
Your IP :

Current Path : /home/s/c/g/scgforma/www/cloud/core/doc/admin/_sources/configuration_server/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/s/c/g/scgforma/www/cloud/core/doc/admin/_sources/configuration_server/external_sites.txt

Linking external sites

You can embed external websites or documents inside your Nextcloud pages with the External
sites app, as this screenshot shows.

.. figure:: ../images/external-sites-1.png
   :scale: 70%

   *Click to enlarge*

This is useful for quick access to important pages such as the
Nextcloud manuals and informational pages for your company, and for presenting 
external pages inside your custom Nextcloud branding, if you use your own custom 

The External sites app can be easily installed from the app store. Go to **Settings > Apps >
Customization** to enable it. Then go to your Nextcloud **Settings > Administration > External sites** to create your
links, which are saved automatically.

Each link can have a unique icon, which can be uploaded in the admin settings.
If you select a language, the link will only be displayed for users with the selected language.
This allows you to have different documentation links for users depending on their language.

It is also possible to add links for a special device (recognized by the user agent).
Currently the following options are available: All devices, Android app, iOS app, Desktop client and all others (Browsers).

Starting with Nextcloud 13, it is also possible to add links only for members of a given group.

.. figure:: ../images/external-sites-2.png
   :scale: 50%

   *Click to enlarge*

The links appear in the Nextcloud menu on the top or in the settings menu, after
reloading the page.

.. figure:: ../images/external-sites-3.png

Configurations preventing embedding

Your links may or may not work correctly due to the various ways that Web 
browsers and Web sites handle HTTP and HTTPS URLs, and because the External 
Sites app embeds external links in IFrames. Modern Web browsers try very hard 
to protect Web surfers from dangerous links, and safety apps like 
`Privacy Badger <https://www.eff.org/privacybadger>`_ and ad-blockers may block 
embedded pages. It is strongly recommended to enforce HTTPS on your Nextcloud 
server; do not weaken this, or any of your security tools, just to make 
embedded Web pages work. After all, you can freely access them outside of 

Most Web sites that offer login functionalities use the ``X-Frame-Options`` or 
``Content-Security-Policy`` HTTP header which instructs browsers to not 
allow their pages to be embedded for security reasons (e.g. "Clickjacking"). You 
can usually verify the reason why embedding the website is not possible by using 
your browser's console tool. For example, this page has an invalid SSL 

.. figure:: ../images/external-sites-4.png

On this page, X-Frame-Options prevents the embedding.

.. figure:: ../images/external-sites-5.png

**New:** With Nextcloud 13 a redirect option was added, so such websites can still be added for quick access.
Instead of embedding the website the user will be redirected to it instead.