltemp = 'SELECT c.type_cdr, c.nbjour, c.decalage';
		$sqltemp.= ' FROM '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'c_payment_term as c';
		if (is_numeric($cond_reglement)) $sqltemp.= " WHERE c.rowid=".$cond_reglement;
		else {
			$sqltemp.= " WHERE c.entity IN (".getEntity('c_payment_term').")";
			$sqltemp.= " AND c.code='".$this->db->escape($cond_reglement)."'";

		dol_syslog(get_class($this).'::calculate_date_lim_reglement', LOG_DEBUG);
		if ($resqltemp)
			if ($this->db->num_rows($resqltemp))
				$obj = $this->db->fetch_object($resqltemp);
				$cdr_nbjour = $obj->nbjour;
				$cdr_type = $obj->type_cdr;
				$cdr_decalage = $obj->decalage;
			return -1;

		/* Definition de la date limite */

		// 0 : ajout du nombre de jours
		if ($cdr_type == 0)
			$datelim = $this->date + ($cdr_nbjour * 3600 * 24);

			$datelim += ($cdr_decalage * 3600 * 24);
		// 1 : application de la regle "fin de mois"
		elseif ($cdr_type == 1)
			$datelim = $this->date + ($cdr_nbjour * 3600 * 24);

			$mois=date('m', $datelim);
			$annee=date('Y', $datelim);
			if ($mois == 12)
				$mois = 1;
				$annee += 1;
				$mois += 1;
			// On se deplace au debut du mois suivant, et on retire un jour
			$datelim=dol_mktime(12, 0, 0, $mois, 1, $annee);
			$datelim -= (3600 * 24);

			$datelim += ($cdr_decalage * 3600 * 24);
		// 2 : application de la règle, le N du mois courant ou suivant
		elseif ($cdr_type == 2 && !empty($cdr_decalage))
		    include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/date.lib.php';
			$datelim = $this->date + ($cdr_nbjour * 3600 * 24);

			$date_piece = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', $datelim), date('d', $datelim), date('Y', $datelim)); // Sans les heures minutes et secondes
			$date_lim_current = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', $datelim), $cdr_decalage, date('Y', $datelim)); // Sans les heures minutes et secondes
			$date_lim_next = dol_time_plus_duree($date_lim_current, 1, 'm');	// Add 1 month

			$diff = $date_piece - $date_lim_current;

			if ($diff < 0) $datelim = $date_lim_current;
			else $datelim = $date_lim_next;
		else return 'Bad value for type_cdr in database for record cond_reglement = '.$cond_reglement;

		return $datelim;

require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT .'/core/class/commonobjectline.class.php';

 *	Parent class of all other business classes for details of elements (invoices, contracts, proposals, orders, ...)
abstract class CommonInvoiceLine extends CommonObjectLine
	 * Quantity
	 * @var double
	public $qty;

	 * Unit price before taxes
	 * @var float
	public $subprice;

	 * Type of the product. 0 for product 1 for service
	 * @var int
	public $product_type = 0;

	 * Id of corresponding product
	 * @var int
	public $fk_product;

	 * VAT code
	 * @var string
	public $vat_src_code;

	 * VAT %
	 * @var float
	public $tva_tx;

	 * Local tax 1 %
	 * @var float
	public $localtax1_tx;

	 * Local tax 2 %
	 * @var float
	public $localtax2_tx;

	 * Percent of discount
	 * @var float
	public $remise_percent;

	 * Total amount before taxes
	 * @var float
	public $total_ht;

	 * Total VAT amount
	 * @var float
	public $total_tva;

	 * Total local tax 1 amount
	 * @var float
	public $total_localtax1;

	 * Total local tax 2 amount
	 * @var float
	public $total_localtax2;

	 * Total amount with taxes
	 * @var float
	public $total_ttc;

	 * Liste d'options cumulables:
	 * Bit 0:	0 si TVA normal - 1 si TVA NPR
	 * Bit 1:	0 si ligne normal - 1 si bit discount (link to line into llx_remise_except)
	 * @var int
	public $info_bits = 0;

	 *  Constructor
	 *  @param	DoliDB		$db		Database handler
	public function __construct(DoliDB $db)
		$this->db = $db;